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modify outputChatBox


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be awesome if have been added function like modifyOutputChatBox(string tag,string newContent)


outputChatBox("Something [myTag]in tag[/myTag] Something") // on chat looks like: Something in tag Something

modifyOutputChatBox("myTag","new content") // on chat looks like: Something new content Something

and exited message will be updated.

for client and server will be awasome

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  • MTA Team
17 hours ago, CodyL said:

Oh I did not realize that is what meant. But yeah as RizoN said you could create a custom chat box. As for the default chat box it actually could be possible by replicating all of the recent outputs, clearing the chat, then reentering them with your new message.


The chat box doesn't work like that. To accomplish your suggestion we would have to assign an unique message id for every chat message. You could use the id to receive, edit and delete a chat message. Feel free to submit a ticket in the bugtracker.

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