aliaaa Posted December 12, 2016 Share Posted December 12, 2016 سلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتة ابغي كود لما اللاعب يكون في الديربي ماحد يقدر يصكه كيك او سلاب او يسحب السيارة او يفجرها Link to comment
iPrestege Posted December 12, 2016 Share Posted December 12, 2016 عدل لوحة الادمنية وتحقق من ان الاعب في الديربي بداتا او العالم الوهمي الخاص بة Link to comment
#BrosS Posted December 12, 2016 Share Posted December 12, 2016 (edited) admin\server\admin_server مثال نمنع من السلاب elseif ( action == "slap" ) then if getElementData(player, "myderby") then -- اذا كان مود الديربي خاصتك يوسي داتا لما يدخلونه نسوي كدا if getElementDimension(player) == 22 then -- تسوي العالم اللي فيه الديربي return -- نمنع الحدث -- player معرفة من الأصل -- كمل الباقي .. كيك , تفجير ... الخ Edited December 12, 2016 by #BrosS Link to comment
aliaaa Posted December 12, 2016 Author Share Posted December 12, 2016 (edited) 59 minutes ago, #BrosS said: admin\server\admin_server مثال نمنع من السلاب elseif ( action == "slap" ) then if getElementData(player, "myderby") then -- اذا كان مود الديربي خاصتك يوسي داتا لما يدخلونه نسوي كدا if getElementDimension(player) == 22 then -- تسوي العالم اللي فيه الديربي return -- نمنع الحدث -- player معرفة من الأصل -- كمل الباقي .. كيك , تفجير ... الخ سلام عليكم اخوي تقدار تسوي لي انت والله يوافقكك ويسعدك يارب هذا ملف الديربي حقي + اذا احد مثلنا يبي يصك كيك وانا با الديربي خليها تضهر غير مصرح لك استخدام اللوحة بس ابيك تعديل لي حقت منع الحدث الكيك والخ spawns = {} setElementData(resourceRoot,"map","no") setElementData(resourceRoot,"winMoney","0") addEventHandler("onPlayerChat",getRootElement(),function(message) if tostring(message) == "ديربي" and checkDuel(source) == "prestart" and ( not checkExistPlrOnDuel(source) ) then online = countPlayersOnDerby() if tonumber(online)+1 < 32 then setData(source,"onCrossMap","yes") outputChatBox("#cccccc# ~ #ff0000> الرجاء الانتظار#ffffff .. #ff0000< #cccccc~ #",source,255,255,0,true) setD(source) spawnOnMap(source) else outputChatBox("#cccccc# ~ #ff0000> #00ff00لم يبق مكان بالديـربي الرجآء, الانتظآر الديربي القآدم,#ff0000< #cccccc~ #",source,0,255,0,true) end end end) function checkDuel(p) if tostring(getElementData(resourceRoot,"map")) == "yes" then outputChatBox("* #ff0000≈ #ffffff[#ff0000 DerbySystem #ffffff ] #00BCCD≈",p,255,255,0,true) elseif tostring(getElementData(resourceRoot,"map")) == "no" then outputChatBox("#cccccc# ~ #ff0000> #00ffffالرجآء الانتظآر,حتى يبدء الديربي #ff0000< #cccccc~ #",p,255,255,0,true) end return tostring(getElementData(resourceRoot,"map")) end function checkExistPlrOnDuel(p) per = getElementData(p,"onCrossMap") if tostring(per) == "yes" then return true else return false end end function setData(element,key,vlr) setElementData(element,key,vlr) end function setD(element) setElementDimension(element,30) end function spawnOnMap(p) count = countPlayersOnDerby() spawned = "no" for i,data in pairs(spawns)do if tonumber( == tonumber(count) then spawned = "yes" v = createVehicle(502,data.x,data.y,data.z,data.rx,data.ry,data.rz) setElementDimension(v,30) setElementFrozen(v,true) setElementData(v,"creatorDerby","yes") break end end if spawned == "no" then randomS = math.random("1","32") for i,data in pairs(spawns)do if tonumber( == tonumber(randomS) then v = createVehicle(502,data.x,data.y,data.z,data.rx,data.ry,data.rz) setElementDimension(v,30) setElementFrozen(v,true) setElementData(v,"creatorDerby","yes") break end end end toggleControl(p,"enter_exit", false ) warpPedIntoVehicle(p,v) setCameraTarget(p,p) end function countPlayersOnDerby() c = -1 for i,p in pairs(getElementsByType("player"))do if checkExistPlrOnDuel(p) then c = c+1 end end return tonumber(c) end function eventCheck () if checkExistPlrOnDuel(source) then toggleControl(source,"enter_exit",true ) setData(source,"onCrossMap","no") checkEnd() end end addEventHandler("onPlayerWasted",getRootElement(),eventCheck) addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit",getRootElement(),eventCheck) addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin",getRootElement(),function() outputChatBox("",source,255,255,0,true) setData(source,"onCrossMap","no") end) for i,p in pairs(getElementsByType("player"))do setData(p,"onCrossMap","no") end function checkEnd() c = 0 for i,p in pairs(getElementsByType("player"))do if checkExistPlrOnDuel(p) then c = c+1 winner = p end end if tonumber(c) == 1 then givePlayerMoney(winner,tonumber(getElementData(resourceRoot,"winMoney"))) n = string.gsub(getPlayerName(winner), "#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "") outputChatBox("* #ff0000≈[ #ff0000 " .. n .. " #FF9700 Won the Derby and win#00FF00 " .. tonumber(getElementData(resourceRoot,"winMoney")) .. "$ ##ff0000]≈",getRootElement(),255,255,0,true) setElementData(resourceRoot,"map","no") endDerby() setTimer(newDuel,30000,1) end end function newDuel() for i,p in pairs(getElementsByType("player"))do setData(p,"onCrossMap","no") end setElementData(resourceRoot,"map","prestart") outputChatBox("#cccccc# ~ #ff0000> #00ff00لدخول الديربي,اكتب في الشـآت ديربي #ff0000 < #cccccc~ #",getRootElement(),255,255,0,true) RMoney = math.random("50000","300000") setElementData(resourceRoot,"winMoney",tonumber(RMoney)) outputChatBox("#cccccc# ~ #ff0000> #00ffffسيحصل الفآئز في الديربي على #00FF00|" .. RMoney .. "|$",getRootElement(),0,255,0,true) setTimer(checkPlrs,30000,1) end function checkPlrs () c = 0 for i,p in pairs(getElementsByType("player"))do if checkExistPlrOnDuel(p) then c = c+1 end end if tonumber(c) > 1 then setElementData(resourceRoot,"map","yes") for i,p in pairs(getElementsByType("player"))do if checkExistPlrOnDuel(p) then setElementCollisionsEnabled(getPedOccupiedVehicle(p),true) outputChatBox("#cccccc# ~ #ff0000> #00ff00لقد بدآء الديربي , يمكنك الانطلاق #ff0000< #cccccc~ #",p,0,255,0,true) setElementFrozen(getPedOccupiedVehicle(p),false) end end else endDerby() setElementData(resourceRoot,"map","no") outputChatBox("#cccccc# ~ #ff0000> #00ff00لم يبدآء الديربي, لعدم توفر الاعبين #ff0000< #cccccc~ #",getRootElement(),255,255,0,true) setTimer(newDuel,60000,1) end end setTimer(newDuel,3000,1) function onStartLoadSpawns () file = fileOpen("") localFile = fileOpen("map.xml") fileWrite(localFile,"") data = fileRead(file,999999) fileWrite(localFile,data) fileClose(localFile) xml = xmlLoadFile("map.xml") c = 0 for i,data in pairs(xmlNodeGetChildren(xml)) do if xmlNodeGetName(data) == "spawnpoint" then c = c+1 v,xx,yy,zz,rxx,ryy,rzz = xmlNodeGetAttribute(data,"vehicle"),xmlNodeGetAttribute(data,"posX"),xmlNodeGetAttribute(data,"posY"),xmlNodeGetAttribute(data,"posZ"),xmlNodeGetAttribute(data,"rotX"),xmlNodeGetAttribute(data,"rotY"),xmlNodeGetAttribute(data,"rotZ") table.insert(spawns,{id = c,model = v,x = xx,y = yy,z = zz,rx = rxx,ry = ryy,rz = rzz}) end end for i,data in pairs(xmlNodeGetChildren(xml)) do if xmlNodeGetName(data) == "object" then m,xx,yy,zz,rxx,ryy,rzz = xmlNodeGetAttribute(data,"model"),xmlNodeGetAttribute(data,"posX"),xmlNodeGetAttribute(data,"posY"),xmlNodeGetAttribute(data,"posZ"),xmlNodeGetAttribute(data,"rotX"),xmlNodeGetAttribute(data,"rotY"),xmlNodeGetAttribute(data,"rotZ") object = createObject(m,xx,yy,zz,rxx,ryy,rzz) setElementDimension(object,30) end end end setTimer(onStartLoadSpawns,3000,1) function endDerby() for i,p in pairs(getElementsByType("player"))do if checkExistPlrOnDuel(p) then killPed(p) end end for i,v in pairs(getElementsByType("vehicle"))do if getElementData(v,"creatorDerby") then destroyElement(v) end end end setTimer(function() for i,p in pairs(getElementsByType("player"))do sea(p) resetHan(p) checkVeh(p) checkModel(p) end end,1000,0) outputChatBox("",getRootElement(),255,255,0,true) function sea(p) if checkExistPlrOnDuel(p) then x,y,z = getElementPosition(p) if tonumber(z) <= 0 then killPed(p) end end end function checkVeh(p) if (tonumber(getElementDimension(p)) == 30) and not (isPedInVehicle(p))then killPed(p) end end function resetHan(p) if checkExistPlrOnDuel(p) then setVehicleHandling (getPedOccupiedVehicle(p), true ) end end function checkModel(p) if checkExistPlrOnDuel(p) and isPedInVehicle(p) then if tonumber(getElementModel(getPedOccupiedVehicle(p))) ~= 502 then killPed(p) end end end Edited December 12, 2016 by aliaaa Link to comment
#BrosS Posted December 13, 2016 Share Posted December 13, 2016 11 hours ago, aliaaa said: سلام عليكم اخوي تقدار تسوي لي انت والله يوافقكك ويسعدك يارب هذا ملف الديربي حقي + اذا احد مثلنا يبي يصك كيك وانا با الديربي خليها تضهر غير مصرح لك استخدام اللوحة بس ابيك تعديل لي حقت منع الحدث الكيك والخ spawns = {} setElementData(resourceRoot,"map","no") setElementData(resourceRoot,"winMoney","0") addEventHandler("onPlayerChat",getRootElement(),function(message) if tostring(message) == "ديربي" and checkDuel(source) == "prestart" and ( not checkExistPlrOnDuel(source) ) then online = countPlayersOnDerby() if tonumber(online)+1 < 32 then setData(source,"onCrossMap","yes") outputChatBox("#cccccc# ~ #ff0000> الرجاء الانتظار#ffffff .. #ff0000< #cccccc~ #",source,255,255,0,true) setD(source) spawnOnMap(source) else outputChatBox("#cccccc# ~ #ff0000> #00ff00لم يبق مكان بالديـربي الرجآء, الانتظآر الديربي القآدم,#ff0000< #cccccc~ #",source,0,255,0,true) end end end) function checkDuel(p) if tostring(getElementData(resourceRoot,"map")) == "yes" then outputChatBox("* #ff0000≈ #ffffff[#ff0000 DerbySystem #ffffff ] #00BCCD≈",p,255,255,0,true) elseif tostring(getElementData(resourceRoot,"map")) == "no" then outputChatBox("#cccccc# ~ #ff0000> #00ffffالرجآء الانتظآر,حتى يبدء الديربي #ff0000< #cccccc~ #",p,255,255,0,true) end return tostring(getElementData(resourceRoot,"map")) end function checkExistPlrOnDuel(p) per = getElementData(p,"onCrossMap") if tostring(per) == "yes" then return true else return false end end function setData(element,key,vlr) setElementData(element,key,vlr) end function setD(element) setElementDimension(element,30) end function spawnOnMap(p) count = countPlayersOnDerby() spawned = "no" for i,data in pairs(spawns)do if tonumber( == tonumber(count) then spawned = "yes" v = createVehicle(502,data.x,data.y,data.z,data.rx,data.ry,data.rz) setElementDimension(v,30) setElementFrozen(v,true) setElementData(v,"creatorDerby","yes") break end end if spawned == "no" then randomS = math.random("1","32") for i,data in pairs(spawns)do if tonumber( == tonumber(randomS) then v = createVehicle(502,data.x,data.y,data.z,data.rx,data.ry,data.rz) setElementDimension(v,30) setElementFrozen(v,true) setElementData(v,"creatorDerby","yes") break end end end toggleControl(p,"enter_exit", false ) warpPedIntoVehicle(p,v) setCameraTarget(p,p) end function countPlayersOnDerby() c = -1 for i,p in pairs(getElementsByType("player"))do if checkExistPlrOnDuel(p) then c = c+1 end end return tonumber(c) end function eventCheck () if checkExistPlrOnDuel(source) then toggleControl(source,"enter_exit",true ) setData(source,"onCrossMap","no") checkEnd() end end addEventHandler("onPlayerWasted",getRootElement(),eventCheck) addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit",getRootElement(),eventCheck) addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin",getRootElement(),function() outputChatBox("",source,255,255,0,true) setData(source,"onCrossMap","no") end) for i,p in pairs(getElementsByType("player"))do setData(p,"onCrossMap","no") end function checkEnd() c = 0 for i,p in pairs(getElementsByType("player"))do if checkExistPlrOnDuel(p) then c = c+1 winner = p end end if tonumber(c) == 1 then givePlayerMoney(winner,tonumber(getElementData(resourceRoot,"winMoney"))) n = string.gsub(getPlayerName(winner), "#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "") outputChatBox("* #ff0000≈[ #ff0000 " .. n .. " #FF9700 Won the Derby and win#00FF00 " .. tonumber(getElementData(resourceRoot,"winMoney")) .. "$ ##ff0000]≈",getRootElement(),255,255,0,true) setElementData(resourceRoot,"map","no") endDerby() setTimer(newDuel,30000,1) end end function newDuel() for i,p in pairs(getElementsByType("player"))do setData(p,"onCrossMap","no") end setElementData(resourceRoot,"map","prestart") outputChatBox("#cccccc# ~ #ff0000> #00ff00لدخول الديربي,اكتب في الشـآت ديربي #ff0000 < #cccccc~ #",getRootElement(),255,255,0,true) RMoney = math.random("50000","300000") setElementData(resourceRoot,"winMoney",tonumber(RMoney)) outputChatBox("#cccccc# ~ #ff0000> #00ffffسيحصل الفآئز في الديربي على #00FF00|" .. RMoney .. "|$",getRootElement(),0,255,0,true) setTimer(checkPlrs,30000,1) end function checkPlrs () c = 0 for i,p in pairs(getElementsByType("player"))do if checkExistPlrOnDuel(p) then c = c+1 end end if tonumber(c) > 1 then setElementData(resourceRoot,"map","yes") for i,p in pairs(getElementsByType("player"))do if checkExistPlrOnDuel(p) then setElementCollisionsEnabled(getPedOccupiedVehicle(p),true) outputChatBox("#cccccc# ~ #ff0000> #00ff00لقد بدآء الديربي , يمكنك الانطلاق #ff0000< #cccccc~ #",p,0,255,0,true) setElementFrozen(getPedOccupiedVehicle(p),false) end end else endDerby() setElementData(resourceRoot,"map","no") outputChatBox("#cccccc# ~ #ff0000> #00ff00لم يبدآء الديربي, لعدم توفر الاعبين #ff0000< #cccccc~ #",getRootElement(),255,255,0,true) setTimer(newDuel,60000,1) end end setTimer(newDuel,3000,1) function onStartLoadSpawns () file = fileOpen("") localFile = fileOpen("map.xml") fileWrite(localFile,"") data = fileRead(file,999999) fileWrite(localFile,data) fileClose(localFile) xml = xmlLoadFile("map.xml") c = 0 for i,data in pairs(xmlNodeGetChildren(xml)) do if xmlNodeGetName(data) == "spawnpoint" then c = c+1 v,xx,yy,zz,rxx,ryy,rzz = xmlNodeGetAttribute(data,"vehicle"),xmlNodeGetAttribute(data,"posX"),xmlNodeGetAttribute(data,"posY"),xmlNodeGetAttribute(data,"posZ"),xmlNodeGetAttribute(data,"rotX"),xmlNodeGetAttribute(data,"rotY"),xmlNodeGetAttribute(data,"rotZ") table.insert(spawns,{id = c,model = v,x = xx,y = yy,z = zz,rx = rxx,ry = ryy,rz = rzz}) end end for i,data in pairs(xmlNodeGetChildren(xml)) do if xmlNodeGetName(data) == "object" then m,xx,yy,zz,rxx,ryy,rzz = xmlNodeGetAttribute(data,"model"),xmlNodeGetAttribute(data,"posX"),xmlNodeGetAttribute(data,"posY"),xmlNodeGetAttribute(data,"posZ"),xmlNodeGetAttribute(data,"rotX"),xmlNodeGetAttribute(data,"rotY"),xmlNodeGetAttribute(data,"rotZ") object = createObject(m,xx,yy,zz,rxx,ryy,rzz) setElementDimension(object,30) end end end setTimer(onStartLoadSpawns,3000,1) function endDerby() for i,p in pairs(getElementsByType("player"))do if checkExistPlrOnDuel(p) then killPed(p) end end for i,v in pairs(getElementsByType("vehicle"))do if getElementData(v,"creatorDerby") then destroyElement(v) end end end setTimer(function() for i,p in pairs(getElementsByType("player"))do sea(p) resetHan(p) checkVeh(p) checkModel(p) end end,1000,0) outputChatBox("",getRootElement(),255,255,0,true) function sea(p) if checkExistPlrOnDuel(p) then x,y,z = getElementPosition(p) if tonumber(z) <= 0 then killPed(p) end end end function checkVeh(p) if (tonumber(getElementDimension(p)) == 30) and not (isPedInVehicle(p))then killPed(p) end end function resetHan(p) if checkExistPlrOnDuel(p) then setVehicleHandling (getPedOccupiedVehicle(p), true ) end end function checkModel(p) if checkExistPlrOnDuel(p) and isPedInVehicle(p) then if tonumber(getElementModel(getPedOccupiedVehicle(p))) ~= 502 then killPed(p) end end end ارسلي لوحة ادمن خاصتك خاص Link to comment
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