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Zombies spawn radius


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Hey Iam using Slothbot and I want to make that player wont see when bot spawns so I tried to make the radius bigger

After I added +100 bot dont spawn any help?

function spawnBot(x, y, z, rot, skin, interior, dimension, team, weapon, mode, modesubject)
	if not x then return false end
	if not y then return false end
	if not z then return false end
	if not rot then return false end
	if not skin then skin = 0 end
	if not interior then interior = 0 end
	if not dimension then dimension = 0 end
	if isElement(team) == false then team = nil end
	if not weapon then weapon = 0 end
	if not mode then mode = "hunting" end
	if not modesubject then modesubject = nil end
	if mode == "following" then
		if not modesubject then return false end
	if mode == "chasing" then
		if not modesubject then return false end
	local slothbot = createPed (tonumber(skin),tonumber(x+100),tonumber(y+100),tonumber(z+100))--SPOT I CHANGED


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This isn't the radius you are just adding 100 to the x, y and z positions.

100 z is spawning the peds in the air plus the 100 x and y is adding to that making it spawn really far from the player.

This example calculates a random position around the player with a radius of 20

function spawnThePed(plr)
  local x,y,z = getElementPosition(plr)
  local radius = 20
  local r = math.random(360) 
  x = x - math.sin ( math.rad(r) ) * radius 
  y = y + math.cos ( math.rad(r) ) * radius


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I think I added ur example bad becose its not working.

function spawnBot(x, y, z, rot, skin, interior, dimension, team, weapon, mode, modesubject)
--checks the function commands to see if all neccesary parts are filled, sets defaults if not or returns false.
	if not x then return false end
	if not y then return false end
	if not z then return false end
	if not rot then return false end
	if not skin then skin = 0 end
	if not interior then interior = 0 end
	if not dimension then dimension = 0 end
	if isElement(team) == false then team = nil end
	if not weapon then weapon = 0 end
	if not mode then mode = "hunting" end
	if not modesubject then modesubject = nil end
	if mode == "following" then
		if not modesubject then return false end
	if mode == "chasing" then
		if not modesubject then return false end
	  local radius = 20
	  local r = math.random(360) 
      x = x - math.sin ( math.rad(r) ) * radius 
      y = y + math.cos ( math.rad(r) ) * radius
	local slothbot = createPed (tonumber(skin),tonumber(x),tonumber(y),tonumber(z))--spawns the ped
	if (slothbot ~= false) then
		triggerEvent ( "onBotSpawned", slothbot )		
		setTimer ( setElementData, 200, 1, slothbot, "slothbot", true ) -- makes it a bot
		setTimer ( setElementData, 200, 1, slothbot, "AllowFire", true ) -- makes it able to shoot when it wants
		setTimer ( assigncontroller, 300, 1, slothbot ) --sets the bots controller
		setTimer ( giveWeapon, 800, 1, slothbot, tonumber(weapon), 99999, true ) --gives the weapon
		setElementData(slothbot, "BotWeapon", tonumber(weapon))
		if team ~= nil then
			setElementData(slothbot, "BotTeam", team)
		setTimer ( setElementInterior, 100, 1, slothbot, tonumber(interior)) --sets interior
		setTimer ( setElementDimension, 100, 1, slothbot, tonumber(dimension)) --sets dimension
		--sets the mode
		if mode == "waiting" then
			setTimer ( setElementData, 600, 1, slothbot, "status", "waiting")
		elseif mode == "following" then
			setTimer ( setElementData, 400, 1, slothbot, "leader", modesubject )
			setTimer ( setElementData, 600, 1, slothbot, "status", "following")
		elseif mode == "chasing" then
			setTimer ( setElementData, 400, 1, slothbot, "target", modesubject )
			setTimer ( setElementData, 600, 1, slothbot, "status", "chasing")
		elseif mode == "guarding" then
			setTimer ( setBotGuard, 400, 1, slothbot, x, y, z)
			setTimer ( setElementData, 600, 1, slothbot, "status", "hunting")
		return slothbot


Edited by evex
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Don't modify the slothbot resource, nothing needs to be changed in it.

you have to learn about using exported functions.

In another resource where you want to spawn the bots use this for example

function spawnThePed(plr)
  local x,y,z = getElementPosition(plr)
  local radius = 20
  local r = math.random(360) 
  x = x - math.sin ( math.rad(r) ) * radius 
  y = y + math.cos ( math.rad(r) ) * radius


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