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Please help , i tried with everything but it won't work


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Kills_ = {} 
addEventHandler('onResourceStart',resourceRoot,function () 
    exports.NGSQL:db_exec("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `group_kills` ( Serial VARCHAR(20), Name VARCHAR(20), Kills VARCHAR(40) )") 
addEventHandler("onPlayerWasted",root,function ( _,Killer ) 
    if ( Killer and Killer ~= source and getElementType(Killer) == "player" ) then 
        local playerSerial = getPlayerSerial( Killer ) 
            local playerName = exports.SAEGGroups:getPlayerGroup( Killer ) 
                if not Kills_[Killer] then Kills_[Killer] = 0; end 
                    Kills_[Killer] = Kills_[Killer] + 1 
                        local Sel = exports.NGSQL:db_exec("SELECT * FROM `group_kills` WHERE Serial=?", playerSerial) 
                            if ( type ( Sel ) == "table" and #Sel == 0 or not Sel ) then 
                                exports.NGSQL:db_exec(" INSERT INTO `group_kills` (Serial, Name, Kills) VALUES(?,?,?)",playerSerial,playerName,Kills_[Killer]) 
                    exports.NGSQL:db_exec(" UPDATE `group_kills` WHERE Name =?, Kills =? WHERE Serial=?",playerName,Kills_[Killer],playerSerial) 

addEvent ( 'getData', true) 
addEventHandler ( 'getData', root, function() 
    local db = exports.NGSQL:db_exec("SELECT * FROM `group_kills`") 
    if (type(db) ~= "table" or (type(db)=="table" and #db==0) or not db) then return end 
            triggerClientEvent ( source, 'setData', source, db ) 
function isEventHandlerAdded( sEventName, pElementAttachedTo, func ) 
        type( sEventName ) == 'string' and  
        isElement( pElementAttachedTo ) and  
        type( func ) == 'function'  
        local aAttachedFunctions = getEventHandlers( sEventName, pElementAttachedTo ) 
        if type( aAttachedFunctions ) == 'table' and #aAttachedFunctions > 0 then 
            for i, v in ipairs( aAttachedFunctions ) do 
                if v == func then 
                    return true 
    return false 
bindKey('f4','down', function()  
    if isEventHandlerAdded ("onClientRender", root,dx) then 
        removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root,dx) 
        triggerServerEvent( 'getData', localPlayer ) 
        addEventHandler("onClientRender", root,dx) 

addEvent( 'setData', true ) 
addEventHandler ( 'setData', root, function(data) 
    guiGridListClear ( killgrid ) 
    table.sort ( data, function (a,b) return ( tonumber(a.Kills) or 0 ) > ( tonumber(b.Kills) or 0 )end) 
    for k,v in ipairs ( data ) do 
        local Row = guiGridListAddRow(killgrid)  
        if k == 10 then break end 

got : NGSQL/sql.lua , Line 25 dbExec failed; (1064) yo uhave an error in your sql syntax; check the manual that corrsponds to your mariaDB server version for the right syntax to use 'Where Name='Test, Kills=5 Where Serial'D8F20A.......' 

and this NGSql : 

if ( tostring ( get ( "CONNECTION_TYPE" ) ):lower() == "mysql" ) then 
	outputConsole ( "Attempting to connect as MySQL... Please wait")
	db = dbConnect( "mysql", "dbname="..tostring(get("DATABASE_NAME"))..";host="..tostring(get("MYSQL_HOST"))..";port="..tostring(get("MYSQL_PORT"))..";unix_socket=/opt/lampp/var/mysql/mysql.sock", tostring(get("MYSQL_USER")), tostring(get("MYSQL_PASS")), "share=1;autoreconnect=1" );
elseif ( tostring ( get ( "CONNECTION_TYPE" ) ):lower() == "sqlite" ) then 
	db = dbConnect ( "sqlite", tostring(get("DATABASE_NAME")) .. ".sql" );
	error ( tostring(get("CONNECTION_TYPE")) .. " is an invalid SQL connection -- valid: mysql, sqlite" );

if not db then
	print ( "The database has failed to connect")
	print ( "Database has been connected")

function db_query ( ... ) 
	local data = { ... }
	return dbPoll ( dbQuery ( db, ... ), - 1 )

function db_exec ( ... )
	return dbExec ( db, ... );

--[[ Columns:

	Username TEXT,
	Money TEXT,
	Armour TEXT,
	Health TEXT, 
	x TEXT,
	y TEXT,
	z TEXT,
	Skin INT,
	Interior INT, 
	Dimension INT,
	Team TEXT
	Job TEXT,
	Playtime_mins INT,
	JailTime INT,
	Weapons TEXT,
	JobRank TEXT,
	GroupName TEXT,
	GroupRank TEXT,
	LasterOnline DATE,
	LastSerial TEXT,
	Kills INT,
	Deaths INT, 
	weapstats TEXT,
	items TEXT,
	unemployedskin INT,
	vip TEXT,
	vipexp DATE,
	plrtosrvrsettings TEXT


db_exec ( [[CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS accountdata ( Username VARCHAR(200), Money INT, Armour INT, Health INT, x VARCHAR(20), 
y VARCHAR(20), z VARCHAR(20), Skin INT, Interior INT, Dimension INT, 
Team VARCHAR(70), Job VARCHAR(70), Playtime_mins INT, JailTime INT, 
WL INT, Weapons TEXT, JobRank VARCHAR(20), GroupName VARCHAR(100), GroupRank VARCHAR(100), LastOnline DATE, 
LastSerial VARCHAR(50), LastIP VARCHAR(20), Kills INT, Deaths INT, weapstats TEXT, 
items TEXT, unemployedskin INT, vip VARCHAR(100), vipexp DATE, plrtosrvrsettings TEXT )]] );

local weapStats_ = { 
	['9mm'] = 0, ['silenced'] = 0, ['deagle'] = 0, ['shotgun'] = 0, ['combat_shotgun'] = 0, 
	['micro_smg'] = 0, ['mp5'] = 0, ['ak47'] = 0, ['m4'] = 0, ['tec-9'] = 0, ['sniper_rifle'] = 0 }

function createAccount ( account )
	if ( account and type ( account ) == 'string' ) then
		local plr = getPlayerFromAccount ( account )
		local autoIP = "unknown"
		local autoSerial = "unknown"
		local weapStats = toJSON ( weapStats_ )
		if plr and isElement ( plr ) then
			autoSerial = getPlayerSerial ( plr )
			autoIP = getPlayerIP ( plr )
			outputDebugString ( "NGSQL: Creating account "..account.." for player "..getPlayerName ( plr ).." (Serial: "..autoSerial.." || IP: "..autoIP..")" )
			outputDebugString ( "NGSQL: Creating account "..account.." for player N/A (Serial: None || IP: None)" );
		local today = exports['SAEGPlayerFunctions']:getToday ( )
		return db_exec ( 
[[INSERT INTO `accountdata` (`Username`, `Money`, `Armour`, `Health`, `x`, `y`, `z`, 
`Skin`, `Interior`, `Dimension`, `Team`, `Job`, `Playtime_mins`, `JailTime`, `WL`, `Weapons`, `JobRank`, 
`GroupName`, `GroupRank`, `LastOnline`, `LastSerial`, `LastIP`, `Kills`, `Deaths`, `weapstats`, `items`, 
`unemployedskin`, `vip`, `vipexp`, `plrtosrvrsettings` ) 
VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? );]], 
			account, '0', '0', '100', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', 'UnEmployed', 'UnEmployed', '0', '0', '0', 
			'[ [ ] ]', 'None', 'None', 'None', today, autoSerial, autoIP, '0', '0', weapStats, toJSON ( { } ), '28', 'None', nil, toJSON ( { } ) )
	return false

function getPlayerFromAccount ( accnt )
	if accnt and type ( accnt ) == 'string' then
		for i, v in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( 'player' ) ) do
			if ( getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( v ) ) == accnt ) then
				return v;
	return false

function savePlayerData ( p, loadMsg, deleteTime )
	if ( p and getElementType ( p ) == 'player' ) then
		if ( not isGuestAccount ( getPlayerAccount ( p ) ) ) then
			if ( loadMessage == nil ) then loadMessage = true end
			if ( deleteTime == nil ) then deleteTime = false end
			local account = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( p ) )
			local x, y, z = getElementPosition ( p )
			local money, health = getPlayerMoney ( p ), getElementHealth ( p )
			local armor, skin = getPedArmor ( p ), getElementModel ( p )
			local int, dim  = getElementInterior ( p ), getElementDimension ( p )
			local job = getElementData ( p, "Job" )
			local pt = exports['SAEGPlayerFunctions']:getPlayerPlaytime ( p )
			local team = "UnEmployed"
			local wl = getElementData ( p, "WantedPoints" ) or 0
			local rank = tostring ( getElementData ( p, "Job Rank" ) )

			local group = tostring ( getElementData ( p, "Group" ) )
			local gRank = tostring ( getElementData ( p, "Group Rank" ) )

			local jt = exports['SAEGPolice']:isPlayerJailed ( p ) or 0
			local weapons = { }
			local today = exports['SAEGPlayerFunctions']:getToday ( )
			local kills = tonumber ( getElementData ( p, "NGSQL:Kills" ) ) or 0
			local deaths = tonumber ( getElementData ( p, "NGSQL:Deaths" ) ) or 0
			local weapstats = toJSON ( getElementData ( p, "NGSQL:WeaponStats" ) or weapStats_ )
			local items = tostring ( toJSON ( getElementData ( p, "SAEGUser:Items" ) or { } ) )
			local unemloyedSkin = tostring ( getElementData ( p, "SAEGUser.UnemployedSkin" ) ) or 28
			local vip = tostring ( getElementData ( p, "VIP" ) )
			local vipexp = tostring ( getElementData ( p, "SAEGVIP.expDate" ) )

			local plrtosrvrsettings = tostring ( toJSON ( getElementData ( p, "PlayerServerSettings" ) or { } ) )
			if ( getElementData ( p, "SAEGEvents:IsPlayerInEvent" ) ) then
				health = 0
				dim = 0
			if ( getPlayerTeam ( p ) ) then
				team = getTeamName ( getPlayerTeam ( p ) )
			end if not armor then
				armor = 0
			if ( not jt ) then jt = 0 end
			for i=1,12 do
				weapons[i] = { getPedWeapon ( p, i ), getPedTotalAmmo ( p, i ) }
			local weapons = toJSON ( weapons )
			local ip = getPlayerIP ( p )
			local serial = getPlayerSerial ( p )
			if loadMsg then outputDebugString ( "NGSQL: Attempting to save account "..account.." (Player: "..getPlayerName ( p )..") userdata." ) end
			if ( deleteTime ) then exports['SAEGPlayerFunctions']:deletePlayerPlaytime ( p ) end
			return db_exec ( "UPDATE accountdata SET Money=?, Armour=?, Health=?, x=?, y=?, z=?, Skin=?, Interior=?, Dimension=?, Team=?, Job=?, Playtime_mins=?, JailTime=?, WL=?, Weapons=?, JobRank=?, GroupName=?, GroupRank=?, LastOnline=?, LastSerial=?, lastIP=?, Kills=?, Deaths=?, weapstats=?, items=?, unemployedskin=?, vip=?, vipexp=?, plrtosrvrsettings=? WHERE Username=?", 
				money, armor, health, x, y, z, skin, int, dim, team, job, pt, jt, wl, weapons, rank, group, gRank, today, serial, ip, kills, deaths, 
				weapstats, items, unemloyedSkin, vip, vipexp, plrtosrvrsettings, account )

function loadPlayerData ( p, loadMsg )
	local acc = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( p ) )
	local data = account_exist ( acc )
	if ( data and type ( data ) == 'table' ) then
		for i, v in ipairs  ( data ) do
			if ( v['Username'] == acc ) then
				if ( loadMsg == nil ) then
					loadMesg = true
				local money = 		tonumber ( v['Money'] ) 			or 0
				local armor = 		tonumber ( v['Armour'] )		 	or 0
				local health = 		tonumber ( v['Health'] ) 			or 0
				local x = 			tonumber ( v['x'] ) 				or 0
				local y = 			tonumber ( v['y'] ) 				or 0
				local z = 			tonumber ( v['z'] ) 				or 3
				local skin = 		tonumber ( v['Skin'] ) 				or 28
				local interior = 	tonumber ( v['Interior'] ) 			or 0
				local dimension = 	tonumber ( v['Dimension'] )		 	or 0
				local team = 		tostring ( v['Team'] ) 				or "None"
				local job = 		tostring ( v['Job'] ) 				or "None"
				local pt = 			tonumber ( v["Playtime_mins"] ) 	or 0
				local jt = 			tonumber ( v['JailTime'] or 0 )
				local wl = 			tonumber ( v['WL'] or 0 )
				local weapons = 	fromJSON ( v['Weapons'] 			or toJSON ( { } ) )
				local rank = 		tostring ( v['JobRank'] or "None" )
				local group = 		tostring ( v['GroupName'] or "None" )
				local gRank = 		tostring ( v['GroupRank'] or "None" )
				local kills = 		tonumber ( v['Kills'] )
				local deaths = 		tonumber ( v['Deaths'] )
				local weapstats = 	fromJSON ( tostring ( v['weapstats'] ) )
				local items = 		fromJSON ( tostring ( v['items'] ) )
				local unemployedSkin=tonumber( v['unemployedskin'] )	or 28
				local vip =			tostring ( v['vip'] )
				local vipexp =		tostring ( v['vipexp'] )
				local group =		tostring ( v['GroupName'] or "None" )
				local groupRank =	tostring ( v['GroupRank'] or "None" )
				local srvrsettings =fromJSON ( tostring ( v['plrtosrvrsettings'] or tosJSON ( { } ) ) )

				if ( not exports.saeggroups:doesGroupExist ( group ) ) then
					group = "None"
					if ( not exports.saeggroups:isRankInGroup ( group, groupRank ) ) then
						groupRank = "None"

				if ( group:lower ( ) == "none" ) then
					groupRank = "None"
				spawnPlayer ( p, x, y, z, 0, skin, interior, dimension )
				setElementData ( p, "Job Rank", rank )
				if ( jt > 0 ) then exports['SAEGPolice']:jailPlayer ( p, jt, false ) end
				setElementData ( p, "NGSQL:Kills", kills )
				setElementData ( p, "NGSQL:Deaths", deaths )
				setElementData ( p, "Job", job )
				setPedArmor ( p, armor )
				givePlayerMoney ( p, money )
				exports['SAEGPlayerFunctions']:setPlayerPlaytime ( p,pt )
				setElementData ( p, "WantedPoints", wl )
				setElementData ( p, "Group", group )
				setElementData ( p, "Group Rank", gRank	)
				setElementData ( p, "NGSQL:WeaponStats", weapstats )
				setElementData ( p, "SAEGUser:Items", items )
				setElementData ( p, "SAEGUser.UnemployedSkin", unemployedSkin )
				setElementData ( p, "VIP", vip )
				setElementData ( p, "SAEGVIP.expDate", vipexp )
				setElementHealth ( p, health )
				setElementData ( p, "PlayerServerSettings", srvrsettings )

				if ( srvrsettings.walkStyle ) then
					setPedWalkingStyle ( p, srvrsettings.walkStyle)
				exports.SAEGVIP:checkPlayerVipTime ( p )
				for i, v in ipairs ( weapons ) do giveWeapon ( p, v[1], v[2] ) end
				if ( team and getTeamFromName ( team ) ) then setPlayerTeam ( p, getTeamFromName ( team ) ) end
				if ( loadMsg ) then outputDebugString ( "NGSQL: Loading "..acc.." account data (Player: "..getPlayerName ( p )..")" ) end
				return true
	return false

function account_exist ( acc )
	if ( acc ) then
		local q = db_query ( "SELECT * FROM accountdata WHERE Username='"..acc.."' LIMIT 1" )
		if ( type ( q ) == 'table' ) then
			if ( #q > 0 ) then
				return q
			return false
	return nil

function saveAllData ( useTime )
	if ( useTime == nil ) then useTime = true end
	if ( useTime ) then
		if ( getResourceState ( getResourceFromName ( 'SAEGMessages' ) ) == 'running' ) then exports['SAEGMessages']:sendClientMessage ( "Please expect some lag, saving server data in 5 seconds.", root, 255, 0, 0 ) end
		setTimer ( function ( )
			for i, v in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( 'player' ) ) do
				savePlayerData ( v, false, false )
			if ( isTimer ( saveAllTimer ) ) then
				resetTimer ( saveAllTimer )
				saveAllTimer = setTimer ( saveAllData, 3600000, 1, true )
			if ( getResourceState ( getResourceFromName ( "SAEGBank" ) ) == 'running' ) then exports['SAEGBank']:saveBankAccounts ( ) end
			if ( getResourceState ( getResourceFromName ( 'SAEGMessages' ) ) == 'running' ) then exports['SAEGMessages']:sendClientMessage ( "Server data has been saved!", root, 0, 255, 0 ) end
			if ( getResourceState ( getResourceFromName ( "SAEGBans" ) ) == "running" ) then exports.SAEGBans:saveBans ( ) end
			if ( getResourceState ( getResourceFromName ( "SAEGTurf" ) ) == "running" ) then exports.SAEGTurf:saveTurfs ( ) end 
		end, 5000, 1 )
		if ( getResourceState ( getResourceFromName ( 'SAEGMessages' ) ) == 'running' ) then exports['SAEGMessages']:sendClientMessage ( "Saving server data! Please expect some lag.", root, 255, 0, 0 ) end
		if ( getResourceState ( getResourceFromName ( 'SAEGBank' ) ) == 'running' ) then exports['SAEGBank']:saveBankAccounts ( ) end
		if ( getResourceState ( getResourceFromName ( "SAEGBans" ) ) == "running" ) then exports.SAEGBans:saveBans ( ) end
		if ( getResourceState ( getResourceFromName ( "SAEGTurf" ) ) == "running" ) then exports.SAEGTurf:saveTurfs ( ) end 
		for i, v in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( 'player' ) ) do savePlayerData ( v, false, false ) end
		if ( isTimer ( saveAllTimer ) ) then resetTimer ( saveAllTimer ) else saveAllTimer = setTimer ( saveAllData, 3600000, 1, true ) end
saveAllTimer = setTimer ( saveAllData, 3600000, 1, true )

addEventHandler ( "onPlayerQuit", root, function ( ) 
	if ( isGuestAccount ( getPlayerAccount ( source ) ) ) then return end 
	savePlayerData ( source, false, true ) 
end ) 

addEventHandler ( "onPlayerLogin", root, function ( ) 
	loadPlayerData ( source, true ) 
end ) 

addEventHandler ( "onResourceStop", resourceRoot, function ( ) 
	saveAllData ( false ) 
end ) 

-- For development purposes 
addCommandHandler ( "makeaccnt", function ( p, cmd, accnt ) 
	if ( getPlayerName ( p ) == "Console" or getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( p ) ) == "xXMADEXx" ) then
		outputChatBox ( "Executing command: Account Creation", root, 255, 255, 255 )
		results = nil
		if ( accnt ) then
			if ( createAccount ( accnt ) ) then
				print ( "The account "..accnt.." has been created!" )
				results = "Account "..accnt.." has been created"
				print ( "Failed to create account." )
				results = "Account "..accnt.." has failed to create!!"
			print ( "Format: /"..cmd.." [account name]" )
			results = "none"
		outputChatBox ( "Command Execution Results: "..tostring ( results ), root, 255, 255, 255 )
end )

addCommandHandler ( "delaccnt", function ( p, cmd, accnt ) 
	if ( getPlayerName ( p ) == "Console" ) then
		if ( account_exist ( accnt ) ) then
			print ( "Removing account "..accnt.." from database......" )
			if ( db_exec ( "DELETE FROM accountdata WHERE Username='"..accnt.."'" ) ) then
				print ( "Account has been removed!" )
				print ( "Account has failed to have been removed." )
			print ( "The account "..accnt.." doesn't exist in the mysql database." )
end )

addCommandHandler ( 'saveall', function ( p, cmd )
	if ( ( getPlayerName ( p ) == 'Console' ) or ( getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( p ) ) == 'xXMADEXx' ) ) then
		saveAllData ( true )
end )


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Tried everything? Is that mean you also Googled how to write a WHERE clause? 

exports.NGSQL:db_exec(" UPDATE `group_kills` WHERE Name =?, Kills =? WHERE Serial=?",playerName,Kills_[Killer],playerSerial)

That's totally wrong. You can have multiple conditions in the WHERE but not like that and it doesn't even make sense... You clearly don't know SQL, I suggest you to look at this: http://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_intro.asp . This is where I learnt SQL, it's a really good source.

exports.NGSQL:db_exec(" UPDATE `group_kills` SET Name =?, Kills =? WHERE Serial=?",playerName,Kills_[Killer],playerSerial)

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