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I'm doing a script level system is almost ending but I got to a point where you really do not know how to do because I have a broad knowledge in Lua.


--Note Value EXP comes from Server Side in the original script
ValuerEXP = 30
NEWXP = guiProgressBarSetProgress(XpBar,guiProgressBarGetProgress(XpBar) + ValuerEXP)

Good to look at this and have one and are a good listener will soon notice that this is a serious mistake.

good if ValuerEXP = 30

and suppose ProgressBar (XpBar) = 80

we would have a total value of 110 is therefore just ahead in the script I define it.

if (guiProgressBarGetProgress(XpBar) == 100) then
	guiProgressBarSetProgress(XpBar, 0)
	guiProgressBarSetProgress(LevelBar,getElementData(source, "LVL")+1)

I wanted to have a way to get the total value divilo and pick up the spare and set this spare in the following function could anyone help me with this?

the inves set to 0 somehow get the value of the spare take 110 if get the rest = 10 and definilo below the inves 0.

because in this way that I am getting only 20 of 30 EXP promised.
Help me

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if getElementData(source, "EXP") and getElementData(source, "LVL") then
	ValuerEXP = 30
	NEWXP = guiProgressBarSetProgress(XpBar,guiProgressBarGetProgress(XpBar) + ValuerEXP)
  	----- (guiProgressBarGetProgress(XpBar) = 80 + ValuerEXP = 30) = 110
if (guiProgressBarGetProgress(XpBar) == 100) then
  	--- Here We have wasted 10 EXP ! :(
  	--- ie the player has not received 30/30 Yes it is 20/30.
  	guiProgressBarSetProgress(XpBar, 0) -- right is to take the leftovers in the case 10
	guiProgressBarSetProgress(LevelBar,getElementData(source, "LVL")+1)
-- I wanted was to rescue this value in the case 10 and give her the inves set to 0


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Solved :D I was organizing the time the player would earn EXP for their level and I had an idea and just thinking about it, then I will share to help others

function .....()
	if getElementData(source, "EXP") and getElementData(source, "LVL") then
		TotalNewEXP = (guiProgressBarGetProgress(XpBar)+ValuerEXP)
		if (TotalNewEXP >= 100) then
			GiveCorrectEXP = TotalNewEXP - 100
			NEWXP = guiProgressBarSetProgress(XpBar,guiProgressBarGetProgress(XpBar) + ValuerEXP)
			setElementData(source, "EXP", NEWXP)
			NEWXP = guiProgressBarSetProgress(XpBar,guiProgressBarGetProgress(XpBar) + ValuerEXP)
			setElementData(source, "EXP", NEWXP)
		if guiProgressBarGetProgress(XpBar) ~= 100 then
			outputChatBox("#FFAA00||#FFFF00  ❗ #FFAA00||#00FF7B +"..ValuerEXP.." #FFFF00In #00FF7BEXP #FFFF00It was acquired by completing the mission. EXP Total#00FF7B "..guiProgressBarGetProgress(XpBar).."#FFFF00.",255,255,255,true)
		if (guiProgressBarGetProgress(XpBar) == 100) then
			guiProgressBarSetProgress(XpBar, GiveCorrectEXP)
			guiProgressBarSetProgress(LevelBar,getElementData(source, "LVL")+1)
			LVL = guiProgressBarGetProgress(LevelBar)
			setElementData(source, "LVL", LVL)
			outputChatBox("#FFAA00||#FFFF00  ❗ #FFAA00||#FFFF00Your #00FF7BEXP #FFFF00We reached the maximum its level was raised to #00FF7B"..getElementData(source,"LVL").."#FFFF00.",255,255,255,true)


Edited by raynner
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I think what he's trying to say he want to store the remainder towards the new level. Is every new level at 100? If yes, you can do this;

if(getElementData(source, "EXP") and getElementData(source, "LVL")) then
	valuerEXP = 30
	local currentXP = guiProgressBarGetProgress(XpBar) -- (80)
	-- Check if the result is greater than 100
	if(currentXP+valuerEXP > 100) then
		local neededXP = 100-currentXP -- (100-80 = 20)
		local remainingXP = valuerXP-neededXP -- (30-20 = 10)
		guiProgressBarSetProgress(XpBar, remainingXP)
		guiProgressBarSetProgress(LevelBar, getElementData(source, "LVL")+1)
	-- Check if the result is less than 100
	elseif(currentXP+valuerEXP < 100) then
		guiProgressBarSetProgress(XpBar, (currentXP+valuerEXP))
	-- Check if the result is equal to 100
	elseif(currentXP+valuerEXP == 100) then
		guiProgressBarSetProgress(XpBar, 0)
		guiProgressBarSetProgress(LevelBar, getElementData(source, "LVL")+1)

Of course it depends on how your system works, and there are other ways to do it.

Edit: Nvm you fixed it already :)

Edited by Dealman
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19 minutes ago, Dealman said:

I think what he's trying to say he want to store the remainder towards the new level. Is every new level at 100? If yes, you can do this;

if(getElementData(source, "EXP") and getElementData(source, "LVL")) then
	valuerEXP = 30
	local currentXP = guiProgressBarGetProgress(XpBar) -- (80)
	-- Check if the result is greater than 100
	if(currentXP+valuerEXP > 100) then
		local neededXP = 100-currentXP -- (100-80 = 20)
		local remainingXP = valuerXP-neededXP -- (30-20 = 10)
		guiProgressBarSetProgress(XpBar, remainingXP)
		guiProgressBarSetProgress(LevelBar, getElementData(source, "LVL")+1)
	-- Check if the result is less than 100
	elseif(currentXP+valuerEXP < 100) then
		guiProgressBarSetProgress(XpBar, (currentXP+valuerEXP))
	-- Check if the result is equal to 100
	elseif(currentXP+valuerEXP == 100) then
		guiProgressBarSetProgress(XpBar, 0)
		guiProgressBarSetProgress(LevelBar, getElementData(source, "LVL")+1)

Of course it depends on how your system works, and there are other ways to do it.

Edit: Nvm you fixed it already :)

Oh OK thank you man more I talked to up already working perfectly still thank you: D

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