Mr.OppS Posted May 6, 2017 Share Posted May 6, 2017 السلام عليكم شباب ابي مساعدة , هذا مود اختيار الاسلحة ! حق العـقـرب مـن تـمـوت تطـلـع الوحـة و تختار الاسلحة !! اريد الوحة تطلع في العالم الوهمي 20 و مكان اخر يعني Dimension 20 Interior 10 فقط ^^ في هذة الاماكن تطلع الوحة !! مساعدة رجاء اذا انت Dimension 1 Interior 0 لا تطلع الوحة !! رجاء احد يساعدني وشكراً الكود1 -- Weapon Choose By Al3grab ----- lp = getLocalPlayer() rRoot = getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()) ----- addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart",rRoot,function() triggerServerEvent("getData",lp,lp) outputDebugString("Weapon Choose By Al3grab | Started") end ) addEvent("sendData",true) addEventHandler("sendData",root,function(small,med,misc) if small and med and misc then smallGuns = small mediumGuns = med miscGuns = misc WCW = guiCreateWindow(367,244,570,233,"Please Choose Weapon",false) guiSetVisible (WCW, false) guiWindowSetSizable(WCW,false) guiWindowSetMovable(WCW,false) --- Center Window --- local screenW,screenH=guiGetScreenSize() local windowW,windowH=guiGetSize(WCW,false) local x,y = (screenW-windowW)/2,(screenH-windowH)/2 guiSetPosition(WCW,x,y,false) ----- Center Window ----- ButOK = guiCreateButton(18,207,256,19,"OK",false,WCW) ButC = guiCreateButton(290,207,256,19,"Cancel",false,WCW) guiBringToFront(ButC) guiBringToFront(ButOK) WCSmallGuns = guiCreateGridList(18,54,169,148,false,WCW) guiGridListSetSelectionMode(WCSmallGuns,0) local columnSG = guiGridListAddColumn( WCSmallGuns, "Small Guns", 0.55 ) local ammoSG = guiGridListAddColumn( WCSmallGuns, "Ammo", 0.20 ) if ( columnSG ) then for k,v in ipairs (smallGuns) do local jSG = guiGridListAddRow ( WCSmallGuns ) guiGridListSetItemText ( WCSmallGuns, jSG, columnSG,getWeaponNameFromID(v[1]), false, false ) guiGridListSetItemText ( WCSmallGuns, jSG, ammoSG,v[2], false, true ) end end ------- WCMGuns = guiCreateGridList(198,53,169,148,false,WCW) guiGridListSetSelectionMode(WCMGuns,0) local columnMG = guiGridListAddColumn( WCMGuns, "Medium Guns", 0.55 ) local ammoMG = guiGridListAddColumn( WCMGuns, "Ammo", 0.20 ) if ( columnMG ) then for k,v in ipairs (mediumGuns) do local jSG = guiGridListAddRow ( WCMGuns ) guiGridListSetItemText ( WCMGuns, jSG, columnMG,getWeaponNameFromID(v[1]), false, false ) guiGridListSetItemText ( WCMGuns, jSG, ammoMG,v[2], false, true ) end end ------- WCMiscGuns = guiCreateGridList(378,52,169,148,false,WCW) guiGridListSetSelectionMode(WCMiscGuns,0) local columnMSG = guiGridListAddColumn( WCMiscGuns, "Misc. Guns", 0.55 ) local ammoMSG = guiGridListAddColumn( WCMiscGuns, "Ammo", 0.20 ) if ( columnMSG ) then for k,v in ipairs (miscGuns) do local jSG = guiGridListAddRow ( WCMiscGuns ) guiGridListSetItemText ( WCMiscGuns, jSG, columnMSG,getWeaponNameFromID(v[1]), false, false ) guiGridListSetItemText ( WCMiscGuns, jSG, ammoMSG,v[2], false, true ) end end function ShowWC() getVisible = guiGetVisible (WCW) if (getVisible == true) then guiSetVisible (WCW , false) guiSetVisible (ButOK , false) guiSetVisible (ButC , false) showCursor (false) end if (getVisible == false) then guiSetVisible (WCW , true) guiSetVisible (ButOK , true) guiSetVisible (ButC , true) showCursor (true) end end addEvent("ShowWC",true) addEventHandler("ShowWC",root,ShowWC) --- On Click --- function onClick (button, state, absoluteX, absoluteY) if ( source == ButOK ) then -- if the button is OK triggerServerEvent("TakeAll",lp,lp) ------- Small wep = guiGridListGetItemText (WCSmallGuns, guiGridListGetSelectedItem (WCSmallGuns), 1) ammo = guiGridListGetItemText (WCSmallGuns, guiGridListGetSelectedItem (WCSmallGuns), 2) if wep and ammo then triggerServerEvent("GiveGun",lp,lp,getWeaponIDFromName(wep),ammo) end --- Medium wep = guiGridListGetItemText (WCMGuns, guiGridListGetSelectedItem (WCMGuns), 1) ammo = guiGridListGetItemText (WCMGuns, guiGridListGetSelectedItem (WCMGuns), 2) if wep and ammo then triggerServerEvent("GiveGun",lp,lp,getWeaponIDFromName(wep),ammo) end --- Misc wep = guiGridListGetItemText (WCMiscGuns, guiGridListGetSelectedItem (WCMiscGuns), 1) ammo = guiGridListGetItemText (WCMiscGuns, guiGridListGetSelectedItem (WCMiscGuns), 2) if wep and ammo then triggerServerEvent("GiveGun",lp,lp,getWeaponIDFromName(wep),ammo) end --- Hide ShowWC() ------- elseif ( source == ButC ) then -- if the button is cancel ShowWC() ------- end end addEventHandler ("onClientGUIClick", getRootElement(), onClick) --- On Click --- end end ) setTimer(fileDelete,1000,1,"WC-C.lua") كود 2 -- Weapon Choose By Al3grab function getData(to) -- get the weapons data and send them to the client who requested it [to] local file = xmlLoadFile("data.xml") small = {} med = {} misc = {} if file then for k,v in ipairs (xmlNodeGetChildren(xmlFindChild(file,"SmallGuns",0)))do local id = xmlNodeGetAttribute(v,"id") local ammo = xmlNodeGetAttribute(v,"ammo") table.insert(small, {id,ammo}) end for k,v in ipairs (xmlNodeGetChildren(xmlFindChild(file,"MediumGuns",0)))do local id = xmlNodeGetAttribute(v,"id") local ammo = xmlNodeGetAttribute(v,"ammo") table.insert(med, {id,ammo}) end for k,v in ipairs (xmlNodeGetChildren(xmlFindChild(file,"MiscGuns",0)))do local id = xmlNodeGetAttribute(v,"id") local ammo = xmlNodeGetAttribute(v,"ammo") table.insert(misc, {id,ammo}) end end triggerClientEvent(to,"sendData",to,small,med,misc) -- sending to client event end addEvent("getData",true) addEventHandler("getData",root,getData) function TakeAll( Player ) takeAllWeapons(Player) end addEvent("TakeAll",true) addEventHandler("TakeAll",getRootElement(),TakeAll) function GiveGun( Player , Gun , Ammo ) if Gun and Ammo then giveWeapon(Player, Gun,Ammo) setPedWeaponSlot(Player, getSlotFromWeapon(Gun)) end end addEvent("GiveGun",true) addEventHandler("GiveGun",getRootElement(),GiveGun) function ShowWC(Player) triggerClientEvent(Player,"ShowWC",Player) end addEventHandler("onPlayerSpawn",root,function() ShowWC(source) -- show the weapon choose list addCommandHandler("gun",function(plr) ShowWC(plr) end ) -- add command handler to open the window setTimer(removeCommandHandler,1 * 60 * 1000 ,1, "gun") --- remove the command after 1 minute end) Link to comment
#BrosS Posted May 6, 2017 Share Posted May 6, 2017 if getElementDimension(source) == 11 then ضيفه بالتريقر اللي يتصل باللوحة - سيرفر Link to comment
Mr.OppS Posted May 6, 2017 Author Share Posted May 6, 2017 7 minutes ago, #BrosS said: if getElementDimension(source) == 11 then ضيفه بالتريقر اللي يتصل باللوحة - سيرفر ويـن Link to comment
Master_MTA Posted May 6, 2017 Share Posted May 6, 2017 سطر 77 بملف الكلنت ظيف if getElementDimension(localPlayer) ~= 11 then return end Link to comment
Mr.OppS Posted May 6, 2017 Author Share Posted May 6, 2017 8 hours ago, Master_MTA said: سطر 77 بملف الكلنت ظيف if getElementDimension(localPlayer) ~= 11 then return end ملف الـكـلـيـنـت 53 سطر ! ض Link to comment
Dr.Marco Posted May 6, 2017 Share Posted May 6, 2017 (edited) -- Weapon Choose By Al3grab ----- lp = getLocalPlayer() rRoot = getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()) ----- addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart",rRoot,function() triggerServerEvent("getData",lp,lp) outputDebugString("Weapon Choose By Al3grab | Started") end ) addEvent("sendData",true) addEventHandler("sendData",root,function(small,med,misc) if small and med and misc then smallGuns = small mediumGuns = med miscGuns = misc WCW = guiCreateWindow(367,244,570,233,"Please Choose Weapon",false) guiSetVisible (WCW, false) guiWindowSetSizable(WCW,false) guiWindowSetMovable(WCW,false) --- Center Window --- local screenW,screenH=guiGetScreenSize() local windowW,windowH=guiGetSize(WCW,false) local x,y = (screenW-windowW)/2,(screenH-windowH)/2 guiSetPosition(WCW,x,y,false) ----- Center Window ----- ButOK = guiCreateButton(18,207,256,19,"OK",false,WCW) ButC = guiCreateButton(290,207,256,19,"Cancel",false,WCW) guiBringToFront(ButC) guiBringToFront(ButOK) WCSmallGuns = guiCreateGridList(18,54,169,148,false,WCW) guiGridListSetSelectionMode(WCSmallGuns,0) local columnSG = guiGridListAddColumn( WCSmallGuns, "Small Guns", 0.55 ) local ammoSG = guiGridListAddColumn( WCSmallGuns, "Ammo", 0.20 ) if ( columnSG ) then for k,v in ipairs (smallGuns) do local jSG = guiGridListAddRow ( WCSmallGuns ) guiGridListSetItemText ( WCSmallGuns, jSG, columnSG,getWeaponNameFromID(v[1]), false, false ) guiGridListSetItemText ( WCSmallGuns, jSG, ammoSG,v[2], false, true ) end end ------- WCMGuns = guiCreateGridList(198,53,169,148,false,WCW) guiGridListSetSelectionMode(WCMGuns,0) local columnMG = guiGridListAddColumn( WCMGuns, "Medium Guns", 0.55 ) local ammoMG = guiGridListAddColumn( WCMGuns, "Ammo", 0.20 ) if ( columnMG ) then for k,v in ipairs (mediumGuns) do local jSG = guiGridListAddRow ( WCMGuns ) guiGridListSetItemText ( WCMGuns, jSG, columnMG,getWeaponNameFromID(v[1]), false, false ) guiGridListSetItemText ( WCMGuns, jSG, ammoMG,v[2], false, true ) end end ------- WCMiscGuns = guiCreateGridList(378,52,169,148,false,WCW) guiGridListSetSelectionMode(WCMiscGuns,0) local columnMSG = guiGridListAddColumn( WCMiscGuns, "Misc. Guns", 0.55 ) local ammoMSG = guiGridListAddColumn( WCMiscGuns, "Ammo", 0.20 ) if ( columnMSG ) then for k,v in ipairs (miscGuns) do local jSG = guiGridListAddRow ( WCMiscGuns ) guiGridListSetItemText ( WCMiscGuns, jSG, columnMSG,getWeaponNameFromID(v[1]), false, false ) guiGridListSetItemText ( WCMiscGuns, jSG, ammoMSG,v[2], false, true ) end end if getElementDimension(localPlayer) ~= 11 then return end function ShowWC() getVisible = guiGetVisible (WCW) if (getVisible == true) then guiSetVisible (WCW , false) guiSetVisible (ButOK , false) guiSetVisible (ButC , false) showCursor (false) end if (getVisible == false) then guiSetVisible (WCW , true) guiSetVisible (ButOK , true) guiSetVisible (ButC , true) showCursor (true) end end addEvent("ShowWC",true) addEventHandler("ShowWC",root,ShowWC) --- On Click --- function onClick (button, state, absoluteX, absoluteY) if ( source == ButOK ) then -- if the button is OK triggerServerEvent("TakeAll",lp,lp) ------- Small wep = guiGridListGetItemText (WCSmallGuns, guiGridListGetSelectedItem (WCSmallGuns), 1) ammo = guiGridListGetItemText (WCSmallGuns, guiGridListGetSelectedItem (WCSmallGuns), 2) if wep and ammo then triggerServerEvent("GiveGun",lp,lp,getWeaponIDFromName(wep),ammo) end --- Medium wep = guiGridListGetItemText (WCMGuns, guiGridListGetSelectedItem (WCMGuns), 1) ammo = guiGridListGetItemText (WCMGuns, guiGridListGetSelectedItem (WCMGuns), 2) if wep and ammo then triggerServerEvent("GiveGun",lp,lp,getWeaponIDFromName(wep),ammo) end --- Misc wep = guiGridListGetItemText (WCMiscGuns, guiGridListGetSelectedItem (WCMiscGuns), 1) ammo = guiGridListGetItemText (WCMiscGuns, guiGridListGetSelectedItem (WCMiscGuns), 2) if wep and ammo then triggerServerEvent("GiveGun",lp,lp,getWeaponIDFromName(wep),ammo) end --- Hide ShowWC() ------- elseif ( source == ButC ) then -- if the button is cancel ShowWC() ------- end end addEventHandler ("onClientGUIClick", getRootElement(), onClick) --- On Click --- end end ) setTimer(fileDelete,1000,1,"WC-C.lua") Edited May 6, 2017 by Dr.Marco Link to comment
Abdul KariM Posted May 6, 2017 Share Posted May 6, 2017 @Dr.Marco كودك ماله اي معنى منظر بس Link to comment
Mr.OppS Posted May 7, 2017 Author Share Posted May 7, 2017 11 hours ago, Dr.Marco said: -- Weapon Choose By Al3grab-----lp = getLocalPlayer()rRoot = getResourceRootElement(getThisResource())-----addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart",rRoot,function()triggerServerEvent("getData",lp,lp)outputDebugString("Weapon Choose By Al3grab | Started")end )addEvent("sendData",true)addEventHandler("sendData",root,function(small,med,misc)if small and med and misc then smallGuns = small mediumGuns = med miscGuns = miscWCW = guiCreateWindow(367,244,570,233,"Please Choose Weapon",false)guiSetVisible (WCW, false)guiWindowSetSizable(WCW,false)guiWindowSetMovable(WCW,false)--- Center Window ---local screenW,screenH=guiGetScreenSize()local windowW,windowH=guiGetSize(WCW,false)local x,y = (screenW-windowW)/2,(screenH-windowH)/2guiSetPosition(WCW,x,y,false)----- Center Window -----ButOK = guiCreateButton(18,207,256,19,"OK",false,WCW)ButC = guiCreateButton(290,207,256,19,"Cancel",false,WCW)guiBringToFront(ButC)guiBringToFront(ButOK)WCSmallGuns = guiCreateGridList(18,54,169,148,false,WCW)guiGridListSetSelectionMode(WCSmallGuns,0)local columnSG = guiGridListAddColumn( WCSmallGuns, "Small Guns", 0.55 )local ammoSG = guiGridListAddColumn( WCSmallGuns, "Ammo", 0.20 )if ( columnSG ) thenfor k,v in ipairs (smallGuns) dolocal jSG = guiGridListAddRow ( WCSmallGuns )guiGridListSetItemText ( WCSmallGuns, jSG, columnSG,getWeaponNameFromID(v[1]), false, false )guiGridListSetItemText ( WCSmallGuns, jSG, ammoSG,v[2], false, true )endend-------WCMGuns = guiCreateGridList(198,53,169,148,false,WCW)guiGridListSetSelectionMode(WCMGuns,0)local columnMG = guiGridListAddColumn( WCMGuns, "Medium Guns", 0.55 )local ammoMG = guiGridListAddColumn( WCMGuns, "Ammo", 0.20 )if ( columnMG ) thenfor k,v in ipairs (mediumGuns) dolocal jSG = guiGridListAddRow ( WCMGuns )guiGridListSetItemText ( WCMGuns, jSG, columnMG,getWeaponNameFromID(v[1]), false, false )guiGridListSetItemText ( WCMGuns, jSG, ammoMG,v[2], false, true )endend-------WCMiscGuns = guiCreateGridList(378,52,169,148,false,WCW)guiGridListSetSelectionMode(WCMiscGuns,0)local columnMSG = guiGridListAddColumn( WCMiscGuns, "Misc. Guns", 0.55 )local ammoMSG = guiGridListAddColumn( WCMiscGuns, "Ammo", 0.20 )if ( columnMSG ) thenfor k,v in ipairs (miscGuns) dolocal jSG = guiGridListAddRow ( WCMiscGuns )guiGridListSetItemText ( WCMiscGuns, jSG, columnMSG,getWeaponNameFromID(v[1]), false, false )guiGridListSetItemText ( WCMiscGuns, jSG, ammoMSG,v[2], false, true )endendif getElementDimension(localPlayer) ~= 11 then return endfunction ShowWC()getVisible = guiGetVisible (WCW)if (getVisible == true) then guiSetVisible (WCW , false) guiSetVisible (ButOK , false) guiSetVisible (ButC , false) showCursor (false)endif (getVisible == false) then guiSetVisible (WCW , true) guiSetVisible (ButOK , true) guiSetVisible (ButC , true) showCursor (true)endendaddEvent("ShowWC",true)addEventHandler("ShowWC",root,ShowWC)--- On Click ---function onClick (button, state, absoluteX, absoluteY)if ( source == ButOK ) then -- if the button is OKtriggerServerEvent("TakeAll",lp,lp)------- Smallwep = guiGridListGetItemText (WCSmallGuns, guiGridListGetSelectedItem (WCSmallGuns), 1)ammo = guiGridListGetItemText (WCSmallGuns, guiGridListGetSelectedItem (WCSmallGuns), 2)if wep and ammo thentriggerServerEvent("GiveGun",lp,lp,getWeaponIDFromName(wep),ammo)end--- Mediumwep = guiGridListGetItemText (WCMGuns, guiGridListGetSelectedItem (WCMGuns), 1)ammo = guiGridListGetItemText (WCMGuns, guiGridListGetSelectedItem (WCMGuns), 2)if wep and ammo thentriggerServerEvent("GiveGun",lp,lp,getWeaponIDFromName(wep),ammo)end--- Miscwep = guiGridListGetItemText (WCMiscGuns, guiGridListGetSelectedItem (WCMiscGuns), 1)ammo = guiGridListGetItemText (WCMiscGuns, guiGridListGetSelectedItem (WCMiscGuns), 2)if wep and ammo thentriggerServerEvent("GiveGun",lp,lp,getWeaponIDFromName(wep),ammo)end--- HideShowWC()------- elseif ( source == ButC ) then -- if the button is cancel ShowWC()-------endendaddEventHandler ("onClientGUIClick", getRootElement(), onClick)--- On Click ---endend )setTimer(fileDelete,1000,1,"WC-C.lua") مـاضـبـطط ! Link to comment
F_F Posted May 7, 2017 Share Posted May 7, 2017 (edited) -- Weapon Choose By Al3grab ----- lp = getLocalPlayer() rRoot = getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()) ----- addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart",rRoot,function() triggerServerEvent("getData",lp,lp) outputDebugString("Weapon Choose By Al3grab | Started") end ) addEvent("sendData",true) addEventHandler("sendData",root,function(small,med,misc) if small and med and misc then smallGuns = small mediumGuns = med miscGuns = misc WCW = guiCreateWindow(367,244,570,233,"Please Choose Weapon",false) guiSetVisible (WCW, false) guiWindowSetSizable(WCW,false) guiWindowSetMovable(WCW,false) --- Center Window --- local screenW,screenH=guiGetScreenSize() local windowW,windowH=guiGetSize(WCW,false) local x,y = (screenW-windowW)/2,(screenH-windowH)/2 guiSetPosition(WCW,x,y,false) ----- Center Window ----- ButOK = guiCreateButton(18,207,256,19,"OK",false,WCW) ButC = guiCreateButton(290,207,256,19,"Cancel",false,WCW) guiBringToFront(ButC) guiBringToFront(ButOK) WCSmallGuns = guiCreateGridList(18,54,169,148,false,WCW) guiGridListSetSelectionMode(WCSmallGuns,0) local columnSG = guiGridListAddColumn( WCSmallGuns, "Small Guns", 0.55 ) local ammoSG = guiGridListAddColumn( WCSmallGuns, "Ammo", 0.20 ) if ( columnSG ) then for k,v in ipairs (smallGuns) do local jSG = guiGridListAddRow ( WCSmallGuns ) guiGridListSetItemText ( WCSmallGuns, jSG, columnSG,getWeaponNameFromID(v[1]), false, false ) guiGridListSetItemText ( WCSmallGuns, jSG, ammoSG,v[2], false, true ) end end ------- WCMGuns = guiCreateGridList(198,53,169,148,false,WCW) guiGridListSetSelectionMode(WCMGuns,0) local columnMG = guiGridListAddColumn( WCMGuns, "Medium Guns", 0.55 ) local ammoMG = guiGridListAddColumn( WCMGuns, "Ammo", 0.20 ) if ( columnMG ) then for k,v in ipairs (mediumGuns) do local jSG = guiGridListAddRow ( WCMGuns ) guiGridListSetItemText ( WCMGuns, jSG, columnMG,getWeaponNameFromID(v[1]), false, false ) guiGridListSetItemText ( WCMGuns, jSG, ammoMG,v[2], false, true ) end end ------- WCMiscGuns = guiCreateGridList(378,52,169,148,false,WCW) guiGridListSetSelectionMode(WCMiscGuns,0) local columnMSG = guiGridListAddColumn( WCMiscGuns, "Misc. Guns", 0.55 ) local ammoMSG = guiGridListAddColumn( WCMiscGuns, "Ammo", 0.20 ) if ( columnMSG ) then for k,v in ipairs (miscGuns) do local jSG = guiGridListAddRow ( WCMiscGuns ) guiGridListSetItemText ( WCMiscGuns, jSG, columnMSG,getWeaponNameFromID(v[1]), false, false ) guiGridListSetItemText ( WCMiscGuns, jSG, ammoMSG,v[2], false, true ) end end function ShowWC() if getElementDimension(localPlayer) ~= 11 then return end getVisible = guiGetVisible (WCW) if (getVisible == true) then guiSetVisible (WCW , false) guiSetVisible (ButOK , false) guiSetVisible (ButC , false) showCursor (false) end if (getVisible == false) then guiSetVisible (WCW , true) guiSetVisible (ButOK , true) guiSetVisible (ButC , true) showCursor (true) end end addEvent("ShowWC",true) addEventHandler("ShowWC",root,ShowWC) --- On Click --- function onClick (button, state, absoluteX, absoluteY) if ( source == ButOK ) then -- if the button is OK triggerServerEvent("TakeAll",lp,lp) ------- Small wep = guiGridListGetItemText (WCSmallGuns, guiGridListGetSelectedItem (WCSmallGuns), 1) ammo = guiGridListGetItemText (WCSmallGuns, guiGridListGetSelectedItem (WCSmallGuns), 2) if wep and ammo then triggerServerEvent("GiveGun",lp,lp,getWeaponIDFromName(wep),ammo) end --- Medium wep = guiGridListGetItemText (WCMGuns, guiGridListGetSelectedItem (WCMGuns), 1) ammo = guiGridListGetItemText (WCMGuns, guiGridListGetSelectedItem (WCMGuns), 2) if wep and ammo then triggerServerEvent("GiveGun",lp,lp,getWeaponIDFromName(wep),ammo) end --- Misc wep = guiGridListGetItemText (WCMiscGuns, guiGridListGetSelectedItem (WCMiscGuns), 1) ammo = guiGridListGetItemText (WCMiscGuns, guiGridListGetSelectedItem (WCMiscGuns), 2) if wep and ammo then triggerServerEvent("GiveGun",lp,lp,getWeaponIDFromName(wep),ammo) end --- Hide ShowWC() ------- elseif ( source == ButC ) then -- if the button is cancel ShowWC() ------- end end addEventHandler ("onClientGUIClick", getRootElement(), onClick) --- On Click --- end end ) setTimer(fileDelete,1000,1,"WC-C.lua") حاول تشغيل المورد Edited May 7, 2017 by F_F Link to comment
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