nasserdfdd Posted December 29, 2016 Share Posted December 29, 2016 (edited) Hi all, im using coleditor but i want palyers to be able to buy the col and own it script client -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --- -- Collision Editor by MuLTi. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --- local Guivar = 0 local gMe = getLocalPlayer() local gCol local gColx, gColy, gColz, gColw, gColh, gCold, rot --[[ function move_o_rotate_2() if(isInColEdit() == false) then return end local x, y, z = getElementPosition(gCol) gColx, gColy, gColz, gColw, gColh, gCold, rot = x, y, z, gColw, gColh, gCold, rot-0.25 setCameraMatrix(x+2+gColw, y+7+gColw, z+2+(gColh/2), x+(gColw/2), y+(gColw/2), z) destroyElement(gCol) gCol = createColCuboid(gColx, gColy, gColz, gColw, gColh, gCold) setElementRotation(gCol, rot, rot, rot) end function move_o_rotate_1() if(isInColEdit() == false) then return end local x, y, z = getElementPosition(gCol) gColx, gColy, gColz, gColw, gColh, gCold, rot = x, y, z, gColw, gColh, gCold, rot+0.25 setCameraMatrix(x+2+gColw, y+7+gColw, z+2+(gColh/2), x+(gColw/2), y+(gColw/2), z) destroyElement(gCol) gCol = createColCuboid(gColx, gColy, gColz, gColw, gColh, gCold) setElementRotation(gCol, rot, rot, rot) end --]] function move_o_depth_raus() if(isInColEdit() == false) then return end local x, y, z = getElementPosition(gCol) if(gColh < 0.1) then return end gColx, gColy, gColz, gColw, gColh, gCold = x, y, z, gColw, gColh-0.25, gCold setCameraMatrix(x+2+gColw, y+7+gColw, z+2+(gColh/2), x+(gColw/2), y+(gColw/2), z) destroyElement(gCol) gCol = createColCuboid(gColx, gColy, gColz, gColw, gColh, gCold) end function move_o_depth_rein() if(isInColEdit() == false) then return end local x, y, z = getElementPosition(gCol) gColx, gColy, gColz, gColw, gColh, gCold = x, y, z, gColw, gColh+0.25, gCold setCameraMatrix(x+2+gColw, y+7+gColw, z+2+(gColh/2), x+(gColw/2), y+(gColw/2), z) destroyElement(gCol) gCol = createColCuboid(gColx, gColy, gColz, gColw, gColh, gCold) end function move_o_tiefe() if(isInColEdit() == false) then return end local x, y, z = getElementPosition(gCol) gColx, gColy, gColz, gColw, gColh, gCold = x, y, z, gColw, gColh, gCold-0.25 setCameraMatrix(x+2+gColw, y+7+gColw, z+2+(gColh/2), x+(gColw/2), y+(gColw/2), z) destroyElement(gCol) gCol = createColCuboid(gColx, gColy, gColz, gColw, gColh, gCold) end function move_o_hohe() if(isInColEdit() == false) then return end local x, y, z = getElementPosition(gCol) gColx, gColy, gColz, gColw, gColh, gCold = x, y, z, gColw, gColh, gCold+0.25 setCameraMatrix(x+2+gColw, y+7+gColw, z+2+(gColh/2), x+(gColw/2), y+(gColw/2), z) destroyElement(gCol) gCol = createColCuboid(gColx, gColy, gColz, gColw, gColh, gCold) end function move_o_zup() if(isInColEdit() == false) then return end local x, y, z = getElementPosition(gCol) gColx, gColy, gColz, gColw, gColh, gCold = x, y, z+0.25, gColw, gColh, gCold setCameraMatrix(x+2+gColw, y+7+gColw, z+2+(gColh/2), x+(gColw/2), y+(gColw/2), z) destroyElement(gCol) gCol = createColCuboid(gColx, gColy, gColz, gColw, gColh, gCold) end function move_o_zero() if(isInColEdit() == false) then return end local x, y, z = getElementPosition(gCol) gColx, gColy, gColz, gColw, gColh, gCold = x, y, z-0.25, gColw, gColh, gCold setCameraMatrix(x+2+gColw, y+7+gColw, z+2+(gColh/2), x+(gColw/2), y+(gColw/2), z) destroyElement(gCol) gCol = createColCuboid(gColx, gColy, gColz, gColw, gColh, gCold) end function move_o_right() if(isInColEdit() == false) then return end local x, y, z = getElementPosition(gCol) if(gColw < 0.1) then return end gColx, gColy, gColz, gColw, gColh, gCold = x, y, z, gColw-0.25, gColh, gCold setCameraMatrix(x+2+gColw, y+7+gColw, z+2+(gColh/2), x+(gColw/2), y+(gColw/2), z) destroyElement(gCol) gCol = createColCuboid(gColx, gColy, gColz, gColw, gColh, gCold) end function move_o_front() if(isInColEdit() == false) then return end local x, y, z = getElementPosition(gCol) gColx, gColy, gColz, gColw, gColh, gCold = x-0.25, y-0.5, z, gColw, gColh, gCold setCameraMatrix(x+2+gColw, y+7+gColw, z+2+(gColh/2), x+(gColw/2), y+(gColw/2), z) destroyElement(gCol) gCol = createColCuboid(gColx, gColy, gColz, gColw, gColh, gCold) end function move_o_back() if(isInColEdit() == false) then return end local x, y, z = getElementPosition(gCol) gColx, gColy, gColz, gColw, gColh, gCold = x+0.25, y+0.5, z, gColw, gColh, gCold setCameraMatrix(x+2+gColw, y+7+gColw, z+2+(gColh/2), x+(gColw/2), y+(gColw/2), z) destroyElement(gCol) gCol = createColCuboid(gColx, gColy, gColz, gColw, gColh, gCold) end function move_o_xright() if(isInColEdit() == false) then return end local x, y, z = getElementPosition(gCol) gColx, gColy, gColz, gColw, gColh, gCold = x+0.25, y-0.25, z, gColw, gColh, gCold setCameraMatrix(x+2+gColw, y+7+gColw, z+2+(gColh/2), x+(gColw/2), y+(gColw/2), z) destroyElement(gCol) gCol = createColCuboid(gColx, gColy, gColz, gColw, gColh, gCold) end function move_o_xleft() if(isInColEdit() == false) then return end local x, y, z = getElementPosition(gCol) gColx, gColy, gColz, gColw, gColh, gCold = x-0.25, y+0.25, z, gColw, gColh, gCold setCameraMatrix(x+2+gColw, y+7+gColw, z+2+(gColh/2), x+(gColw/2), y+(gColw/2), z) destroyElement(gCol) gCol = createColCuboid(gColx, gColy, gColz, gColw, gColh, gCold) end function move_o_left() if(isInColEdit() == false) then return end local x, y, z = getElementPosition(gCol) gColx, gColy, gColz, gColw, gColh, gCold = x, y, z, gColw+0.25, gColh, gCold setCameraMatrix(x+2+gColw, y+7+gColw, z+2+(gColh/2), x+(gColw/2), y+(gColw/2), z) destroyElement(gCol) gCol = createColCuboid(gColx, gColy, gColz, gColw, gColh, gCold) end function o_fertig_func() if(isInColEdit() == false) then return end setElementAlpha(gMe, 255) setCameraTarget(gMe) unbindBinds() destroyElement(gCol) gCol = nil setElementData(gMe, "coledit", false) outputChatBox("Informations: ", 200, 200, 200, false) outputChatBox("coordinates: "..gColx..", "..gColy..", "..gColz, 255, 255, 255) outputChatBox("Lenght: "..gColw..", depth: "..gColh..", height: "..gCold, 255, 255, 255) triggerServerEvent("onCollisionSpeichere", gMe, gColx, gColy, gColz, gColw, gColh, gCold) outputChatBox("Collision has been saved into collisions.txt!", 255, 255, 255) setElementFrozen(gMe, false) gColx, gColy, gColz, gColw, gColh, gCold, rot = nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil end function o_abbrechen_func() if(isInColEdit() == false) then return end gColx, gColy, gColz, gColw, gColh, gCold = nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil setElementAlpha(gMe, 255) setCameraTarget(gMe) unbindBinds() destroyElement(gCol) gCol = nil setElementData(gMe, "coledit", false) outputChatBox("You canceled the operation.", 0, 200, 0, false) setElementFrozen(gMe, false) end function unbindBinds(id2) unbindKey("arrow_l", "down", move_o_left) unbindKey("arrow_r", "down", move_o_right) unbindKey("arrow_u", "down", move_o_depth_raus) unbindKey("arrow_d", "down", move_o_depth_rein) unbindKey("pgup", "down", move_o_zero) unbindKey("pgdn", "down", move_o_zup) unbindKey("num_add", "down", move_o_hohe) unbindKey("num_sub", "down", move_o_tiefe) --unbindKey("mouse_wheel_up", "down", move_o_rotate_1) --unbindKey("mouse_wheel_down", "down", move_o_rotate_2) unbindKey("num_2", "down", move_o_back) unbindKey("num_6", "down", move_o_xleft) unbindKey("num_4", "down", move_o_xright) unbindKey("num_8", "down", move_o_front) unbindKey("enter", "down", o_fertig_func) unbindKey("space", "down", o_abbrechen_func) end function setToBinds(id2) bindKey("arrow_l", "down", move_o_left) bindKey("arrow_r", "down", move_o_right) bindKey("arrow_u", "down", move_o_depth_raus) bindKey("arrow_d", "down", move_o_depth_rein) bindKey("pgup", "down", move_o_zero) bindKey("pgdn", "down", move_o_zup) bindKey("num_add", "down", move_o_hohe) bindKey("num_sub", "down", move_o_tiefe) bindKey("num_2", "down", move_o_back) bindKey("num_6", "down", move_o_xleft) bindKey("num_4", "down", move_o_xright) bindKey("num_8", "down", move_o_front) bindKey("enter", "down", o_fertig_func) bindKey("space", "down", o_abbrechen_func) --bindKey("mouse_wheel_up", "down", move_o_rotate_1) --bindKey("mouse_wheel_down", "down", move_o_rotate_2) end function setToCollisionEdit(id) local x, y, z = getElementPosition(gMe) setDevelopmentMode(true) outputChatBox("Use /showcol to see the collision shape!.", 0, 255, 0, false) outputChatBox("Use the arrow keys, to move the Collision!, Use 'Page up and Page down' to move it up or down.", 0, 255, 0, false) outputChatBox("Use 'Num 2, Num 4, Num6, Num8' to move the Collision !.", 0, 255, 0, false) outputChatBox("If you are finnished, press 'Enter' to save the Collision. Space to cancel.", 0, 255, 0, false) setToBinds(id) setElementFrozen(gMe, true) setElementAlpha(gMe, 0) move_o_zero() if(id == 1) then if(gCol) then destroyElement(gCol) end gCol = createColCuboid(x, y, z, 2, 2, 2) gColx, gColy, gColz, gColw, gColh, gCold, rot = x, y, z, 2, 2, 2, 0 else end end function createColMenue() if(Guivar == 1) then return end Guivar = 1 showCursor(true) local sWidth, sHeight = guiGetScreenSize() local Width,Height = 246,115 local X = (sWidth/2) - (Width/2) local Y = (sHeight/2) - (Height/2) local COLFenster = {} local COLKnopf = {} COLFenster[1] = guiCreateWindow(X, Y, Width, Height, "Collision Editor(by [XP]MuLTi)",false) COLKnopf[1] = guiCreateButton(12,80,80,28,"Close",false,COLFenster[1]) COLKnopf[2] = guiCreateButton(12,30,109,45,"Col Cuboid",false,COLFenster[1]) COLKnopf[3] = guiCreateButton(125,30,109,45,"Col Sphere",false,COLFenster[1]) COLKnopf[4] = guiCreateButton(97,80,140,26,"Cancel edit",false,COLFenster[1]) if(isInColEdit() ~= true) then guiSetEnabled(COLKnopf[4], false) end local function quitFenster(rofl) guiSetVisible(COLFenster[1], false) Guivar = 0 showCursor(false) if(rofl) then o_abbrechen_func() end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", COLKnopf[4], function() quitFenster(1) end, false) -- Quitten addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", COLKnopf[1], quitFenster, false) -- Schliessen addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", COLKnopf[2], -- Col Cuboid function() if(isInColEdit() == true) then outputChatBox("You are already in a edit!", 255, 0, 0, false) return end if(isPedInVehicle(gMe) == true) then outputChatBox("You are in a Car.", 255, 0, 0, false) return end setToCollisionEdit(1) setElementData(gMe, "coledit", true) quitFenster() end, false) end addCommandHandler("editcol", createColMenue) function isInColEdit() if(getElementData(gMe, "coledit") == true) then return true else return false end return false; end server -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --- -- Collision Editor bei MuLTi. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --- addEvent("onCollisionSpeichere", true) addEventHandler("onCollisionSpeichere", getRootElement(), function(x, y, z, w, h, d) local newfile if not(fileExists("collisions.txt")) then newfile = fileCreate("collisions.txt") end local file = fileOpen("collisions.txt") local text = fileRead(file, 99999) --fileDelete(file) -- Dont Use newfile = fileCreate("collisions.txt") local time = getRealTime() local day = time.monthday local month = time.month+1 local year = time.year+1900 local hour = time.hour local minute = time.minute fileWrite(newfile, text.."\n\n-- -- -- -- -- ""."..month.."."..year.." at "..hour..":"..minute..", Creator: "..getPlayerName(source).."\nmyCollision = createColCuboid("..x..", "..y..", "..z..", "..w..", "..h..", "..d..")") fileFlush(newfile) fileClose(newfile) end) BTW:it is not my script and i got it from community Thank you, Nasser mansour Edited December 29, 2016 by nasserdfdd Link to comment
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