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Help ! Vip-system.


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Hello guys ! Im working on a dayz server , and im still learning lua. And i have a problem with a vip system.

Here is the code : 

function givepackvip (thePlayer)
local account = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( thePlayer ) )
        if isObjectInACLGroup("user." .. account, aclGetGroup("vip")) then 
				setElementData(thePlayer, "M4A1 CCO SD", 1)
				setElementData(thePlayer, "M4A1 CCO SD Mag", 150)
				setElementData(thePlayer, "M4A03", 1)
				setElementData(thePlayer, "M4A03 Mag", 69)
				setElementData(thePlayer, "Veteran Backpack", 1)
				setElementData(thePlayer, "MP5A5", 1)
				setElementData(thePlayer, "MP5A5 Mag", 150)
				setElementData(thePlayer, "Binoculars", 1)
				setElementData(thePlayer, "Burger", 3)
				setElementData(thePlayer, "Canteen", 3)
				setElementData(thePlayer, "Morphine", 2)
				setElementData(thePlayer, "Medical Supplies", 2)		
				setElementData(thePlayer, "Ghillie Suit Ghost", 1)
				setElementData(thePlayer, "Map", 1)
				setElementData(thePlayer, "GPS", 1)
				setElementData(thePlayer, "Toolbox", 1)
				setElementData(thePlayer, "Infrared Googles", 1)
				setElementData(thePlayer, "Watch", 1)
				outputChatBox("#6495ED[DayzLife Romania]#C0C0C0You got the vip pack!", thePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true)

addCommandHandler("vipitems", givepackvip)

I want to make the command be available only once at 10 minutes ( 600000 ms ) [ To avoid players spamming the command for free items ] . I tried with setTimer, but i dont think i understand it so well.. Some help?

Thanks in advance ! ^^'

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timer = {}

function givepackvip (thePlayer)
local account = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( thePlayer ) )
        if isObjectInACLGroup("user." .. account, aclGetGroup("vip")) then 
    		if not isTimer(timer[account]) then
      			timer[account] = setTimer(function()
        			timer[account] = false
        		end, 600000, 1)
				setElementData(thePlayer, "M4A1 CCO SD", 1)
				setElementData(thePlayer, "M4A1 CCO SD Mag", 150)
				setElementData(thePlayer, "M4A03", 1)
				setElementData(thePlayer, "M4A03 Mag", 69)
				setElementData(thePlayer, "Veteran Backpack", 1)
				setElementData(thePlayer, "MP5A5", 1)
				setElementData(thePlayer, "MP5A5 Mag", 150)
				setElementData(thePlayer, "Binoculars", 1)
				setElementData(thePlayer, "Burger", 3)
				setElementData(thePlayer, "Canteen", 3)
				setElementData(thePlayer, "Morphine", 2)
				setElementData(thePlayer, "Medical Supplies", 2)		
				setElementData(thePlayer, "Ghillie Suit Ghost", 1)
				setElementData(thePlayer, "Map", 1)
				setElementData(thePlayer, "GPS", 1)
				setElementData(thePlayer, "Toolbox", 1)
				setElementData(thePlayer, "Infrared Googles", 1)
				setElementData(thePlayer, "Watch", 1)
				outputChatBox("#6495ED[DayzLife Romania]#C0C0C0You got the vip pack!", thePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true)
      			outputChatBox("#6495ED[DayzLife Romania]#C0C0C0You can request vip pack every hour!", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0, true)

addCommandHandler("vipitems", givepackvip)

Try it and post possible errors.

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16 minutes ago, Miika822 said:

timer = {}

function givepackvip (thePlayer)
local account = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( thePlayer ) )
        if isObjectInACLGroup("user." .. account, aclGetGroup("vip")) then 
    		if not isTimer(timer[account]) then
      			timer[account] = setTimer(function()
        			timer[account] = false
        		end, 600000, 1)
				setElementData(thePlayer, "M4A1 CCO SD", 1)
				setElementData(thePlayer, "M4A1 CCO SD Mag", 150)
				setElementData(thePlayer, "M4A03", 1)
				setElementData(thePlayer, "M4A03 Mag", 69)
				setElementData(thePlayer, "Veteran Backpack", 1)
				setElementData(thePlayer, "MP5A5", 1)
				setElementData(thePlayer, "MP5A5 Mag", 150)
				setElementData(thePlayer, "Binoculars", 1)
				setElementData(thePlayer, "Burger", 3)
				setElementData(thePlayer, "Canteen", 3)
				setElementData(thePlayer, "Morphine", 2)
				setElementData(thePlayer, "Medical Supplies", 2)		
				setElementData(thePlayer, "Ghillie Suit Ghost", 1)
				setElementData(thePlayer, "Map", 1)
				setElementData(thePlayer, "GPS", 1)
				setElementData(thePlayer, "Toolbox", 1)
				setElementData(thePlayer, "Infrared Googles", 1)
				setElementData(thePlayer, "Watch", 1)
				outputChatBox("#6495ED[DayzLife Romania]#C0C0C0You got the vip pack!", thePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true)
      			outputChatBox("#6495ED[DayzLife Romania]#C0C0C0You can request vip pack every hour!", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0, true)

addCommandHandler("vipitems", givepackvip)

Try it and post possible errors.

Thank you man, it works like a charm ^^

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