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Dimension bug


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My problem is, that if I set my dimension to, let's say 2, and I set my friend's dimension to 1, I can still see him, but it is very much desynced... His position only gets updated every one second, etc.

I really need to get this bug fixed, cause at the moment, I can't use interiors, etc.

I made a modification to the mtaserver.conf file:

<!-- Player sync interval. Default: 100 -->

But this is all.

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I used this, but even the simple setElementDimension is bugged out somehow...

function setdim(thePlayer, cmd, targetPlayer, szam)
	if getElementData(thePlayer, "acc:admin") > 0 then
		if not targetPlayer or not szam then
			outputChatBox("#ff9000[Usage]: #FFFFFF/"..cmd.." [ID / Name] [Dimension]", thePlayer, 0, 0, 0, true)
		return end
		szam = tonumber(szam)
		targetPlayer = findPlayer(thePlayer, targetPlayer)
		if not getElementData(targetPlayer, "loggedin") then
			outputChatBox("#D64541[Error]: #FFFFFFThe player you are trying to use the command on isn't logged in yet!", thePlayer, 0, 0, 0, true)
		return end
		setElementDimension(targetPlayer, szam)
		outputChatBox("Succesfully set "..getPlayerName(targetPlayer).."'s dimension to "..szam,thePlayer, 0, 0, 0, true)
		outputChatBox("#D64541[Error]: #FFFFFFAcces denied!", thePlayer,0,0,0,true)
addCommandHandler("setdim", setdim, false, false)

--Before that, the spawning is used with spawnPlayer, and even this way it is bugged out. I will provide video later on...
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Here is a video demostrating my problem:


My friend doesn't disappear, he just gets desynced...

function setdim(thePlayer, cmd, targetPlayer, num)
	num = tonumber(num)
	targetPlayer = getPlayerFromName(targetPlayer)
	setElementDimension(targetPlayer, num)
	outputChatBox("Succesfully set dimension to "..num,root, 255, 255, 255, true)
addCommandHandler("setdim", setdim, false, false)


Edited by DREFTHUN
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That's very strange, i use dimensions myself and i've never had this issue. It looks like it gets set on the server but the client still thinks that you are in the same dimension (but then why does the nametag disappear?). Try running getElementDimension() on you and the other player after you set the dimension using that command. Or just:

addEventHandler("onClientRender", root,
  function ()
    dxDrawText("localPlayer: " .. getElementDimension(localPlayer) .. "\nremotePlayer: " .. getElementDimension(getPlayerFromName("teszt1")), 200, 200)

I know, i know it's an awful code, but it's just for debug.

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I use this:

function getPos()
	x, y, z = getElementPosition(localPlayer)
	rot = getPedRotation(localPlayer)
	int = getElementInterior(localPlayer)
	dim = getElementDimension(localPlayer)
	position = x .. ", ".. y .. ", ".. z
	outputChatBox("Rot: "..rot)
	outputChatBox("Int: "..int)
	outputChatBox("Dim: "..dim)
addCommandHandler("getpos", getPos)

It is client-sided, and it still returns the dimension I gave...

And no debug errors... Not even warnings...


I tried even reinstalling the server, and everything...

Just in case, I added that code to my script, to see what happens. http://kephost.com/image/wlEg

Got the source of the problem! Gonna change hostings now! Thank you for your help anyways!

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