rogerioexper Posted February 14, 2017 Share Posted February 14, 2017 Hello atmbank system is initializing when the player enters is already in the middle of the screen and does not leave it should be some bug can help me to clean it I liked the system a lot and change the image only help me with this bug starting next to the player and not Date --====================================================-- -- // Script By ShWaEkI \\ -- --// Don't Remove This \\ -- --=======================================================-- staticimage = {} PathImage = {} ParentImage = {} BankMoney = 0 _guiCreateStaticImage = guiCreateStaticImage function guiCreateStaticImage( X, Y, W, D, URl1 , R, P, URl2 ) Image1 = _guiCreateStaticImage(X, Y, W, D, "images/"..URl1.."1.png", R, P) Image2 = _guiCreateStaticImage(( X == 317 and X-117 or X+48 ), Y, 120, 50, "images/"..URl2.."1.png", R, P) PathImage[Image1] = { URl1, URl2 } ParentImage[Image1] = Image2 return Image1 end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() local screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize() staticimage[1] = _guiCreateStaticImage((screenW - 378) / 2, (screenH - 335) / 2, 378, 335, "images/back.png", false) guiSetVisible ( staticimage[1], false ) WindowLabel1 = guiCreateLabel(0, 0, 378, 335, "", false, staticimage[1]) staticimage[2] = guiCreateStaticImage(317, 98, 50, 50, "b", false, WindowLabel1, "deposit-") staticimage[3] = guiCreateStaticImage(10, 98, 50, 50, "g", false, WindowLabel1, "transfer-") staticimage[4] = guiCreateStaticImage(317, 183, 50, 50, "b", false, WindowLabel1, "withdraw-") staticimage[5] = guiCreateStaticImage(10, 183, 50, 50, "g", false, WindowLabel1 ,"exit-") WindowLabel2 = guiCreateLabel(0, 0, 378, 335, "", false, staticimage[1]) guiSetVisible ( WindowLabel2, false ) Label_1 = guiCreateLabel(38, 99, 340, 15, "English", false, WindowLabel2) Label_2 = guiCreateLabel(0, 77, 340, 15, "عربي", false, WindowLabel2) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(Label_2, "right", false) guiSetFont(Label_1, "default-bold-small") guiSetFont(Label_2, "default-bold-small") guiLabelSetColor(Label_1, 0, 255, 255) guiLabelSetColor(Label_2, 0, 255, 255) Edit = guiCreateEdit(130, 139, 108, 23, "0", false, WindowLabel2) staticimage[6] = guiCreateStaticImage(317, 183, 50, 50, "b", false, WindowLabel2, "deposit-") staticimage[7] = guiCreateStaticImage(10, 183, 50, 50, "g", false, WindowLabel2 ,"back-") Label_3 = guiCreateLabel(129, 277, 111, 15, "$122", false, staticimage[1]) Label_4 = guiCreateLabel(129, 302, 111, 15, "$122111", false, staticimage[1]) guiSetFont(Label_3, "default-bold-small") guiSetFont(Label_4, "default-bold-small") guiLabelSetColor(Label_3, 0, 255, 0) guiLabelSetColor(Label_4, 255, 255, 0) WindowLabel3 = guiCreateLabel(0, 0, 378, 335, "", false, staticimage[1]) guiSetVisible ( WindowLabel3, false ) staticimage[8] = guiCreateStaticImage(317, 183, 50, 50, "b", false, WindowLabel3, "transfer2-") staticimage[9] = guiCreateStaticImage(10, 183, 50, 50, "g", false, WindowLabel3 ,"back-") Edit_2 = guiCreateEdit(189, 99, 168, 24, "0", false, WindowLabel3) Edit_3 = guiCreateEdit(189, 133, 168, 24, "0", false, WindowLabel3) Label_5 = guiCreateLabel(68, 101, 106, 22, "ID / رقم التعريف", false, WindowLabel3) Label_6 = guiCreateLabel(68, 137, 106, 20, "Money / المبلغ", false, WindowLabel3) guiSetFont(Label_5, "default-bold-small") guiSetFont(Label_6, "default-bold-small") guiLabelSetColor(Label_5, 0, 255, 0) guiLabelSetColor(Label_6, 255, 255, 0) for i, v in ipairs ( getElementsByType( "object" ,resourceRoot) ) do setObjectBreakable( v, false ) end end ) addEventHandler( "onClientGUIClick", resourceRoot, function ( ) if ( source == staticimage[2] ) then guiSetVisible ( WindowLabel1, false) guiSetVisible ( WindowLabel3, false) guiSetVisible ( WindowLabel2, true) guiSetText( Edit, "0" ) guiSetText( Label_1, "type the amount you want to deposit in the bank" ) guiSetText( Label_2, "قم بكتابة المبلغ الذي تريد ايداعه في البنك" ) optionType = "Deposit" local Parent = ParentImage[staticimage[6]] guiStaticImageLoadImage ( Parent, "images/deposit-1.png" ) elseif ( source == staticimage[4] ) then guiSetVisible ( WindowLabel1, false) guiSetVisible ( WindowLabel3, false) guiSetVisible ( WindowLabel2, true) guiSetText( Edit, "0" ) guiSetText( Label_1, "type the amount you want to withdraw from the bank" ) guiSetText( Label_2, "قم بكتابة المبلغ الذي تريد سحبه من البنك" ) optionType = "Withdraw" local Parent = ParentImage[staticimage[6]] guiStaticImageLoadImage ( Parent, "images/withdraw-1.png" ) elseif ( source == staticimage[3] ) then guiSetVisible ( WindowLabel1, false ) guiSetVisible ( WindowLabel2, false) guiSetVisible ( WindowLabel3, true) optionType = "Transfer" elseif ( source == staticimage[5] ) then guiSetVisible ( staticimage[1], false) showCursor( false ) elseif ( source == staticimage[6] ) then local Money = tonumber( guiGetText(Edit) ) if ( optionType and Money > 0 ) then triggerServerEvent ("BankAction", localPlayer, optionType, Money ) end elseif ( source == staticimage[7] ) then guiSetVisible ( WindowLabel2, false) guiSetVisible ( WindowLabel1, true) elseif ( source == staticimage[8] ) then local Money = tonumber( guiGetText(Edit_3) ) local ID = tonumber( guiGetText(Edit_2) ) if ( optionType and ID and Money > 0 ) then triggerServerEvent ("BankAction", localPlayer, optionType, Money, ID ) end elseif ( source == staticimage[9] ) then guiSetVisible ( WindowLabel3, false) guiSetVisible ( WindowLabel1, true) end end ) addEvent( "updateBalanceLabel", true ) addEventHandler( "updateBalanceLabel", root, function ( Money, MaxMoney ) if ( not guiGetVisible ( staticimage[1] ) ) then guiSetVisible( staticimage[1], true) showCursor( true ) end BankMoney = Money guiSetText(Label_3 ,"$"..convertNumber ( Money ) ) guiSetText(Label_4 ,"$"..convertNumber ( MaxMoney ) ) end ) addEvent( "closeBankWindow", true ) addEventHandler( "closeBankWindow", root, function ( ) guiSetVisible ( WindowLabel3, false) guiSetVisible ( WindowLabel2, false) guiSetVisible ( WindowLabel1, true) guiSetVisible( staticimage[1], false) showCursor( false ) end ) addEventHandler("onClientMarkerLeave", resourceRoot, function ( player ) if ( getElementType(player) == "player" ) and ( player == localPlayer ) then if ( guiGetVisible ( staticimage[1] ) ) then guiSetVisible( staticimage[1], false) showCursor( false ) end end end ) addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", resourceRoot, function () local Text = guiGetText(source) if ( Text == "" ) then guiSetText(source, "0") elseif ( not tonumber(Text) ) then guiSetText(source, string.gsub(Text, "[^%d]", "")) elseif ( tonumber(Text) < 0 ) then guiSetText(source, "0") else if ( optionType == "Deposit" ) then if ( tonumber(Text) > getPlayerMoney() ) then guiSetText(source, getPlayerMoney() ) end elseif ( optionType == "Withdraw" ) then if ( tonumber(Text) > tonumber(BankMoney) ) then guiSetText(source, tonumber(BankMoney) ) end end end end ) addEventHandler( "onClientMouseEnter", resourceRoot, function() if ( getElementType(source) == "gui-staticimage" ) then local Path = PathImage[source] if ( Path ) then guiStaticImageLoadImage ( source, "images/"..Path[1].."2.png" ) local Parent = ParentImage[source] if ( Parent ) then if ( source == staticimage[6] ) then if ( optionType == "deposit" ) then guiStaticImageLoadImage ( Parent, "images/deposit-2.png" ) elseif ( optionType == "withdraw" ) then guiStaticImageLoadImage ( Parent, "images/withdraw-2.png" ) end else guiStaticImageLoadImage ( Parent, "images/"..Path[2].."2.png" ) end end end end end ) addEventHandler( "onClientMouseLeave", resourceRoot, function() if ( getElementType(source) == "gui-staticimage" ) then local Path = PathImage[source] if ( Path ) then guiStaticImageLoadImage ( source, "images/"..Path[1].."1.png" ) local Parent = ParentImage[source] if ( Parent ) then if ( source == staticimage[6] ) then if ( optionType == "deposit" ) then guiStaticImageLoadImage ( Parent, "images/deposit-1.png" ) elseif ( optionType == "withdraw" ) then guiStaticImageLoadImage ( Parent, "images/withdraw-1.png" ) end else guiStaticImageLoadImage ( Parent, "images/"..Path[2].."1.png" ) end end end end end ) function convertNumber ( number ) local formatted = number while true do formatted, k = string.gsub(formatted, "^(-?%d+)(%d%d%d)", '%1,%2') if ( k==0 ) then break end end return formatted end --====================================================-- -- // Script By ShWaEkI \\ -- --// Don't Remove This \\ -- --=======================================================-- PlayersID = {} Accounts = {} local Markers = { { 2456.70 , -1513.3 , 23, { 2456.7 ,-1514 ,23.6, 180 } }, { 1456.60 , -1583.6 , 12.6, { 1456.6,-1582.9, 13.2, 0 } }, { 1109.80 , -924.50 , 42.4, { 1109.8 ,-923.9 ,43, 0 } }, { 2082.60 , 1156.50 , 10.1, { 2083.3 ,1156.5 ,10.5 , 270 } }, { 2086.40 , 2059.50 , 10, { 2085.7 ,2059.5 ,10.7 , 90 } }, { -1589.4 , 1239.60 , 6.2, { -1588.7 ,1239.6 ,6.8 , 270 } }, { -2338.6 , -79.300 , 34.4, { 2338.6 ,-79.9 ,35 , 0 } }, { 359.000 , -2071.7 , 9.62, { 359,-2071.1,10.3, 0 } }, -- {Marker_X, Marker_Y, Marker_Z, { Object_X, Object_Y, Object_Z, Object_R } }, } exports["scoreboard"]:scoreboardAddColumn ( "ID", root, 20, "ID", 1 ) MaxMoney = 5000000 addEventHandler ( 'onPlayerLogin', root, function ( _, Account ) Accounts[source] = Account end ) addEventHandler ( "onPlayerJoin", root, function( ) setElementData ( source, "ID", getFreeID( ) ) end) addEventHandler ( "onPlayerQuit", root, function( ) PlayersID[getElementData (source, "ID")] = nil end) addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function ( ) for i, v in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "player" ) ) do if ( not isGuestAccount ( getPlayerAccount ( v ) ) ) then Accounts[v] = getPlayerAccount ( v ) end PlayersID[i] = v setElementData (v, "ID", i ) end for i,v in ipairs(Markers) do local Marker = createMarker(v[1],v[2],v[3],"cylinder", 1, 0, 255, 0, 120) local Object = createObject ( 2942, v[4][1],v[4][2],v[4][3]-0.3, 0, 0, v[4][4] ) local Blip = createBlipAttachedTo( Object, 52, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 400 ) setElementFrozen( Object, true ) end end ) addEvent( "BankAction", true ) addEventHandler( "BankAction", root, function ( Action, Money, ID ) if ( Accounts[source] ) then if Action == "GetMoney" then showBankMoney( source, Accounts[source] ) elseif Action == "Deposit" then if Money > getPlayerMoney( source ) then outputChatBox("You dont have enough enough Money !", source, 255, 0, 0 ) return end giveBankMoney( Accounts[source], Money ) takePlayerMoney(source, Money) showBankMoney( source, Accounts[source] ) closeBankWindow( source ) elseif Action == "Withdraw" then if Money > getBankMoney( Accounts[source] ) then outputChatBox( "You dont have money on your account to Withdraw it !", source, 255, 0, 0 ) return end takeBankMoney( Accounts[source], Money ) givePlayerMoney(source, Money) showBankMoney( source, Accounts[source] ) closeBankWindow( source ) elseif Action == "Transfer" then local player = getPlayerFromID( ID ) if not ( player )then outputChatBox( "Not Found Player ", source, 255, 0, 0 ) return end if Money > getBankMoney( Accounts[source] ) then outputChatBox( "You dont have money on your account to Transfer it !", source, 255, 0, 0 ) return end if source == player then outputChatBox("You can't transfer to yourself ", source, 255, 0, 0 ) return end takeBankMoney( Accounts[source], Money ) giveBankMoney( Accounts[player], Money ) showBankMoney( source, Accounts[source] ) showBankMoney( player, Accounts[player] ) outputChatBox( "You have successfully send Money to ".. getPlayerName(player) .." $".. Money .."!", source, 0,255,0) outputChatBox( getPlayerName(source) .." have send Money to you $ ".. Money .."!", player, 0,255,0) closeBankWindow( source ) end end end ) addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", resourceRoot, function ( player, MD ) local px, py, pz = getElementPosition ( player ) local mx, my, mz = getElementPosition ( source ) if ( Accounts[player] ) and ( MD ) and ( pz-3 < mz ) and ( pz+3 > mz ) then showBankMoney( player, Accounts[player] ) end end ) function showBankMoney( player, Account ) triggerClientEvent (player, "updateBalanceLabel", player, getBankMoney( Account ), MaxMoney ) end function closeBankWindow( player ) triggerClientEvent (player, "closeBankWindow", player ) end function setBankMoney( Account, Money ) setAccountData (Account, "Bank", Money) end function getBankMoney( Account ) return getAccountData (Account, "Bank") or 0 end function takeBankMoney( Account, Money ) setAccountData (Account, "Bank", ( getBankMoney( Account ) - Money )) end function giveBankMoney( Account, Money ) setAccountData (Account, "Bank", ( getBankMoney( Account ) + Money )) end function getFreeID( ) local NewID = false for i=1,getMaxPlayers() do if ( not PlayersID[i] ) then NewID = i break end end return NewID end function getPlayerFromID( ID ) local player = false for i, v in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "player" ) ) do if getElementData (v, "ID") == tonumber( ID ) then player = v break end end return player end Link to comment
rogerioexper Posted February 15, 2017 Author Share Posted February 15, 2017 ajuda alguem pf Link to comment
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