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UPDATE query


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When i try updating the database it does not work when using the WHERE clause...

I get no errors.

Here's all the code


local db = dbConnect("sqlite","playerData/accounts.db")
db:exec( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS playerData (account TEXT, lastpos_x INT, lastpos_y INT, lastpos_z INT, money INT, health INT, hunger INT, water INT, exp INT, kills INT, deaths INT )")


function registerPlayerToDB( p )
	db:exec( "INSERT INTO playerData(account , lastpos_x, lastpos_y, lastpos_z, money, health, hunger, water, exp, kills, deaths ) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)", p.account.name, p.position.x, p.position.y, p.position.z, p:getMoney(),p.health,100,100,0,0,0)
	PDT[p.account.name] = {["money"] = 0,["health"] = 100,["hunger"] = 100,["water"] = 100,["exp"] = 0,["kills"] = 0,["deaths"] = 0 }

function loadPlayerDataFromDB( player )
	local data = dbQuery(db, "SELECT * FROM playerData"):poll(-1)
	outputDebugString( inspect(PDT) )	
addCommandHandler( "db", loadPlayerDataFromDB )

addEventHandler( "onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function( )
	local data = dbQuery(db, "SELECT * FROM playerData"):poll(-1)
	for i=1,#data do
		local d = data[i]
		PDT[d.account] = {["money"] = d.money,["health"] = d.health,["hunger"] = d.hunger,["water"] = d.water,["exp"] = d.exp,["kills"] = d.kills,["deaths"] = d.deaths }
		--outputConsole( inspect(PDT) )
end )

function saveDataToDB( plr )
	if plr then
		for acc,data in pairs(PDT) do
			if acc == source.account.name then
				local pos = Account(acc).player.position
				db:exec( "UPDATE playerData SET lastpos_x=?, lastpos_y=?, lastpos_z=?, money=?, health=?, hunger=?, water=?, exp=?, kills=?, deaths=? WHERE account=?",pos.x,pos.y,pos.z,data.health,data.hunger,data.water,data.exp,data.kills,data.deaths,tostring(acc))
		for acc,data in pairs(PDT) do
			local p = Account(acc).player
			local pos = p.position
			local update = db:exec( "UPDATE playerData SET lastpos_x=?,lastpos_y=?,lastpos_z=?,money=?,health=?,hunger=?,water=?,exp=?,kills=?,deaths=? WHERE account=?",pos.x,pos.y,pos.z,data.health,data.hunger,data.water,data.exp,data.kills,data.deaths,tostring(acc))
			iprint("DB updated.",data.health,data.hunger,data.water,data.exp,data.kills,data.deaths,acc)

addEventHandler( "onResourceStop", resourceRoot, function ( ) saveDataToDB() end )

local r = math.random

function updateTable( ) --for testing purposes
	for acc,data in pairs(PDT) do
		if Account(acc).player then
		local p = Account(acc).player
			PDT[p.account.name] = {["money"] = p:getMoney(),["health"] = p.health,["hunger"] = r(100),["water"] = r(100),["exp"] = r(100),["kills"] = r(100),["deaths"] = r(100) }
setTimer( updateTable, 3000, 0 )



Edited by loki2143
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I haven't really worked with SQLite as I think it's not really more than an excel sheet compared to MySQL but as SQL is usually the same...

There are only two small things I can see, first you never really use the plr variable but instead the source variable, second I always embed column and table names in ``, e.g.

UPDATE `characters` SET `pos_y`='1' WHERE (`character_id`='2')

Also I use Navicat Lite to double check my queries for function, might help you.

  • Thanks 1
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So, I tried the querying a SQLite database and can't seem to find any mistake here...
For ease of use I did however use Navicat and not MTA, all queries worked just fine.

However the positiondata should in theory be REAL and not INTEGER...SQLite did not complain and even saved the reals in the integer fields.
Maybe MTA is picky there...

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MTA is just using embedded SQL, there shouldn't be any difference between plain SQL and MTA SQL. The only thing I can think about is that you don't have any matches in the WHERE, maybe wrong id / username? Debug your code with outputChatBoxes to make sure the query actually runs and also output the values you are checking in the WHERE clause. If you are still unable to solve it, send us the layout of your table and the outputChatBox from the WHERE clause values. 

Edited by pa3ck
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