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ban system


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hey can you help me to fix my ban system?

bansTable = {}
function addBanPlayer(admin, player, reason, time)
	if not admin or not player or type(reason) ~= "string" or type(time) ~= "number"  then
		return false
	timer = math.floor(time)
	if (timer < 0 and timer ~= -1) then
		return false
	for _, v in pairs(bansTable) do
		if (v[1] == admin) then
			return false
			local timer = getRealTime().timestamp+timer
	exports.USCsql:exec("INSERT INTO `bans` (`admin`, `player`, `reason`, `duration`, `IP`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", admin, player, reason, timer, getPlayerIP(player) )
	table.insert(bansTable, {admin, player, reason, timer, ip})


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when i ban someone it doesn't work,

i mean when someone join to server

function checkPIFBanned()
		if isPlayerBanned(getPlayerIP(source)) then
			local ban = exports.USCsql:queryData("SELECT `admin`,`player`,`reason`,`duration` FROM `bans` WHERE `IP`=?", getPlayerSerial(source))
			triggerClientEvent(source, "drawDXBanScreen", source, ban.admin, ban.player, ban.reason, ban.duration)
addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", root, checkPIFBanned)


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i'm not sure but try this 

function checkPIFBanned()
		if isPlayerBanned(getPlayerIP(source)) then
			local ban = exports.USCsql:queryData("SELECT `admin`,`player`,`reason`,`duration` FROM `bans` WHERE `IP`=?", getPlayerSerial(source))
			for i, v in ipairs(ban) do
			triggerClientEvent(source, "drawDXBanScreen", source, {v["admin"], v["player"], v["reason"], v["duration"]})
addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", root, checkPIFBanned)


Edited by Best-Killer
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dbQuery returns a table like this:

result = { { key = value } }

even if you get a single row use result[1]. In your case it would be ban[1].

However, that's just a guess.

Why are you using the column name IP and you store player's serial in it? I'd recommend to rename the column to serial so people know what's stored inside it.

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8 minutes ago, Snow-Man said:

i have made function to check if player banned or no

is it incorrect idea about coding?

At the top you inserted player ip in this column so why you check the serial instead of ip if u used that before ?

Edited by MR.GRAND
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3 minutes ago, Snow-Man said:

i just want to get if player banned then draw text and cancel login

Try this


function checkPIFBanned()
		if isPlayerBanned(getPlayerIP(source)) then
			local ban = exports.USCsql:queryData("SELECT `admin`,`player`,`reason`,`duration` FROM `bans` WHERE `IP`=?", getPlayerIP(source))
			triggerClientEvent(source, "drawDXBanScreen", source, ban[1]['admin'], ban[1]['player'], ban[1]['reason'], ban[1]['duration'])
addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", root, checkPIFBanned)


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On 12/28/2016 at 10:09 PM, MR.GRAND said:

Try this


function checkPIFBanned()
		if isPlayerBanned(getPlayerIP(source)) then
			local ban = exports.USCsql:queryData("SELECT `admin`,`player`,`reason`,`duration` FROM `bans` WHERE `IP`=?", getPlayerIP(source))
			triggerClientEvent(source, "drawDXBanScreen", source, ban[1]['admin'], ban[1]['player'], ban[1]['reason'], ban[1]['duration'])
addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", root, checkPIFBanned)


thank you, that's works :)

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