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[HELP] I making a simple "/help" Script


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Hello dear forum users,

im newbie on scripting .

now im doing a little help system.

Player say /help to chat .

like a "help me" text on chatbox

but other players can't see "help me" text

only admins can see it.

which funcitions useless for this


outputChatbox( how i can write text to only admins see)


Sorry for bad english my from Turkey :P


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I have not tested this, but you should read about ACL Groups and ACL Lists

In your case i think you might be looking for something along these lines...


function helpMe()
	-- your code hre
addCommandHandler ( "help", helpMe)


And then in:

<acl name="Default">
        <right name="command.start" access="false" />
        <right name="command.stop" access="false" />
        <right name="command.stopall" access="false" />
        ...etc etc...


<right name="command.help" access="false" />


Might not be spot on... but along those lines


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Jamie, i think he's talking about text that only admins can see, not commands that only admins can use...

So: outputChatBox's second parameter is what you are looking for. It's defaulted to root, so the text is visible to all children of root = all players.

I guess in you server there's no dummy element parent of admins (it would be not a normal thing...), so i think you should get all the admins and repeat the outputChatBox for every admin*


* To get the admins, you get all players. Then get their account and check if account is in "Admin" group with isObjectInACLGroup. If it is, output the text to that player:

local players = getElementsByType( "player" ) --get ALL players
local adminACL = aclGetGroup ( "Admin" ) --get the admin acl group
for _,thePlayer in pairs(players) do --loop the players
	if isObjectInACLGroup( getPlayerAccount( thePlayer ), adminACL ) then --check if the account of that player is an admin
		outputChatBox( "Your text goes here", thePlayer ) --if it is, outputChatBox to him


Edited by LoPollo
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