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full sql info


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how to get all data from sql, in my script it's show me only recent data

function getTransactionBankLog(player)
	if (player) then
		local transaction = exports.USCsql:query( "SELECT * FROM bank_transaction WHERE accName = ?", getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player)))
		if transaction and transaction['log'] and transaction['date'] then
			local tran, date = transaction['log'] ,transaction['date']
		return tran, date
      	return false


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Assuming exports.USCsql:query can return an array of rows when appropriate, this should work:

function getTransactionBankLog(player)
	local transactions = {} -- create a list
	if player then
		local results = exports.USCsql:query( "SELECT * FROM bank_transaction WHERE accName = ?", getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player)))
		if results then
			for transaction, i in ipairs(transactions) do -- loop the results
				if transaction and transaction['log'] and transaction['date'] then
					table.insert(transactions, {tran = transaction['log'], date = transaction['date']}) -- filling the list from each result
	return transactions -- return the list

You should be able to use it like this:

local transactions = getTransactionBankLog(somePlayerElement)
for transaction, i in ipairs(transactions) do
	outputChatBox("#"..i.." -> tran: "..tostring(transaction.tran)..", date: "..tostring(transaction.date))


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