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مسابقة :- الاكواد المعقدة !

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t = {  
  dwarf = { str = 22, dex = 23, wis = 18 }, 
  human = { str = 20, dex = 20, wis = 20 }, 
  elf   = { str = 18, dex = 24, wis = 25 }, 
outputChatBox (table.foreach (t,  
      function (k, v) 
       if k == "elf" then 
    v.str = 999999 
         return k..">"..v.str  


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43 minutes ago, #BrosS said:

t = {  
  dwarf = { str = 22, dex = 23, wis = 18 }, 
  human = { str = 20, dex = 20, wis = 20 }, 
  elf   = { str = 18, dex = 24, wis = 25 }, 
outputChatBox (table.foreach (t,  
      function (k, v) 
       if k == "elf" then 
    v.str = 999999 
         return k..">"..v.str  

شو المعقيد فيه ؟


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5 hours ago, #BrosS said:

t = {  
  dwarf = { str = 22, dex = 23, wis = 18 }, 
  human = { str = 20, dex = 20, wis = 20 }, 
  elf   = { str = 18, dex = 24, wis = 25 }, 
outputChatBox (table.foreach (t,  
      function (k, v) 
       if k == "elf" then 
    v.str = 999999 
         return k..">"..v.str  


لا تكون جايبه من برا ام تي ايه ولا شئ؟

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1 hour ago, Professional said:

كيف عرفت انه غلط ؟؟


لتكون بيل غيتس النسخه العربيه

ما شاء الله ليه بيل غيتس سي دي عشان ينسخ؟

انا كنت احسبه يطبع محتويات الجدول لكن الفنشكن هذا راح ينلغي في اصدارات لوا الجديدة احتمال ام تي اي ترفع اصدارها الى 5.3 صار اسرع ويدعم اشياء مفيدة elf بالنسبة لكوده صحيح راجعته وعرفت انه يدور عن القيمة

  • Like 1
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52 minutes ago, Abu-Solo said:

شوي شوي علي تنطيل

توه راجع

مانبيه يطير مره ثانيه




ما راح يطير تعرف ليش

انزل تحت



















انزل كمان




















لساا انزل




















كمان انزل










لانو ما عنده جوانح

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ذي لغه Quest

BoundingSphereRadius   300.000000
BoundingSpherePosition 0.000000 0.000000 200.000000

Group Particle
    StartTime           0.000000
    List TimeEventPosition
        0.000000 "MOVING_TYPE_DIRECT" 0.000000 0.000000 110.150993
    Group EmitterProperty
        MaxEmissionCount        1
        CycleLength             2.500000
        CycleLoopEnable         1
        LoopCount               0
        EmitterShape            0
        EmitterAdvancedType     0
        EmitterEmitFromEdgeFlag  0
        EmittingDirection       0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
        List TimeEventEmittingSize
            3.000000 0.000000
        List TimeEventEmittingAngularVelocity
            0.000000 0.000000
        List TimeEventEmittingDirectionX
            0.000000 0.000000
        List TimeEventEmittingDirectionY
            0.000000 0.000000
        List TimeEventEmittingDirectionZ
            0.054286 14.948454
        List TimeEventEmittingVelocity
            0.000000 3.000000
        List TimeEventEmissionCountPerSecond
            0.000000 20.000000
        List TimeEventLifeTime
            0.000000 2.216495
        List TimeEventSizeX
            0.000000 64.000000
        List TimeEventSizeY
            0.000000 64.000000
    Group ParticleProperty
        SrcBlendType                 5
        DestBlendType                6
        ColorOperationType           4
        BillboardType                1
        RotationType                 0
        RotationSpeed                2.000000
        RotationRandomStartingBegin  0
        RotationRandomStartingEnd    0
        AttachEnable                 1
        StretchEnable                0
        TexAniType                   0
        TexAniDelay                  0.029000
        TexAniRandomStartFrameEnable 0
        List TimeEventGravity
            0.514286 25.000000
        List TimeEventAirResistance
            0.480000 0.030928
        List TimeEventScaleX
            0.005714 0.200000
        List TimeEventScaleY
            0.000000 0.400000
        List TimeEventColorRed
            0.000000 1.000000
        List TimeEventColorGreen
            0.000000 1.000000
        List TimeEventColorBlue
            0.000000 1.000000
        List TimeEventAlpha
            0.000000 0.000000
            0.107692 0.771144
            0.207692 1.000000
            0.902564 0.792553
            0.997436 0.000000
        List TimeEventRotation
            0.000000 0.000000
        List TextureFiles

للعبه مشهوره


هذا الكود يحط لك فوق شخصيه شعار او صوره انت تحطها

Edited by Professional
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1 hour ago, </Mr.Tn6eL> said:

ما شاء الله ليه بيل غيتس سي دي عشان ينسخ؟

انا كنت احسبه يطبع محتويات الجدول لكن الفنشكن هذا راح ينلغي في اصدارات لوا الجديدة احتمال ام تي اي ترفع اصدارها الى 5.3 صار اسرع ويدعم اشياء مفيدة elf بالنسبة لكوده صحيح راجعته وعرفت انه يدور عن القيمة

والله ودنا بهالشيء لكن للاسف رافضين الام تي اي تيم يقولون بيسبب ضرر كبير للاعبين وماراح يرقونه

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		local utf8, tonumber, DxDrawText, dxGetFontHeight, dxGetTextWidth = utf8, tonumber, _G.dxDrawText, dxGetFontHeight, dxGetTextWidth
		local Match, Sub, GMatch, Len, xSub, Find = utf8.match, utf8.sub, utf8.gmatch, utf8.len, string.sub, utf8.find
		function dxDrawText( Text, xPosition, yPosition, Width, Height, Color, Alpha, Scale, Font, AlignX, AlignY, Clip, WBreak, PGUI, CCoded, FRotation, FRCX, FRCY )
			Color, Alpha, AlignX, AlignY = Color or -1, Alpha or 1, AlignX or "left", AlignY or "top"
			local Red, Green, Blue, CAlpha = FromColor( Color )
			Color = tocolor( Red, Green, Blue, CAlpha * Alpha )
			local TIndex, TData, DText = 0
			if ( CCoded ) then
				TData = {}
				DText = Match( Text, "(.-)#%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x" ) or Text
				if ( DText and DText ~= "" ) then
					TIndex, TData[1] = 1, { DText, Color }
					Text = Sub( Text, Len( DText ) + 1 )
				for HDemical in GMatch( Text, "#%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x" ) do
					DText = Match( Text, HDemical.."(.-)#%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x" ) or Match( Text, HDemical.."(.+)" )
					if ( DText and DText ~= "" ) then
						TIndex = TIndex + 1
						TData[TIndex] = { DText, tocolor( tonumber( "0x"..xSub( HDemical, 4, 5 ) ), tonumber( "0x"..xSub( HDemical, 6, 7 ) ), tonumber( "0x"..xSub( HDemical, 8, 9 ) ), tonumber( "0x"..xSub( HDemical, 2, 3 ) ) * Alpha ) }
						Text = Sub( Text, Len( DText ) + 10 )
				TIndex, TData = 1, { { Text, Color } }
			local CLData, CLIndex, CLText, xText = { Text = "" }, 0, ""
			local LData, LIndex = { CLData }, 1
			for Text = 1, TIndex do
				Text = TData[Text]
				Text, Color = Text[1], Text[2]
					DText = Match( Text, "(.-)\n" )
					xText = DText or Text
					if ( xText ~= "" ) then
						CLIndex = CLIndex + 1
						CLText, CLData[CLIndex] = CLText..xText, { xText, Color }
						CLData.Text = CLText
					if ( DText ) then
						CLData, CLIndex, LIndex, CLText, Text = { Text = "" }, 0, LIndex + 1, "", Sub( Text, Len( DText ) + 2 )
						LData[LIndex] = CLData
				until not DText
			local xAILeft, xAICenter, FHeight = AlignX == "left", AlignX == "center", dxGetFontHeight( Scale, Font )
			local CYPosition, CXPosition = AlignY == "top" and yPosition or yPosition + ( Height - FHeight * LIndex ) / ( AlignY == "center" and 2 or 1 )
			if ( Clip ) then
				dxSetRenderTarget( RTarget, true )
				dxSetBlendMode( "modulate_add" )
			for Line = 1, LIndex do
				Line = LData[Line]
				CXPosition = xAILeft and xPosition or xPosition + ( Width - dxGetTextWidth( Line.Text, Scale, Font ) ) / ( xAICenter and 2 or 1 )
				for Text = 1, #Line do
					Text = Line[Text]
					Color, Text = Text[2], Text[1]
					DxDrawText( Text, CXPosition, CYPosition, nil, nil, Color, Scale, Font )
					CXPosition = CXPosition + dxGetTextWidth( Text, Scale, Font )
				CYPosition = CYPosition + FHeight
			if ( Clip ) then
				dxSetBlendMode( "add" )
				dxDrawImageSection( xPosition, yPosition, Width, Height, xPosition, yPosition, Width, Height, RTarget, FRotation or 0, FRCX or 0, FRCY or 0, -1, PGUI )
				dxSetBlendMode( "blend" )
			return true


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51 minutes ago, #Skrillex said:

		local utf8, tonumber, DxDrawText, dxGetFontHeight, dxGetTextWidth = utf8, tonumber, _G.dxDrawText, dxGetFontHeight, dxGetTextWidth
		local Match, Sub, GMatch, Len, xSub, Find = utf8.match, utf8.sub, utf8.gmatch, utf8.len, string.sub, utf8.find
		function dxDrawText( Text, xPosition, yPosition, Width, Height, Color, Alpha, Scale, Font, AlignX, AlignY, Clip, WBreak, PGUI, CCoded, FRotation, FRCX, FRCY )
			Color, Alpha, AlignX, AlignY = Color or -1, Alpha or 1, AlignX or "left", AlignY or "top"
			local Red, Green, Blue, CAlpha = FromColor( Color )
			Color = tocolor( Red, Green, Blue, CAlpha * Alpha )
			local TIndex, TData, DText = 0
			if ( CCoded ) then
				TData = {}
				DText = Match( Text, "(.-)#%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x" ) or Text
				if ( DText and DText ~= "" ) then
					TIndex, TData[1] = 1, { DText, Color }
					Text = Sub( Text, Len( DText ) + 1 )
				for HDemical in GMatch( Text, "#%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x" ) do
					DText = Match( Text, HDemical.."(.-)#%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x" ) or Match( Text, HDemical.."(.+)" )
					if ( DText and DText ~= "" ) then
						TIndex = TIndex + 1
						TData[TIndex] = { DText, tocolor( tonumber( "0x"..xSub( HDemical, 4, 5 ) ), tonumber( "0x"..xSub( HDemical, 6, 7 ) ), tonumber( "0x"..xSub( HDemical, 8, 9 ) ), tonumber( "0x"..xSub( HDemical, 2, 3 ) ) * Alpha ) }
						Text = Sub( Text, Len( DText ) + 10 )
				TIndex, TData = 1, { { Text, Color } }
			local CLData, CLIndex, CLText, xText = { Text = "" }, 0, ""
			local LData, LIndex = { CLData }, 1
			for Text = 1, TIndex do
				Text = TData[Text]
				Text, Color = Text[1], Text[2]
					DText = Match( Text, "(.-)\n" )
					xText = DText or Text
					if ( xText ~= "" ) then
						CLIndex = CLIndex + 1
						CLText, CLData[CLIndex] = CLText..xText, { xText, Color }
						CLData.Text = CLText
					if ( DText ) then
						CLData, CLIndex, LIndex, CLText, Text = { Text = "" }, 0, LIndex + 1, "", Sub( Text, Len( DText ) + 2 )
						LData[LIndex] = CLData
				until not DText
			local xAILeft, xAICenter, FHeight = AlignX == "left", AlignX == "center", dxGetFontHeight( Scale, Font )
			local CYPosition, CXPosition = AlignY == "top" and yPosition or yPosition + ( Height - FHeight * LIndex ) / ( AlignY == "center" and 2 or 1 )
			if ( Clip ) then
				dxSetRenderTarget( RTarget, true )
				dxSetBlendMode( "modulate_add" )
			for Line = 1, LIndex do
				Line = LData[Line]
				CXPosition = xAILeft and xPosition or xPosition + ( Width - dxGetTextWidth( Line.Text, Scale, Font ) ) / ( xAICenter and 2 or 1 )
				for Text = 1, #Line do
					Text = Line[Text]
					Color, Text = Text[2], Text[1]
					DxDrawText( Text, CXPosition, CYPosition, nil, nil, Color, Scale, Font )
					CXPosition = CXPosition + dxGetTextWidth( Text, Scale, Font )
				CYPosition = CYPosition + FHeight
			if ( Clip ) then
				dxSetBlendMode( "add" )
				dxDrawImageSection( xPosition, yPosition, Width, Height, xPosition, yPosition, Width, Height, RTarget, FRotation or 0, FRCX or 0, FRCY or 0, -1, PGUI )
				dxSetBlendMode( "blend" )
			return true


وش ذا الكود...
وش وظيفته...

Edited by Abu-Solo
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