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I tried to get the crossroad and crossroad angles but i don't know how.

I'm using the vehicle nodes path and i have small code to get road nodes angle but it get all nodes and i'm only need the crossroads.

The current code:

function createGPSRoute(x, y, x2, y2)
	local occupiedVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer)
	local vehicleX, vehicleY, vehicleZ = getElementPosition(occupiedVehicle)
	if occupiedVehicle then
		local startNode = findNodePosition(x, y)
		local endNode = findNodePosition(x2, y2)
		local gpsRoute = getNodePath(startNode, endNode)
		if #gpsRoute ~= 0 then
			local gpsWaypoints = {}
			for k, v in pairs(gpsRoute) do
				local nextNode = gpsRoute[k + 1]
				if nextNode then
					local roadRotation = (360 - math.deg(math.atan2((nextNode.x - vehicleX), (nextNode.y - vehicleY)))) % 360
					local _, _, vehicleRotation = getElementRotation(occupiedVehicle)
					local vehicleRotation = vehicleRotation or 0
					local roadAngle = (roadRotation - vehicleRotation) % 360
					local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(vehicleX, vehicleY, vehicleZ, nextNode.x, nextNode.y, nextNode.z)
					local accuracy = distance < 7 and 20 or 6
					if roadAngle > -accuracy and roadAngle < accuracy then
						table.insert(gpsWaypoints, {nextNode.neighbours, "forward", distance})
					elseif roadAngle <= 360 and roadAngle >= 180 then
						table.insert(gpsWaypoints, {nextNode.neighbours, "right", distance})
					elseif roadAngle >= 0 and roadAngle <= 180 then
						table.insert(gpsWaypoints, {nextNode.neighbours, "left", distance})
			outputConsole(inspect(gpsWaypoints)) -- debug to console


Thanks the replies.

Edited by Jayceon
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