JanKy Posted April 9, 2017 Share Posted April 9, 2017 (edited) Hi guys, i need some help with a script that i think is a problem on my server. I mean i need it but there are always lag spikes and at a certain point a freeze. This happens to all players and i think it is because of the shader script. ------------------------------------- --Resource: Screen FX v0.05 -- --Author: Ren712 -- ------------------------------------- local scx, scy = guiGetScreenSize() local orderPriority = "-1.8" Settings = {} Settings.var = {} fxScreenEnable = false ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Standard settings ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function fxScreenSettings() v = Settings.var v.effectType = {} --Color v.effectType[1] = {} v.effectType[1].enabled = false v.effectType[1].fadeSpeed = 0.015 v.effectType[1].streng = 0 v.effectType[1].maxStreng = 1 v.effectType[1].speed = 0.6 v.effectType[1].choke = 1 --Shake v.effectType[2] = {} v.effectType[2].enabled = false v.effectType[2].fadeSpeed = 0.015 v.effectType[2].streng = 0 v.effectType[2].maxStreng = 1 v.effectType[2].speed = 8.0 --Wobble v.effectType[3] = {} v.effectType[3].enabled = false v.effectType[3].fadeSpeed = 0.015 v.effectType[3].streng = 0 v.effectType[3].maxStreng = 1 v.effectType[3].speed = 0.1 v.effectType[3].size = 0.005 v.effectType[3].density = 50 --Esotropia v.effectType[4] = {} v.effectType[4].enabled = false v.effectType[4].fadeSpeed = 0.015 v.effectType[4].streng = 0 v.effectType[4].maxStreng = 1 v.effectType[4].speed = 0.2 v.effectType[4].intens = 0.1 v.effectType[4].blur = 0.5 v.effectType[4].choke = 0.85 --Global v.maxAlpha = 255 end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- onClientResourceStart ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function enableScreenEffects() if fxScreenEnable then return true end -- Create things colorTex = dxCreateTexture("tex/color.png") myScreenSource = dxCreateScreenSource( scx, scy) esotropiaHShader = dxCreateShader( "fx/esotropiaH.fx" ) esotropiaVShader = dxCreateShader( "fx/esotropiaV.fx" ) colorsShader = dxCreateShader( "fx/colors.fx" ) wobbleShader = dxCreateShader( "fx/wobble.fx" ) shakeShader = dxCreateShader( "fx/shake.fx" ) -- Check everything is ok -- Get list of all elements used effectParts = { colorTex, myScreenSource, esotropiaHShader, esotropiaVShader, colorsShader, wobbleShader, shakeShader, } -- Check list of all elements used bAllValid = true for _,part in ipairs(effectParts) do bAllValid = part and bAllValid end if not bAllValid then outputChatBox( "Screen FX: The resource failed to start.", 255, 0, 0 ) return false end fxScreenEnable = true fxScreenSettings() fxScreenTimer = setTimer ( function ( ) changeEffectIntensity() end, 100, 0 ) outputDebugString('Screen FX: Effects started.') return true end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Switch effect off ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function disableScreenEffects() if not fxScreenEnable then return end -- Destroy all shaders for _,part in ipairs(effectParts) do if part then destroyElement( part ) end end effectParts = {} bAllValid = false RTPool.clear() killTimer( fxScreenTimer ) fxScreenTimer = nil -- Flag effect as stopped fxScreenEnable = false outputDebugString('Screen FX: Effects stopped.') return true end function changeEffectIntensity() local v = Settings.var for i,this in ipairs(v.effectType) do v.effectType[i].streng = effectFade( v.effectType[i].enabled, v.effectType[i].streng, v.effectType[i].fadeSpeed, v.effectType[i].maxStreng ) end end function effectFade( effectOn, value, eSpeed, eMax ) local efVal = value if (( effectOn == true ) and (efVal < eMax )) then efVal = efVal + ( eSpeed ) end if (( effectOn == false ) and (efVal > 0 )) then efVal = efVal - ( eSpeed ) end if efVal <= 0 then efVal = 0 end if efVal >= eMax then efVal = eMax end return efVal end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- onClientHUDRender ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- addEventHandler( "onClientHUDRender", root, function() if not fxScreenEnable or not bAllValid or not Settings.var then return end local v = Settings.var -- Reset render target pool RTPool.frameStart() -- Update screen dxUpdateScreenSource( myScreenSource, true ) -- Start with screen local current = myScreenSource -- Apply all the effects, bouncing from one render target to another if v.effectType[4].streng > 0 then current = applyEsotropiaH( current, v.effectType[4].maxStreng * v.effectType[4].blur, 0, v.effectType[4].intens / 100, v.effectType[4].speed, v.effectType[4].choke, v.effectType[4].streng ) current = applyEsotropiaV( current, v.effectType[4].maxStreng * v.effectType[4].blur, v.effectType[4].intens, 0, v.effectType[4].speed, v.effectType[4].choke, v.effectType[4].streng ) end if v.effectType[3].streng > 0 then current = applyWobble( current, v.effectType[3].maxStreng * v.effectType[3].speed, v.effectType[3].size, v.effectType[3].density, v.effectType[3].streng ) end if v.effectType[1].streng > 0 then current = applyColors( current, colorTex, v.effectType[1].speed, v.effectType[1].choke, v.effectType[1].streng ) end if v.effectType[2].streng > 0 then current = applyShake( current, v.effectType[2].speed, v.effectType[2].maxStreng, v.effectType[2].streng ) end -- When we're done, turn the render target back to default dxSetRenderTarget() local scrAlpha = math.max( v.effectType[4].streng, v.effectType[3].streng, v.effectType[1].streng, v.effectType[2].streng ) * 255 local col = tocolor( 255, 255, 255, scrAlpha * v.maxAlpha/255 ) if current and scrAlpha > 0 then dxDrawImage( 0, 0, scx, scy, current, 0, 0, 0, col ) end end ,true ,"low" .. orderPriority ) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Apply the different stages ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function applyShake( Src, wSpeed, wStrenght, strenght ) if not Src then return nil end local mx,my = dxGetMaterialSize( Src ) local newRT = RTPool.GetUnused( mx, my ) if not newRT then return nil end dxSetRenderTarget( newRT, true ) dxSetShaderValue( shakeShader, "TEX0", Src ) dxSetShaderValue( shakeShader, "TEX0SIZE", mx,my ) dxSetShaderValue( shakeShader, "wSpeed", wSpeed ) dxSetShaderValue( shakeShader, "wStrenght", wStrenght * 0.1, wStrenght * 0.1 ) dxSetShaderValue( shakeShader, "strenght", strenght ) dxDrawImage( 0, 0, mx, my, shakeShader ) return newRT end function applyWobble( Src, wSpeed, wSize, wDensity, strenght ) if not Src then return nil end local mx,my = dxGetMaterialSize( Src ) local newRT = RTPool.GetUnused( mx, my ) if not newRT then return nil end dxSetRenderTarget( newRT, true ) dxSetShaderValue( wobbleShader, "TEX0", Src ) dxSetShaderValue( wobbleShader, "TEX0SIZE", mx,my ) dxSetShaderValue( wobbleShader, "wSpeed", wSpeed ) dxSetShaderValue( wobbleShader, "wSize", wSize ) dxSetShaderValue( wobbleShader, "wDensity", wDensity ) dxSetShaderValue( wobbleShader, "strenght", strenght, strenght ) dxDrawImage( 0, 0, mx, my, wobbleShader ) return newRT end function applyColors( Src, Col, pSpeed, pChoke, strenght) if not Src then return nil end local mx,my = dxGetMaterialSize( Src ) local newRT = RTPool.GetUnused( mx, my ) if not newRT then return nil end dxSetRenderTarget( newRT, true ) dxSetShaderValue( colorsShader, "TEX0", Src ) dxSetShaderValue( colorsShader, "TEX0SIZE", mx,my ) dxSetShaderValue( colorsShader, "TEX1", Col ) dxSetShaderValue( colorsShader, "pendulumSpeed", pSpeed ) dxSetShaderValue( colorsShader, "pendulumChoke", pChoke ) dxSetShaderValue( colorsShader, "strenght", strenght ) dxDrawImage( 0, 0, mx, my, colorsShader ) return newRT end function applyEsotropiaH( Src, blur, propX, propY, pSpeed, pChoke, strenght ) if not Src then return nil end local mx,my = dxGetMaterialSize( Src ) local newRT = RTPool.GetUnused( mx, my ) if not newRT then return nil end dxSetRenderTarget( newRT, true ) local prop = { propX, propY } dxSetShaderValue( esotropiaHShader, "TEX0", Src ) dxSetShaderValue( esotropiaHShader, "TEX0SIZE", mx,my ) dxSetShaderValue( esotropiaHShader, "pendulumSpeed", pSpeed ) dxSetShaderValue( esotropiaHShader, "pendulumChoke", pChoke ) dxSetShaderValue( esotropiaHShader, "Prop", prop ) dxSetShaderValue( esotropiaHShader, "sBlur", blur ) dxSetShaderValue( esotropiaHShader, "strenght", strenght ) dxDrawImage( 0, 0, mx, my, esotropiaHShader ) return newRT end function applyEsotropiaV( Src, blur, propX, propY, pSpeed, pChoke, strenght ) if not Src then return nil end local mx,my = dxGetMaterialSize( Src ) local newRT = RTPool.GetUnused( mx, my ) if not newRT then return nil end dxSetRenderTarget( newRT, true ) local prop = { propX, propY } dxSetShaderValue( esotropiaVShader, "TEX0", Src ) dxSetShaderValue( esotropiaVShader, "TEX0SIZE", mx,my ) dxSetShaderValue( esotropiaVShader, "pendulumSpeed", pSpeed ) dxSetShaderValue( esotropiaVShader, "pendulumChoke", pChoke ) dxSetShaderValue( esotropiaVShader, "Prop", prop ) dxSetShaderValue( esotropiaVShader, "sBlur", blur ) dxSetShaderValue( esotropiaVShader, "strenght", strenght ) dxDrawImage( 0, 0, mx,my, esotropiaVShader ) return newRT end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Pool of render targets ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RTPool = {} RTPool.list = {} function RTPool.frameStart() for rt,info in pairs(RTPool.list) do info.bInUse = false end end function RTPool.GetUnused( sx, sy ) -- Find unused existing for rt,info in pairs(RTPool.list) do if not info.bInUse and info.sx == sx and info.sy == sy then info.bInUse = true return rt end end -- Add new outputDebugString( "creating new RT " .. tostring(sx) .. " x " .. tostring(sy) ) local rt = dxCreateRenderTarget( sx, sy ) if rt then RTPool.list[rt] = { bInUse = true, sx = sx, sy = sy } end return rt end function RTPool.clear() for rt,info in pairs(RTPool.list) do destroyElement(rt) end RTPool.list = {} end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- onClientResourceStart ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- addEventHandler( "onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement( getThisResource()), function() outputDebugString('Screen FX: The resource is started.') enableScreenEffects() disableScreenEffects() end ) Every time i log on the server it says 'Screen FX: The resource failed to start." but the shader is working, but i think it is lagging , and after many crashes, i stop seeing the shader ( and i get two more messages : "Could not create shader. Please use debugscript 3", "Could not create night shader. Please use debugscript 3" ) and i see everything like default, but others are able to see the shader, and i need to restart my pc in order to see it too. Please help me fix it. And here is the file with the debugscript error messages : --By Fanbox local maxDarkness = 0.4 -- [1] = lightest || [0] = darkest 1-- 0.05 2-- 0.1 3-- 0.5 4-- 0.3 5-- 0.4 local speed = 0.0001 -- 0.001 local b = 1 local shaderList = {} local fading = false local clone local nightShader InselMapStart = function() for i1 = 4212, 4222 do removeWorldModel(i1, 10000, 0, 0, 0) end for i2 = 4715, 4717 do removeWorldModel(i2, 10000, 0, 0, 0) end for i3 = 4720, 4725 do removeWorldModel(i3, 10000, 0, 0, 0) end for i4 = 4739, 4752 do removeWorldModel(i4, 10000, 0, 0, 0) end for i5 = 5057, 5059 do removeWorldModel(i5, 10000, 0, 0, 0) end for i6 = 5661, 5665 do removeWorldModel(i6, 10000, 0, 0, 0) end for i7 = 5990, 5992 do removeWorldModel(i7, 10000, 0, 0, 0) end for i8 = 6192, 6196 do removeWorldModel(i8, 10000, 0, 0, 0) end for i9 = 7072, 7097 do removeWorldModel(i9, 10000, 0, 0, 0) end for j1 = 7206, 7208 do removeWorldModel(j1, 10000, 0, 0, 0) end for j2 = 7221, 7226 do removeWorldModel(j2, 10000, 0, 0, 0) end for j3 = 7280, 7280 do removeWorldModel(j3, 10000, 0, 0, 0) end for j4 = 7331, 7333 do removeWorldModel(j4, 10000, 0, 0, 0) end for j5 = 7892, 7892 do removeWorldModel(j5, 10000, 0, 0, 0) end for j6 = 7942, 7944 do removeWorldModel(j6, 10000, 0, 0, 0) end for j7 = 8372, 8372 do removeWorldModel(j7, 10000, 0, 0, 0) end for j8 = 9088, 9089 do removeWorldModel(j8, 10000, 0, 0, 0) end for j9 = 9121, 9129 do removeWorldModel(j9, 10000, 0, 0, 0) end for k1 = 9154, 9159 do removeWorldModel(k1, 10000, 0, 0, 0) end for k2 = 9277, 9283 do removeWorldModel(k2, 10000, 0, 0, 0) end for k3 = 9285, 9286 do removeWorldModel(k3, 10000, 0, 0, 0) end for k4 = 9885, 9886 do removeWorldModel(k4, 10000, 0, 0, 0) end for k5 = 9932, 9934 do removeWorldModel(k5, 10000, 0, 0, 0) end for k6 = 10057, 10058 do removeWorldModel(k6, 10000, 0, 0, 0) end for k7 = 10146, 10147 do removeWorldModel(k7, 10000, 0, 0, 0) end for k8 = 11410, 11412 do removeWorldModel(k8, 10000, 0, 0, 0) end for k9 = 13461, 13461 do removeWorldModel(k9, 10000, 0, 0, 0) end for t1 = 13461, 13461 do removeWorldModel(t1, 10000, 0, 0, 0) end for t2 = 13484, 13485 do removeWorldModel(t2, 10000, 0, 0, 0) end for t3 = 13493, 13493 do removeWorldModel(t3, 10000, 0, 0, 0) end for t4 = 17954, 17957 do removeWorldModel(t4, 10000, 0, 0, 0) end end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), InselMapStart) local removables = { 'tx*', --'coronastar', --'shad_exp*', 'radar*', '*icon', 'font*', 'lampost_16clr', 'headlight', 'vehiclegeneric256', 'skybox_tex', 'siteM16' } function night_init() if getVersion ().sortable < '1.1.0' then return false end local testShader, tec = dxCreateShader('night.fx') if not testShader then outputChatBox('Could not create night shader. Please use debugscript 3') else nightShader = dxCreateShader('night.fx', 0, 0, false, "all") for c=48,122 do engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(nightShader, string.format('%c*', c)) end for i,v in pairs(removables) do engineRemoveShaderFromWorldTexture(nightShader, v) end table.insert(shaderList, nightShader) end addEventHandler('onClientHUDRender', root, night_render) nightTimer = setTimer(night_check, 1000, 0) end function night_check() local hours, minutes = getTime() setSkyGradient(65,80,83,65,80,84) setFarClipDistance(200)-----Расстояник до тумана днём setFogDistance(15) if hours >= 5 and hours < 12 then fading = false setSkyGradient(65,80,83,65,80,84) setWeather (9) elseif hours >= 12 and hours < 18 then fading = false setSkyGradient(65,80,83,65,60,64) setWeather (15) elseif hours >= 18 and hours < 21 then fading = false setSkyGradient(65,80,83,55,70,74) setWeather (14) elseif hours >= 21 and hours < 5 then fading = false setSkyGradient(65,80,83,35,40,44) setWeather (12) else fading = true setSkyGradient( 0, 0, 0, 10, 10, 10 ) setFarClipDistance(100)--1000 setFogDistance(35)--100 end end function night_render() local int, dim = getElementInterior(localPlayer), getElementDimension(localPlayer) if fading then if b > maxDarkness then b = b - speed elseif b <= maxDarkness then b = maxDarkness end else if b < 1.0 then b = b + speed elseif b >= 1.0 then b = 1.0 end end for _,shader in ipairs(shaderList) do if int == 0 and dim == 0 then dxSetShaderValue(shader, 'NIGHT', b, b, b) else dxSetShaderValue(shader, 'NIGHT', 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) end end end night_init() local shaderMap = { ['img/1.union'] = { --'metalflooring4', 'forestfloorblendb', 'con2sand1c', 'sjmhoodlawn42b', 'venturas_fwend', 'pavemiddirt_law', 'hiway2sand1a', 'des_dam_conc', 'forestfloor3', 'grasstype4_forestblend', 'forestfloor_sones256', 'cw2_mounttrailblank', 'cw2_mounttrail', 'sw_sandgrass' , 'desertstones256forestmix', 'bow_abpave_gen', 'desgreengrassmix', 'grasstype4blndtomud', 'grasstype4blndtodirt', 'des_dirtgrassmix_grass4', 'grasstype10_4blend', 'rocktq128_forestblend2', 'forestfloor3_forest', 'dirtkb_64hv', 'trainground1', 'des_dirt2stones', 'sjmscorclawn', 'scumtiles3_lae', 'backalley1_lae', 'desertgravelgrassroad' , 'sw_sandgrass', 'desclifftypebsmix', 'desertgravelgrassroad', 'sw_grassb01', 'sw_crops', 'cos_hiwayins_256', 'cos_hiwayout_256', 'hiwayoutside_256', 'hiwaygravel1_256', 'hiwayinside2_256', 'bow_grass_gryard', 'con2sand1b', 'con2sand1a', 'grasslawnfade_256', 'tenniscourt1_256', 'golf_heavygrass', 'golf_fairway3', 'golf_fairway1', 'golf_fairway2', 'golf_greengrass', 'des_dirt1_glfhvy', 'seabed', 'concretedust2_256128', 'des_dirt1_grass', 'vgsroadirt2_256', 'brngrss2stonesb', 'dirtblendlit', 'cw2_mountdirt2grass', 'cw2_mountdirt', 'des_dirt2grass', 'cw2_mountrock', 'desmudgrass', 'desmud', 'des_dirtgrassmixbmp', 'des_dirtgrassmixb', 'des_dirtgrassmixc', 'concretemanky', 'grassdeep256', 'grass_lawn_128hv', 'sw_sandgrass4', 'mountainskree_stones256', 'grasstype4_mudblend', 'grass4dirtytrans', 'bow_church_dirt', 'newcrop3', 'des_ripplsand', 'des_dirt1', 'des_rocky1_dirt1', 'des_scrub1_dirt1', 'des_scrub1', 'desstones_dirt1', 'des_dirt2dedgrass', 'des_dirt2', 'des_dirtgravel', 'des_dirt2blend', 'des_rocky1', 'des_roadedge1', 'des_roadedge2', 'des_panelconc', 'des_oldrunwayblend', 'desertstones256', 'grasstype5', 'grasstype5_dirt', 'grasslong256', 'desgreengrass', 'sw_grass01', 'sw_grass01a', 'yardgrass1', 'grasstype7', 'grassdeadbrn256', 'desgreengrassmix', 'desertgryard256', 'desgrassbrn', 'des_grass2scrub', 'des_scrub1_dirt1b', 'des_scrub1_dirt1a', 'bow_church_grass_gen', 'grifnewtex1x_las', 'grassdead1', 'forestfloor256', 'forestfloorblendded', 'forestfloor256_blenddirt', 'grasstype10', 'grass4_des_dirt2', 'grasstype4_10', 'des_dirt2grgrass', 'grass10_stones256', 'grass10des_dirt2', 'grasstype510', 'grasstype510_10', 'cs_rockdetail', 'forestfloorbranch256', 'ffbranch_mountdirt', 'forestfloorblend', 'desmud2forstfloor', 'forestfloor4', 'grasstype4_staw', 'grassshort2long256', 'grass10forest', 'grass10dirt', 'forestfloor256mudblend', 'ws_patchygravel', 'grasstype4', 'ws_traingravelblend', 'forestfloorgrass', 'des_dirt1grass', 'grasstype5_desdirt', 'des_dirt1', 'des_grass2dirt1', 'blendrock2grgrass', 'sfn_rocktbrn128', 'sfn_rockhole', 'sfn_grass1', 'grass_128hv', 'grassdead1blnd', 'desertgravelgrass256', 'grass4dirty', 'cw2_mountdirt2forest', 'grasstype3', 'grassdry_128hv', 'obhilltex1', 'grasstype4-3', 'cst_rock_coast_sfw', 'newrockgrass_sfw', 'sf_garden3', 'dt_road2grasstype4', 'grassbrn2rockbrn', 'greyground2sand', 'grassgrnbrn256', 'sl_sfngrass01', 'sl_sfngrssdrt01', 'grass', 'desertgryard256grs2', 'grasstype5_4', 'brngrss2stones', 'desgrassbrn_grn', 'desgrasandblend', 'hiwayinside4_256', 'grassdirtblend', 'roadblend:O', 'greyground256', 'forest_rocks', 'sidewgrass4', 'ws_drysand2grass', }, ['img/2.union'] = { 'sw_farmroad01', 'desmudtrail', 'desmudtrail2', 'dirttracksgrass256', 'desgreengrasstrckend', 'cw2_weeroad1', }, ['img/3.union'] = { 'grifnewtex1b', 'des_dirttrackl', 'cw2_mountroad', 'des_dirttrack1r', 'des_dirttrack1', 'des_dirt2track' , 'des_quarryrd', 'des_quarryrdr', 'des_quarryrdl', 'des_dirt2 trackl' , 'des_dirt2trackr', 'tar_1line256hvtodirt', }, ['img/4.union'] = { 'des_oldrunway' , 'ws_runwaytarmac' , 'plaintarmac1' , 'ws_carpark2', }, ['img/5.union'] = { 'sam_camo', 'bonyrd_skin2', 'concretewall22_256', 'corugwall_sandy', }, ['img/UNION.union'] = { 'unnamed', }, ['img/MDD.union'] = { 'telepole2128', 'board64_law', 'metatelepole1', 'cj_w_wood', }, ['img/FROND.union'] = { 'cj_flag2', }, ['img/6.union'] = { 'ws_freeway3blend', 'dt_roadblend', 'kbpavementblend', 'ws_freeway3', 'dt_road', 'roadnew4blend_256', 'craproad1_lae', 'craproad7_lae7', 'snpedtest1', 'cos_hiwaymid_256', 'hiwaymidlle_256', 'roadnew4_512', 'roadnew4_256', 'vegasroad1_256', 'vegasroad2_256', 'vegasroad3_256', 'hiwayend_256', 'sf_road5', 'sf_junction2', 'vegasdirtyroad1_256', 'vegasdirtyroad2_256', 'vegastriproad1_256', 'vgsroadirt1_256', 'vegasdirtyroad3_256', 'sf_tramline2', }, ['img/7.union'] = { 'ws_traintrax1', }, ['img/8.union'] = { 'pavebsandend', 'sidewgrass_fuked', 'sidewgrass3', 'lasunion994', 'kbpavement_test', 'laroad_centre1', 'sjmndukwal2', 'macpath_lae', 'sjmhoodlawn41', 'sidewgrass5', 'sidewgrass1', 'sidewgrass2' , 'pavebsand256', 'vegasdirtypaveblend1', 'dirt64b2', 'ws_sub_pen_conc3', 'concretenewb256', 'ws_sub_pen_conc', 'ws_tunnelwall2', 'vegaspavement2_256', 'blendpavement2b_256', 'hiwayinside5_256', 'dt_road_stoplinea', 'pierplanks02_128', 'vegasdirtypaveblend2', 'vegasdirtypave1_256', 'hiwayinside_256', 'hiwayinsideblend3_256', 'des_pave_trackstart', 'sf_pave6', 'stonesandkb2_128', 'ws_nicepave', 'sidelatino1_lae', 'kbpavement_test', 'craproad5_lae', 'pavebsand256grassblended', 'pavebsand256', ':Oroad01_law', }, ['img/9.union'] = { 'newpavement', 'dockpave_256', 'pavea256', }, ['img/10.union'] = { 'sjmhoodlawn41', 'plaintarmac1', }, ['img/11.union'] = { 'sw_stonesgrass', 'stones256', 'grassbrn2rockbrng' , 'ws_traingravel', ':Obrnclifftop', ':Obrncliffbtmbmp', 'redclifftop256', 'redcliffroof_la', 'hllblf2_lae', }, ['img/12.union'] = { --'rocktbrn128blndlit', 'lasclifface', 'rocktbrn128', 'cs_rockdetail2', 'cw2_mountdirtscree', 'sw_rockgrassb1', 'sw_rockgrass1' , 'des_redrock1', 'rocktbrn128blnd', 'des_redrock2', 'sw_traingravelb1', }, ['img/13.union'] = { 'sw_sand', 'sandstonemixb', 'sandnew_law', 'ws_drysand', 'ws_wetdryblendsand', 'ws_wetsand', 'desertgravel256', }, ['img/14.union'] = { 'tar_venturasjoin', 'crossing_law', 'snpdwargrn1', 'tar_1line256hvblend', 'roaddgrassblnd', 'tar_1line256hvlightsand', 'tar_1line256hvgtravel', 'tar_1line256hvblend2', 'tar_1line256hvblenddrtdot', 'tar_freewyleft', 'tar_1line256hv', 'des_1line256', 'des_1linetar', 'tar_1linefreewy', 'tar_lineslipway', 'des_1lineend', 'sf_junction3', 'sf_junction5', 'tar_1line256hvblenddrt', 'tar_freewyright', }, ['img/16.union'] = { 'gras07si', 'kb_ivy2_256', }, ['img/17.union'] = { -- дерево 'bcorya0', 'sm_bark_light', 'gen_log', 'bpiced1', 'bpinud2', 'sm_redwood_bark', 'bchamae', 'bzelka1', 'bgleda0', 'oakbark64', 'veg_bevtreebase', 'sm_josh_bark', 'bfraxa1', 'bthuja1', }, ['img/18.union'] = { 'fancy_slab128', 'coasty_bit4_sfe', 'stoneclad1', 'taxi_256', 'offwhitebrix', 'des_ranchwall1', 'ws_oldpaintedyello', 'ws_oldpaintedyello_b' , 'vgs_shopwall01_128', 'block2_high', 'sea_wall_temp', 'block', 'concretebigb256128', 'sw_tunnel01', 'sw_tunnel02bmp', 'sw_tunnel01lod', 'stormdrain3_nt', 'brick', 'carparkwall12_256', 'stormdrain1_nt', 'macbrij2_lae', 'rufwaldock1', 'stormdrain3_nt', 'stormdrain2_nt', 'laroad_offroad1', 'gb_nastybar20', 'ws_freeway2', 'ws_freeway1', 'wallgreyred128', 'stormdrain6', 'ws_coppersheet2', 'ws_goldengate2', 'ws_goldengate5b', 'stormdrain5_nt', 'sw_wallbrick_06', 'lasdockbar', 'cj_white_wall2', 'upt_conc floorclean', 'craproad3_lae', 'bow_warehousewall', 'macbrij4_lae', 'forumstand1_lae', 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dxCreateShader('shader.fx') table.insert(shaderList, shader) local terrain = dxCreateTexture(path) dxSetShaderValue(shader, 'gTexture', terrain) for i,txd in ipairs (texstures) do engineRemoveShaderFromWorldTexture(nightShader, txd) engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader,txd) end end end addEventHandler( "onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, loadShaders ) Edited June 4, 2017 by Dutchman101 Removed script author email as per Ren's request in post (you failed to do so) Link to comment
JanKy Posted April 11, 2017 Author Share Posted April 11, 2017 Please help me, at this point the shader fails totally to all players, and it doesnt look to good. Please guys ;-; Link to comment
Ren_712 Posted April 17, 2017 Share Posted April 17, 2017 could you delete my email from your message ? Oh and you apply the effects to world textures ? try to run the shader from community as a separate resource is there any difference ? 1 Link to comment
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