Lorder Posted February 15, 2017 Share Posted February 15, 2017 I make grass, the other does not work local pCuboid1 = createColCuboid(2133.1950683594, 633.66455078125, 0, 197.5, 92, 30) local pArea1 = createRadarArea( 2130, 630, 200, 100, 255, 255, 255, 125 ) local pLv1 = createColCuboid(2506.7692871094, 693.96868896484, 0, 200, 130, 30) local pArea2 = createRadarArea( 2504, 694, 190, 100, 255, 255, 255, 125 ) setElementData(pCuboid1, "friendly", "",false) setElementData(pCuboid1, "ownedBy", "",false) messages = { [1] = {"#00ff00[TurfSistemi]:#C86f6f Bölgeyi ala bilmek için 10 dakika bekleyin.",p, 255, 255, 255,true}, [2] = {"#00ff00[TurfSistemi]:#C86f6f Entered friendly turf.",p, 255, 255, 255,false}, [3] = {"#00ff00[TurfSistemi]:#C86f6f Bölgeyi ala bilmek için bir grupta olmalısınız.",p, 255, 255, 255,true}, [4] = {"#00ff00[TurfSistemi]:#C86f6f Bölgeyi ele geçirdiniz.",p, 255, 255, 255,true}, [5] = {"#00ff00[TurfSistemi]:#C86f6f Bölgeyi araç ile alamazsınız.",p, 255, 255, 255,true}, [6] = {"#00ff00[TurfSistemi]:#C86f6f Turffa giriş yaptınız"..getElementData(pCuboid1, "ownedBy"),p, 255, 255, 255,true}, [7] = {"#00ff00[TurfSistemi]:#C86f6f Turfdan çıkış yaptınız"..getElementData(pCuboid1, "ownedBy"),p, 255, 255, 255,true}, } function NeedMsg(p,n,getOwnedBy) if (n) then outputChatBox(unpack(messages[n])) end end --[[ ZONE CREATION ]]-- addEventHandler('onColShapeHit', pCuboid1, pLv1, function(p) NeedMsg(p,6) if (getPlayerTeam(p)) then NeedMsg(p,1) local pTeam = getPlayerTeam( p ) local iR, iG, iB = getTeamColor( pTeam ) local rR, gG, bB = getRadarAreaColor( pArea1 ) local data = getElementData(pCuboid1, "friendly") if ( iR == rR ) and ( iG == gG ) and ( iB == bB ) and ( data == "yes" ) then NeedMsg(p,2) else setRadarAreaFlashing( pArea1, true ) capturing = setTimer( function( ) setElementData(pCuboid1, "friendly", "yes") setElementData(pCuboid1, "ownedBy", getTeamName(pTeam)) givePlayerMoney( p, 4000 ) NeedMsg(p,4) setRadarAreaColor( pArea1, iR, iG, iB ) setRadarAreaFlashing( pArea1, false ) end, 600000, 1 ) end else NeedMsg(p,3) end if (getPedOccupiedVehicle( p )) then NeedMsg(p,5) end end ) addEventHandler('onColShapeLeave', pCuboid1, function(p) setRadarAreaFlashing( pArea1, false ) if isTimer(capturing) then killTimer(capturing) end NeedMsg(p,7) end Link to comment
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