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Bad usage - function already handled error

Dzsozi (h03)

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Hello! I made a passive mode script for players, so when they type in /passive they can go into passive mode, so they can't get killed, etc. But I am also making a free time event system, where you can hijack cars, be a bounty and etc, and I would like to prevent people going into passive mode while doing the mission. So for example when they get into the car that needs to be hijacked, they can't use passive mode, but when they exit that specific car they can use the passive mode again. I made a script for that, and it works, but I keep getting these errors: vice_events/bounty/bountyS.lua:43 Bad usage @ 'addEventHandler' ['onPlayerCommand' with this function is already handled]

Here's a part of the bounty script where I made these event handlers:

local function preventPassiveMode(command)
	if command == "passive" then
		exports.vice_notification:addNotificationGTA(source, "Jelenleg nem használhatod a passzív módot!")

function bountyThatGuy()
	if #players > 1 then
		p = getRandomPlayer()
		if (getElementData(p, "passivezoneprotected") == false) and (getElementData(p, "passivemode") == false) then
			randomReward = math.random(#possibleRewards)
			currentReward = possibleRewards[randomReward][1]
			if isTimer(bountySurviveTimer) then
				bountySurviveTimer = nil
			for i = 1, #players do
				v = players[ i ]
				if v ~= p then
					exports.vice_notification:addNotificationGTA(v, "" .. getPlayerName( p ) .. " fejére $" .. currentReward .. " vérdíjat tűztek ki!")
				triggerClientEvent(p, "sendBountyNotification", p, p, currentReward)
				setElementData(p, "playerbounty", true)
				addEventHandler("onPlayerCommand", p, preventPassiveMode)
			bountySurviveTimer = setTimer(function()
				if v ~= p then
					exports.vice_notification:addNotificationGTA(v, "" .. getPlayerName( p ) .. " túlélte a vadászatot, ezért megkapta a fejére kitűzött vérdíjat jutalmul!")
				exports.vice_notification:addNotificationGTA(p, "Túlélted a vadászatot, ezért megkaptad a fejedre kitűzött vérdíjat jutalmul!")
				setElementData(p, "playerbounty", false)
				removeEventHandler("onPlayerCommand", p, preventPassiveMode)
			end, timeToSurvive*60000, 1)
			setTimer( bountyThatGuy, 1000, 1 )
		setTimer( bountyThatGuy, 10000, 1 )
setTimer( bountyThatGuy, 5000, 1 )

And where I set the "playerbounty" element data of the player to false I removed the event handler. Why do I keep getting these errors/warnings if the script itself works? And how can I fix it?

Edited by Dzsozi
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Please don't bump your topic, this is not an advertising website, somebody will come along and help you when / if they can. The onPlayerCommand is inside the loop, meaning it will run number of times. Shouldn't it be inside the if v ~= p then .. statement?


By the way, you will probably want to use this somewhere else (player can't go passive). I think it would be better to use use a table or setElementData to save their status, because that way you will be able to prevent it from other resources as well.

Edited by pa3ck
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