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Updating user data


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Hi, I've been working on a personal vehicle script recently and have run into a problem...

in my GUI panel,  I have a grid list that is populated by calling a function that pulls the user data "personal_vehicle_x" from the internal DB and sets it into element data with the same name and displays it in the list....


it works at first, when the panel is first initiated by pressing the bound key (num_add) (i call the server function each time the corresponding key is pressed to ensure the list is updated)... I can see the data changing in the database, however, the code accessing it is not getting the new result... is there something fundamental I am missing? and should I be adding custom tables for this? or is it ok to make use of the user data table?


Also... the data updates upon the player logging in, where I am also calling the function initially

Edited by JamieSA
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-- Get Garage function - used to fill and refresh personal vehicle list

addEvent("getGarage", true)
function getGarage ( thePlayer )
	playerAccount = getPlayerAccount(thePlayer)
	dataTable = {}
	dataTable[10] = getAccountData(playerAccount, "activePV")
	for i=0,9 do
		id = getAccountData(playerAccount, "personal_vehicle_"..i)
		dataTable[i] = id
	for k,v in ipairs(dataTable) do
		setElementData(source, "personal_vehicle_"..k, v)
	outputConsole("--- Vehicle list returned from server. ---")
	triggerClientEvent("getGarageCallback", thePlayer, dataTable)
addEventHandler ( "getGarage", getRootElement(), getGarage )



-- Get garage callback
addEvent("getGarageCallback", true)
function getGarageCallback(theGarage)
		outputConsole("--- Vehicle list received by client. ---")
addEventHandler ( "getGarageCallback", getRootElement(), getGarageCallback )


works the first time... but never again

whats going on??

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Here some more improvements:


First of all use:





    playerAccount, dataTable, id

Shouldn't be able to access from other places! They should be freed from the memory after the code has been executed!


Define the target player, you want the data to be send back to: (else all players get this data!)

triggerClientEvent(thePlayer, "getGarageCallback", thePlayer, dataTable)


Edited by IIYAMA
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