Jayceon Posted April 24, 2017 Share Posted April 24, 2017 Hello. I started to create a real GPS with sound effects (like -> turn left, turn right, go x meters and turn left/right), but when i'm try to get the road angles the left/right turns fails. function createGPSRoute(x, y) local occupiedVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) if occupiedVehicle then local vehicleX, vehicleY, vehicleZ = getElementPosition(occupiedVehicle) local _, _, vehicleRotation = getElementRotation(occupiedVehicle) gpsRoute = calculatePathByCoords(vehicleX, vehicleY, vehicleZ, x, y, 0) gpsWaypoints = {} if #gpsRoute ~= 0 then local possibleRoutes = {} for k, v in pairs(gpsRoute) do --[[ -- -- First attempt -- local nextNodeID = k + 1 local nextNode = gpsRoute[nextNodeID] if nextNode then table.insert(possibleRoutes, {k, nextNodeID}) end ]] local previousNodeID = k - 1 local previousNode = gpsRoute[previousNodeID] if previousNode then table.insert(possibleRoutes, {k, previousNodeID}) end end local turns = {} -- only the gps gui, turn left/right, go x meters.. local previousRoadAngle = 0 local previousRoadDirection = "" local forwardRoadCount = 0 local forwardRoadDistance = 750 for k, v in pairs(possibleRoutes) do local roadAngle = getAngle(gpsRoute[v[2]].x, gpsRoute[v[2]].y, gpsRoute[v[1]].x, gpsRoute[v[1]].y) local roadDirection = "N/A" local roadDistance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(vehicleX, vehicleY, vehicleZ, gpsRoute[v[1]].x, gpsRoute[v[1]].y, gpsRoute[v[1]].z) if roadAngle <= 360 and roadAngle >= 180 then roadDirection = "right" elseif roadAngle >= 0 and roadAngle <= 180 then roadDirection = "left" end if k == 1 then previousRoadAngle = roadAngle previousRoadDirection = roadDirection end local nextNode = possibleRoutes[k + 1] table.insert(gpsWaypoints, {k, roadDirection, roadDistance, roadAngle}) -- this table for render to visible nodes and for the minimap lines if nextNode then local isTurnRoad = false if previousRoadAngle ~= roadAngle or roadDirection ~= previousRoadDirection then local angleDifference = getAnglesDifference(previousRoadAngle, roadAngle) if angleDifference ~= 0 then if angleDifference <= -12 or angleDifference >= 12 then table.insert(turns, {k, roadDirection, roadDistance}) isTurnRoad = true end end end if not isTurnRoad then if roadDistance >= forwardRoadDistance then -- add every 750 meters isForwardRoad = true forwardRoadDistance = forwardRoadDistance + 750 table.insert(turns, {k, "forward", roadDistance}) end end previousRoadAngle = roadAngle previousRoadDirection = roadDirection end if k == #possibleRoutes then table.insert(turns, {"end", "end", roadDistance}) -- the last node, when reach it the gps destination switch off end end outputConsole(inspect(turns)) -- print the possible turns/directions. format: {table id, direction (left/right/forward), distance between) end end end function getAnglesDifference(angle1, angle2) angle1 = angle1 % 360 angle2 = angle2 % 360 local difference = (angle1 - angle2) % 360 if difference <= 180 then return difference else return -(360 - difference) end end function getAngle(x1, y1, x2, y2) local angle = -math.deg(math.atan2(x2 - x1, y2 - y1)) if angle < 0 then angle = angle + 360 end return angle end --[[ -- I tried the next function, but the same problem function getAngle(x1, y1, x2, y2) return (360 - math.deg(math.atan2((x2 - x1), (y2 - y1)))) % 360 end]] Thanks the replies. Link to comment
3aGl3 Posted April 24, 2017 Share Posted April 24, 2017 Hm, my getAngle function works with y, then x: function getAngle( x1, y1, x2, y2 ) local x = x2 - x1 local y = y2 - y1 return math.deg( math.atan( y, x ) ) end Link to comment
Jayceon Posted April 24, 2017 Author Share Posted April 24, 2017 I tried it, but the same problem. Link to comment
Gordon_G Posted April 25, 2017 Share Posted April 25, 2017 https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/FindRotation Link to comment
Jayceon Posted April 25, 2017 Author Share Posted April 25, 2017 Thanks your answer, but this function is same problem. I now try to add previous road angle to every next road angle and then calculate it. Link to comment
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