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Custom loadingbar/loading notifications

Dzsozi (h03)

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Hello! I have created a little loading thingy, I would like to make a custom loading indicator and also use it in other scripts, for example if your fps is under 20 then it would show the loading indicator. But I would like to make some kind of ID for the created notifications, or something to identify the which notification I would like to remove and which I would like to keep showing. How can I do that and what would be the most efficient way to do this? Here's my script:

local screenWidth, screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize()

local textFont = "default-bold"

local showLoadingBar = false
local str_
local iconRotation = 0

function dxDrawLoadingBar(str, state)
	str_ = str
	showLoadingBar = state
addEvent("drawLoadingBar", true)
addEventHandler("drawLoadingBar", root, dxDrawLoadingBar)

dxDrawLoadingBar("pálya betöltése", true)
	dxDrawLoadingBar("karakter betöltése", true)
	dxDrawLoadingBar("pálya betöltése", false)
		dxDrawLoadingBar("betöltés", true)
		end, 5000, 1)
	end, 5000, 1)
end, 2500, 1)

addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, function()
	if showLoadingBar then
		local textWidth = -5
		local textHeight = 18.75
		if str_ and str_ ~= "" then
			textWidth = dxGetTextWidth(str_, 1.25, textFont)
			textHeight = dxGetFontHeight(1.25, textFont)
			textWidth = -5
			textHeight = 18.75
		local loadingWidth, loadingHeight = 16, 16
		iconRotation = iconRotation - 5
		if (iconRotation < 0) then
			iconRotation = 360
		local barSizeX, barSizeY = textWidth + 25 + loadingWidth, textHeight + 10
		local barPosX, barPosY = screenWidth - 20 - barSizeX, screenHeight - 20 - barSizeY
		dxDrawRectangle(barPosX, barPosY, barSizeX, barSizeY, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 180))
		if str_ then
			dxDrawText(str_, barPosX + textWidth + loadingWidth + 20, barPosY + 5, barPosX + textWidth + loadingWidth + 20, barPosY + 5, tocolor(200, 0, 100, 255), 1.25, textFont, "right", "top", false, false, false, true, true)
		dxDrawImage(barPosX + 10, barPosY + textHeight/2 - 2.5, loadingWidth, loadingHeight, "images/spinner.png", iconRotation, 0, 0, tocolor(200, 0, 100, 255))

And an example for my problem:

addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, function()
	if getElementData(localPlayer, "playerfps") <= 20 then
		dxDrawLoadingBar("", true)
		dxDrawLoadingBar("", false)

addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, function()
	if isTransferBoxActive() then
		dxDrawLoadingBar("lodaing", true)
		dxDrawLoadingBar("loading", false)

If I delete the transferbox part then the whole thing works, I get the loading notification if my fps is under a specified number, for example under 20, and if it's above 20 then the notification is gone, so it works, but if I have the transferbox part then the notification of the fps won't show up, because I have the else dxDrawLoadingBar(false) part (since the transferbox is not always active). I was thinking about identifying the loadingbars by the string given, so if the string is the same with the string of the drawn notification I could disable only that loading notification. I hope you know what I mean, it's kinda hard to explain.

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