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Custom model loading


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I have some (well, actually, a lot) of custom models in my local MTA server. For ease, I've added a superman resource so I can fly around to test my models.

When I first fly over to my custom mapped area (with custom models), they load perfect and no issues. If I fly away and fly back again a couple of minutes later, most of the models have returned to the default GTA SA model before I replaced them. Note, not all revert back to the default model, but most. I don't know what's causing this and it's really annoying, I was wondering if anyone could help me. I've searched and searched and can't find anything that can help me so far.


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16 minutes ago, MrTasty said:

Perhaps it could be the order of loading such models causing this problem. Are you sure you're loading in this order: COL, TXD, DFF?

The issue seems not to be replicating anymore for some reason, maybe something I changed.

Another thing I wish to ask about is the draw distance with custom models. From afar, the model is the default SA model until I get closer. How can I make it so from afar it's the custom model? It's annoying to see huge buildings in the middle of my mapping from far away.

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56 minutes ago, MrTasty said:

Perhaps it could be the order of loading such models causing this problem. Are you sure you're loading in this order: COL, TXD, DFF?

I was loading them in this order: TXD, DFF, COL. I've changed it to COL, TXD, DFF and it seems to be still having issues :/

Edited by marxist
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12 minutes ago, CodyJ(L) said:

Yeh need lods, also from the looks of things you're using a dynamic streamer, us a static one.

What's the difference between a static & dynamic?

Also, what do you mean by 'need lods'? setLowLODElement?

Edited by marxist
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I've added:

for j, k in ipairs(getElementsByType("object")) do
  	local x, y, z = getElementPosition(k)
  	local rx, ry, rz = getElementRotation(k)
	setLowLODElement(k, createObject(getElementModel(k), x, y, z, rx, ry, rz, true))

It has definitely improved most objects, however some still appear to render the default SA object until I get closer.

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