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xml nodes and \n


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I would like to get the last updates by an xml file and write it in a memo. But ; for this I need to pass lines.

My xml : 

<news>something \n other</news>

server :

-- Server :

function showNews(source)
local settings = xmlLoadFile(":script/settings.xml")
triggerClientEvent(source,"shownews",source,xmlNodeGetValue(xmlFindChild(settings, "news", 0)))

-- I made a bind a bind to this function  somewhere else in my script and it work so, it's not the problem

client :

-- Client :

function showNews(news_)
if news then destroyElement(news) else
local screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize()
news = guiCreateMemo((screenW - 505) / 2, (screenH - 304) / 2, 505, 304, news_, false)


So, when I push my key who is bind, I can see the memo, I can see the text but, I would like to see it like this :



not like this "something \n"


Thanks !

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