OrbTanT Posted December 3, 2016 Share Posted December 3, 2016 (edited) Well, I edited gaming nerd 's resource to make a system of profit properties after buying it, it' s all working, part of buying and selling, adding the owner in sql, but I 'm not able to hit part of the profit, can anybody help me. local _setElementData = setElementData function setElementData ( element, group, value ) return _setElementData ( element, group, value, true ) end local propertiesLocs = { } function createProperties ( x, y, z, value, earnings, owner, forcedId, name ) local pickup = createPickup ( x, y, z, 3, 1273, 0) local blip = createBlip ( x, y, z, 31) if ( not forcedId or propertiesLocs [ id ] ) then id = 0 while ( propertiesLocs [ id ] ) do id = id + 1 end else id = forcedId end propertiesLocs[id] = { } propertiesLocs[id].pickup = pickup propertiesLocs[id].blip = blip propertiesLocs[id].owner = owner or "offline" propertiesLocs[id].name = name propertiesLocs[id].value = value propertiesLocs[id].earnings = earnings setBlipVisibleDistance ( propertiesLocs[id].blip, 200 ) setElementData ( propertiesLocs[id].pickup, "propertieId", id ) setElementData ( propertiesLocs[id].pickup, "propertieTable", propertiesLocs [ id ] ) setElementData ( propertiesLocs[id].pickup, "propertieName", propertiesLocs[id].name ) setElementData ( propertiesLocs[id].pickup, "propertieValue", propertiesLocs[id].value ) setElementData ( propertiesLocs[id].pickup, "propertieEarnings", propertiesLocs[id].earnings ) setElementData ( propertiesLocs[id].pickup, "propertieOwner", propertiesLocs[id].owner ) addEventHandler("onPickupHit", propertiesLocs[id].pickup, onPickupPropertieHit) return propertiesLocs[id]; end function onPickupPropertieHit ( player ) if ( player and isElement ( player ) and getElementType ( player ) == "player" ) then local propertieOwner = getPropertieOwner(id) if ( propertieOwner ~= getPlayerName(player) ) then outputChatBox("[PROPRIEDADES] Digite /comprar . Para comprar esta propriedade!", player, 255, 255, 0, false) else outputChatBox("[PROPRIEDADES] Digite /vender . Para vender esta propriedade!", player, 255, 255, 0, false) end end end function buyPropertie ( player ) if ( player and isElement ( player ) and getElementType ( player ) == "player" ) then for id, data in pairs ( propertiesLocs ) do if (isElementWithinPickup(player, propertiesLocs[id].pickup)) then local propertieOwner = getPropertieOwner(id) if ( propertieOwner ~= getPlayerName(player) ) then if (getPlayerMoney(player) >= tonumber(propertiesLocs[id].value)) then takePlayerMoney(player, tonumber(propertiesLocs[id].value)) exports.GWsql:db_exec ( "UPDATE propriedades SET owner=? WHERE id=?", getPlayerName(player), id ) outputChatBox("Você comprou a propriedade "..propertiesLocs[id].name.." !.", player, 0, 255, 0, false) setBlipIcon ( propertiesLocs[id].blip, 32 ) setElementData(propertiesLocs[id].pickup, "propertieOwner", getPlayerName(player)) else outputChatBox("Dinheiro insuficiente para comprar está propriedade!", player, 255, 255, 0, false) end else return outputChatBox("Você já é dono desta propriedade!", player, 255, 255, 0, false) end end end end end addCommandHandler("comprar", buyPropertie) function sellPropertie ( player ) if ( player and isElement ( player ) and getElementType ( player ) == "player" ) then for id, data in pairs ( propertiesLocs ) do if (isElementWithinPickup(player, propertiesLocs[id].pickup)) then local propertieOwner = getPropertieOwner(id) if ( propertieOwner == getPlayerName(player) ) then givePlayerMoney(player, tonumber(propertiesLocs[id].value)) exports.GWsql:db_exec ( "UPDATE propriedades SET owner=? WHERE id=?", "offline", id ) outputChatBox("Você vendeu a propriedade "..propertiesLocs[id].name.." !.", player, 0, 255, 0, false) setBlipIcon ( propertiesLocs[id].blip, 31 ) setElementData(propertiesLocs[id].pickup, "propertieOwner", "offline") else outputChatBox("Esta propriedade não é sua!", player, 255, 255, 0, false) end end end end end addCommandHandler("vender", sellPropertie) function getPropertieOwner(id) if (id) then local result = exports.GWsql:db_query("SELECT owner FROM propriedades WHERE id = '".. id .."' "); return result[1]["owner"] end return nil end function isElementWithinPickup(theElement, thePickup) if (isElement(theElement) and getElementType(thePickup) == "pickup") then local x, y, z = getElementPosition(theElement) local x2, y2, z2 = getElementPosition(thePickup) if (getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x2, y2, z2, x, y, z) <= 1) then return true end end return false end function table.len ( tb ) local c = 0 for i, v in pairs ( tb ) do c = c + 1 end return c end addEventHandler( "onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function ( ) exports.GWsql:db_exec ( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS propriedades ( id INT, name VARCHAR(50), value INT, earnings INT, owner VARCHAR(50), x FLOAT, y FLOAT, z FLOAT )" ) local query = exports.GWsql:db_query ( "SELECT * FROM propriedades" ) if ( #query == 0 ) then local data = { -- PROPRIEDADES {"Four Dragons", 135000, 13500, 2022.261352, 1000.560607, 10.820312}, {"Sex Shop", 30000, 3000, 2088.078125, 2078.019042, 11.057899}, {"Snooker Bar", 20000, 2000, 2306.662353, -1643.453735, 14.421875}, {"Caligula's", 150000, 15000, 2195.359619, 1681.807739, 12.367187}, {"Lojas Zip", 25000, 2500, 1461.488281, -1137.913330, 24.068649}, {"Lojas Binco", 20000, 2000, 2248.006591, -1663.412475, 15.469003}, {"Tatoo Shop", 10000, 1000, 2071.049072, -1776.437011, 13.558420}, {"Angel Pine Motel", 15000, 1500, -2194.968017, -2257.319091, 30.677650}, {"Strip Club", 35000, 3500, 2416.866455, -1225.032592, 24.891101}, {"Verdant Meadows Air Strip", 25000, 2500, 418.121002, 2536.876220, 10.000000}, {"Emerald Isle", 100000, 10000, 2127.593994, 2370.425537, 10.820300}, {"The Visage", 125000, 12500, 2022.517944, 1916.684814, 12.339699}, {"Sprunk Factory", 25000, 2500, 1343.197265, 281.531036, 19.561452}, {"The Well Stacked Pizza", 20000, 2000, 212.153274, -204.281005, 1.578125}, {"Lojas Victim", 20000, 2000, 457.403350, -1504.311157, 31.018157}, {"Camel's Toe", 100000, 10000, 2210.599121, 1285.864501, 10.820300}, {"Come-a-Lot", 200000, 20000, 2181.033447, 1116.374877, 12.648400}, {"Autobahn Imports", 40000, 4000, 2201.160888, 1391.220092, 10.820300}, {"The Royal Casino", 80000, 8000, 2088.149902, 1449.090576, 10.820300}, {"The Motel", 50000, 5000, 2087.002197, 2175.820800, 10.820300}, {"Pirates in Mans Pants Hotel", 50000, 5000, 1971.739990, 1623.162963, 12.862400}, {"Las Venturas Bandits Stadion", 135000, 13500, 1477.944702, 2248.830078, 11.023400}, {"Xoomer Corporation", 350000, 35000, 270.562896, 1369.568725, 10.585900}, {"Big Ear Radioteleskop", 15000, 1500, -360.792907, 1593.684448, 76.816497}, {"The King Ring", 20000, 2000, -143.919296, 1224.510009, 19.899200}, {"Jays Diner", 20000, 2000, -1941.351074, 2379.801025, 49.694301}, {"Tee Pee Motel", 25000, 2500, -844.719177, 2746.094726, 46.140899}, {"The Snakefarm", 20000, 2000, -36.079299, 2349.664306, 24.302600}, {"Lojas Pro Laps", 20000, 2000, 503.761077, -1361.570556, 16.125158}, {"Lojas Dider Sachs", 20000, 2000, 451.216705, -1475.865112, 30.720579}, {"Teatro Cathay", 60000, 6000, 1022.766906, -1124.102783, 23.870800}, {"Shopping Verona", 115000, 11500, 1129.056884, -1489.081176, 22.768999}, {"Zero RC Shop", 25000, 2500, -2233.709716, 133.708694, 1035.421020}, {"Jizzy's Club", 50000, 5000, -2244.912597, 132.652008, 35.320312}, {"Country Club", 200000, 20000, -2724.392089, -314.795684, 7.186100}, {"Wang Cars", 90000, 9000, -1957.312377, 302.89239, 35.468799}, {"Hotel", 110000, 11000, -1754.213867, 960.234680, 24.882799}, {"Otto's Autos", 90000, 9000, -1660.478149, 1218.463623, 7.250000}, {"Pink Flamingo Hotel", 50000, 5000, 2010.500610, 1167.573730, 10.820300}, {"The High Roller Casino", 100000, 10000, 1933.024047, 1345.544677, 9.968799}, {"Casa de Carnes Las Venturas", 25000, 2500, 2367.984619, 1983.124267, 10.820300}, {"Las Venturas Casino", 90000, 9000, 2318.662841, 2117.777343, 10.828100}, {"Starfish Casino", 75000, 7500, 2205.292724, 1900.587646, 10.820300}, {"Clowns Pocket Casino", 90000, 9000, 2221.172119, 1839.124267, 10.820300}, {"Tikki Motel", 30000, 3000, 2483.155517, 1527.300048, 11.250399}, {"Estacionamento Central", 50000, 5000, 2310.416015, 1389.879394, 10.820300}, {"Supa Save Supermercado", 50000, 5000, -2442.810058, 753.777587, 35.171901}, {"Tuff Nut Donuts", 20000, 2000, -2766.106201, 788.763916, 52.781299} } outputDebugString ( "SAGWproperties: 0 propriedades -- Generating ".. tostring ( #data ) ) for i, v in pairs ( data ) do x = { ['name'] = v[1], ['value'] = v[2], ['earnings'] = v[3], ['x'] = v[4], ['y'] = v[5], ['z'] = v[6], ['owner'] = "offline" } query[i] = x; exports.GWsql:db_exec ( "INSERT INTO propriedades ( id, name, value, earnings, owner, x, y, z ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )", tostring ( i ), x['name'], tostring ( x['value'] ), tostring ( x['earnings'] ), "offline", tostring ( x['x'] ), tostring ( x['y'] ), tostring ( x['z'] )); end end for i, v in pairs ( query ) do local id, name, value, earnings, owner, x, y, z = tonumber ( v['id'] ), v['name'], v['value'], v['earnings'], v['owner'], tonumber ( v['x'] ), tonumber ( v['y'] ), tonumber ( v['z'] ) createProperties ( x, y, z, value, earnings, owner, id, name ) end end ) function sendPropertieEarning ( ) local playerProperties = { } for i, v in pairs ( propertiesLocs ) do if (not playerProperties[v.lucre]) then playerProperties [ v.lucre ] = 0 else playerProperties [ v.lucre ] = playerProperties [ v.lucre ] + playerProperties [ v.lucre ] end end for i, v in pairs ( getElementsByType ( 'player' ) ) do for n, k in pairs (playerProperties) do local g = getPlayerName ( v ) local owner = k.owner local lucre = tonumber(k.lucre) if ( g == owner ) then givePlayerMoney ( getPlayerFromName(g), tonumber(lucre) ) outputChatBox ( "[PROPRIEDADES]: Você recebeu $"..tostring(lucre).."$ de suas propriedades", getPlayerFromName(v), 0, 255, 0 ) end end end end setTimer ( sendPropertieEarning, (60*tonumber(get("*PAYOUT_TIME")))*1000, 0 ) Edited December 3, 2016 by Shinigami Link to comment
LoPollo Posted December 3, 2016 Share Posted December 3, 2016 (edited) 11 hours ago, Shinigami said: but I 'm not able to hit part of the profit, can anybody help me. I'm to lazy to read 230 lines of code: what do you mean with the statement in the quote? Also are there errors? Spoiler after reading the first lines of the code i have some questions: 11 hours ago, Shinigami said: local _setElementData = setElementData function setElementData ( element, group, value ) return _setElementData ( element, group, value, true ) end Why force the sync to true? it's the default value 11 hours ago, Shinigami said: id = 0 while ( propertiesLocs [ id ] ) do id = id + 1 end ... is something like the # operator what are you searching for? 11 hours ago, Shinigami said: local propertieOwner = getPropertieOwner(id) Why id? What is "id" for this function? I know it's offtopic but the cleaner the code the easier is for us Edited December 3, 2016 by LoPollo Link to comment
OrbTanT Posted December 3, 2016 Author Share Posted December 3, 2016 (edited) In function sendpropertiesEarning, I can not find a form of the player receives the profit of all properties together, type [PROPERTIES] you received $ 750000 of your properties Edited December 3, 2016 by Shinigami Link to comment
LoPollo Posted December 3, 2016 Share Posted December 3, 2016 (edited) So if you have like 3 properties with $500, $7500, $1500, and you hit the pickup of the property with $1500, you get $9500 instead of $1500? Also isn't that function to increase the cash of the properties? mmm no i'm not understanding the code, it's not similar to my style... No after reading it more times i can't understand what do you want to do with that function honestly. Can you make something like this to explain the code? or post that function with comments that explain what every code block should do PS: i can't find what propertiesLocs[...].lucre should be Edited December 3, 2016 by LoPollo Link to comment
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