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Require returns boolean value


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I've got this simple require code, and in my console it's returning as a boolean, instead of returning with the function ready to use


function checkStars(thePlayer)
	local wantedLevel = getPlayerWantedLevel ( thePlayer ) -- get the wanted level of the player
	return wantedLevel

theFunctions = { "checkStars" } -- list of functions available for other files, returned when using "require"

return theFunctions


Another .lua file, in the same directory:

getMain = require("server")

function getStars(quitType)
local gotStar = getMain.checkStars(source)
addEventHandler ( "onPlayerQuit", getRootElement(), getStars )


And the error from console:

ERROR: xml2\serverLogin.lua:4: attempt to index global 'getMain' (a boolean value)


I know this means the file either isn't being loaded (false), or for some reason "theFunctions" isn't being returned. Any thoughts?

Edited by LopSided_
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34 minutes ago, tosfera said:

I'm not sure, I haven't done this at all in MTA yet but try to make the values in your theFunctions table non-string based. Why would they use a string to call a function?

Literal facepalm. I don't know why I'd put it like that.

I tried this however and still no luck:

theFunctions = {}

function theFunctions.checkStars(thePlayer)
	local wantedLevel = getPlayerWantedLevel ( thePlayer ) -- get the wanted level of the player
	return wantedLevel

return theFunctions


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Weird, nothing changed with that either.

Maybe it's the way I'm calling it, by doing "getMain.checkStars(source)"


Edit: Yep, it was.


theFunctions = {}

function theFunctions:checkStars(thePlayer)
	local wantedLevel = getPlayerWantedLevel ( thePlayer ) -- get the wanted level of the player
	return wantedLevel

return theFunctions


other .lua file in same directory:

require("server") -- no need to put in variable
local gotStar = theFunctions:checkStars(source) -- use table name with function in


Edited by LopSided_
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