yukitokun1996 Posted October 23, 2016 Share Posted October 23, 2016 i have this error : bad argument #2 to 'format' this is my code : local function dog_refresh_info() local dog = getElementData(getElementData(localPlayer, "player:dog"), "dog") guiSetText(petsystem.label[2], string.format("Rasa: %s\nNasycenie: %s/100\nKondycja: %s/50\n", rasy[dog.rasa], dog.nasycenie, dog.stamina)) end Link to comment
pa3ck Posted October 23, 2016 Share Posted October 23, 2016 Try to outputChatBox the 3 values you are passing to string.format, because you have no syntax error, the problem must be the values. Link to comment
Gravestone Posted October 23, 2016 Share Posted October 23, 2016 Does ' rasy ' table exist? Link to comment
yukitokun1996 Posted October 23, 2016 Author Share Posted October 23, 2016 there another way? i want put it in my GUI sorry , my english is bad Link to comment
Gravestone Posted October 23, 2016 Share Posted October 23, 2016 Can you paste full code? Link to comment
yukitokun1996 Posted October 23, 2016 Author Share Posted October 23, 2016 (edited) 3 minutes ago, Gravestone said: Can you paste full code? ok , this my full code : addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() local txd = engineLoadTXD("dog.txd" ) engineImportTXD(txd, 310) local dff = engineLoadDFF("dog.dff", 310) engineReplaceModel(dff, 310) local txd = engineLoadTXD("pitbull.txd" ) engineImportTXD(txd, 311) local dff = engineLoadDFF("pitbull.dff", 311) engineReplaceModel(dff, 311) local txd = engineLoadTXD("rottweiler.txd" ) engineImportTXD(txd, 312) local dff = engineLoadDFF("rottweiler.dff", 312) engineReplaceModel(dff, 312) end) setTimer(function() --HAU HAU HAU ;3 for k,v in ipairs(getElementsByType("ped")) do if math.random(1,5)==1 then if getElementModel(v) == 310 then if getElementData(v, "dog:text") then local smp3 = playSound3D("szczekanie.mp3", 0, 0, 0) setElementInterior(smp3, getElementInterior(v)) setElementDimension(smp3, getElementDimension(v)) attachElements(smp3, v) end end end end end, 8000, 0) petsystem = { button = {}, window = {}, label = {}, combobox = {}, edit = {} } petsystem.window[1] = guiCreateWindow(0.43, 0.42, 0.23, 0.32, "", true) guiWindowSetSizable(petsystem.window[1], false) petsystem.combobox[1] = guiCreateComboBox(0.05, 0.15, 0.91, 0.6, "--WYBIERZ--", true, petsystem.window[1]) petsystem.label[2] = guiCreateLabel(0.04, 0.25, 0.92, 0.55, "Rasa: Wilczur\nNasycenie: 100%\nKondycja: 50/50\n", true, petsystem.window[1]) petsystem.button[1] = guiCreateButton(0.05, 0.75, 0.45, 0.10, "Wydaj polecenie", true, petsystem.window[1]) petsystem.button[2] = guiCreateButton(0.51, 0.75, 0.45, 0.10, "Zamknij", true, petsystem.window[1]) petsystem.edit[1] = guiCreateEdit(0.05, 0.86, 0.91, 0.139, "Imie-PREMIUM", true, petsystem.window[1]) guiSetEnabled(petsystem.edit[1], false) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(petsystem.label[2], "center", false) guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(petsystem.label[2], "center") guiSetVisible(petsystem.window[1], false) showCursor(false) function centerWindow(center_window) local screenW,screenH=guiGetScreenSize() local windowW,windowH=guiGetSize(center_window,false) local x,y = (screenW-windowW)/2,(screenH-windowH)/2 guiSetPosition(center_window,x,y,false) end centerWindow(petsystem.window[1]) local function dog_refresh_skills() guiEditSetMaxLength(petsystem.edit[1], 12) guiComboBoxClear(petsystem.combobox[1]) guiComboBoxAddItem(petsystem.combobox[1], "Spawn") guiComboBoxAddItem(petsystem.combobox[1], "Unspawn") local dog = getElementData(getElementData(localPlayer, "player:dog"), "dog") if getElementData(localPlayer, "premium") then guiSetEnabled(petsystem.edit[1], true) guiComboBoxAddItem(petsystem.combobox[1], "Zmiana nazwy") else guiSetEnabled(petsystem.edit[1], false) end -- guiSetEnabled(petsystem.edit[1], true) guiComboBoxAddItem(petsystem.combobox[1], "Zmiana nazwy") local s_dajglos = dog.skill_dajglos==1 and true or false local s_zostan = dog.skill_zostan==1 and true or false local s_donogi = dog.skill_donogi==1 and true or false if s_dajglos then guiComboBoxAddItem(petsystem.combobox[1], "P: Daj głos!") end if s_zostan then guiComboBoxAddItem(petsystem.combobox[1], "P: Zostań!") end if s_donogi then guiComboBoxAddItem(petsystem.combobox[1], "P: Do nogi!") end end local rasy = { [0]="Wilczur", [1]="Pitbull", [2]="Rottweiler", } local function dog_refresh_info() local dog = getElementData(getElementData(localPlayer, "player:dog"), "dog") guiSetText(petsystem.label[2], string.format("Rasa: %s\nNasycenie: %s/100\nKondycja: %s/50\n", rasy[dog.rasa], dog.nasycenie, dog.stamina)) end addCommandHandler("mypet", function() if (not getElementData(localPlayer, "player:dog")) then triggerServerEvent("onDogCommand", localPlayer, "Spawn") else dog_refresh_skills() dog_refresh_info() guiSetVisible(petsystem.window[1], true) showCursor(true) dog_tick = getTickCount() end end) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", petsystem.button[1], function() if (getTickCount()-dog_tick) < 500 then return end dog_tick = getTickCount() local item = guiComboBoxGetSelected(petsystem.combobox[1]) local selected = guiComboBoxGetItemText(petsystem.combobox[1], item) if selected == "--WYBIERZ--" then return end if selected == "Spawn" or selected == "Unspawn" then triggerServerEvent("onDogCommand", localPlayer, selected) elseif selected == "Zmiana nazwy" then outputDebugString(guiGetText(petsystem.edit[1])) triggerServerEvent("onDogCommand", localPlayer, selected, 0, guiGetText(petsystem.edit[1])) else local dog = getElementData(getElementData(localPlayer, "player:dog") or false, "dog") or false triggerServerEvent("onDogCommand", localPlayer, selected, dog.nasycenie or 0) end end, false) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", petsystem.button[2], function() guiSetVisible(petsystem.window[1], false) showCursor(false) end, false) addEvent("dog_polecenie", true) addEventHandler("dog_polecenie", getRootElement(), function(cmd) if cmd == "P: Daj głos!" then local sound = playSound3D("szczekanie.mp3", 0, 0, 0) setElementInterior(sound, getElementInterior(getElementData(source, "player:dog"))) setElementDimension(sound, getElementDimension(getElementData(source, "player:dog"))) attachElements(sound, getElementData(source, "player:dog")) end end) the error in line 101 Edited October 23, 2016 by yukitokun1996 Link to comment
Gravestone Posted October 23, 2016 Share Posted October 23, 2016 Umm, what does this statement return? local dog = getElementData(getElementData(localPlayer, "player:dog"), "dog") Debug it manually through either outputChatBox or outputDebugString. Link to comment
yukitokun1996 Posted October 23, 2016 Author Share Posted October 23, 2016 4 minutes ago, Gravestone said: Umm, what does this statement return? local dog = getElementData(getElementData(localPlayer, "player:dog"), "dog") Debug it manually through either outputChatBox or outputDebugString. this my server file : --[[ @author Karer <[email protected]> @author WUBE <[email protected]> @copyright 2011-2013 Lukasz Biegaj <[email protected]> @license Dual GPLv2/MIT @package MTA-XyzzyRP @link https://github.com/lpiob/MTA-XyzzyRP GitHub ]]-- function dogFollow(thecop, theprisoner) if not ( theprisoner and thecop ) then return end if not theprisoner then return end if not getElementData(theprisoner, "dog:moveblock") then local copx, copy, copz = getElementPosition ( thecop ) local prisonerx, prisonery, prisonerz = getElementPosition ( theprisoner ) copangle = ( 360 - math.deg ( math.atan2 ( ( copx - prisonerx ), ( copy - prisonery ) ) ) ) % 360 setPedRotation ( theprisoner, copangle ) local dist = getDistanceBetweenPoints2D ( copx, copy, prisonerx, prisonery ) if getElementInterior(thecop) ~= getElementInterior(theprisoner) then setElementInterior(theprisoner, getElementInterior(thecop)) end if getElementDimension(thecop) ~= getElementDimension(theprisoner) then setElementDimension(theprisoner, getElementDimension(thecop)) end local dog = getElementData(theprisoner, "dog") -- outputDebugString(dog.stamina or "lol") if dist >= 200 then local x,y,z = getElementPosition(thecop) setElementPosition(theprisoner, x, y, z) elseif dist >= 8 and dog.stamina>=50 then setPedAnimation(theprisoner, "ped", "sprint_civi") elseif dist >= 2 then setPedAnimation(theprisoner, "ped", "run_player") else setPedAnimation(theprisoner, false) end end local zombify = setTimer ( dogFollow, 500, 1, thecop, theprisoner ) -- outputDebugString(dog.stamina) end local rasy = { [0]=310, [1]=311, [2]=312, } local rasyskiny = { [310]=0, [311]=1, [312]=2, } function reloadDog(player,msg) -- if not getElementData(player,"character") then return end local check = exports.mysql:query_fetch_assoc("SELECT * FROM lss_petsystem WHERE `char_id`='"..getElementData(player,"dbid").."'") if getElementData(player, "player:dog") then destroyElement(getElementData(getElementData(player, "player:dog"),"dog:text")) destroyElement(getElementData(player, "player:dog")) end if check and check.id then local x,y,z = getElementPosition(player) local pies = createPed(rasy[tonumber(check["rasa"])], x, y, z) setElementData(pies, "dog:owner", player) setElementData(pies, "dog", check) setElementData(player, "player:dog", pies) dogFollow(player, pies) local text = createElement("text") setElementPosition(text, x, y, z) setElementData(text, "attach", pies) setElementData(text, "addz", 1) setElementData(text, "text", (tonumber(check["nazwa"])=="BRAK" and "Pies" or "Pies - "..tonumber(check["nazwa"]))) setElementData(pies, "dog:text", text) setElementHealth(pies, tonumber(check["nasycenie"])) else return end if msg then outputChatBox("(( Pies został zespawnowany ))", player) end end function unspawnDog(player) -- if not getElementData(player,"character") then return end if getElementData(player, "player:dog") then destroyElement(getElementData(getElementData(player, "player:dog"),"dog:text")) destroyElement(getElementData(player, "player:dog")) removeElementData(player, "player:dog") end end -- addCommandHandler("dogreload", function(plr) -- if getElementData(plr, "player:dog") then destroyElement(getElementData(plr, "player:dog")) end -- reloadDog(plr) -- end) --skrypt na tworzenie pieskow do oswojenia local wildDog = {} local wildDogsPos = { {1200.3642578125, -1329.6904296875, 13.3984375, 10}, {1200.3642578125, -1329.6904296875, 13.3984375, 280}, {1200.3642578125, -1329.6904296875, 13.3984375,260.3}, {1200.3642578125, -1329.6904296875, 13.3984375,225.2}, {1200.3642578125, -1329.6904296875, 13.3984375,62.6}, {1200.3642578125, -1329.6904296875, 13.3984375,66.1}, } local function respawnDogs() if #getElementsByType("ped",resourceRoot)>50 then return end for k,v in ipairs(wildDogsPos) do if math.random(1,5) == 1 then local cs=createColSphere(v[1],v[2],v[3],10) local ec=#getElementsWithinColShape(cs) destroyElement(cs) if (ec==0) then wildDog[k] = createPed(math.random(310,312), v[1], v[2], v[3]) setElementData(wildDog[k], "dog:wild", true) setElementRotation(wildDog[k], 0, 0, v[4]) local text = createElement("text") setElementPosition(text, v[1], v[2], v[3]+1) setElementData(text, "text", "Dziki pies") setElementData(wildDog[k], "dog:text", text) setElementFrozen(wildDog[k], true) end end end end function menu_oswajanie(args) triggerEvent("onDogOswajanie", args.dog, args.player) end addEvent("onDogOswajanie", true) addEventHandler("onDogOswajanie", getRootElement(), function(player) local check = exports.mysql:query_fetch_assoc("SELECT * FROM lss_petsystem WHERE `char_id`="..getElementData(player,"dbid").."") if check and check.id then outputChatBox("(( Masz już psa! ))", player) return end local szansa=math.random(1,2) if szansa==1 then --zlapal triggerEvent('sendAme', player, getPlayerName(player).." đã bắt thành công và đeo vòng cổ cho thú hoang.", 5, 10, true) exports.mysql:query_free("INSERT INTO lss_petsystem SET `char_id`='"..tonumber(getElementData(player,"dbid")).."', `nazwa`='BRAK', `rasa`='"..rasyskiny[getElementModel(source)].."' ") reloadDog(player) else triggerEvent('sendAme', player, getPlayerName(player).." próbuje bezskutecznie złapać psa, który ucieka.",5, 10, true) end destroyElement(getElementData(source, "dog:text")) if source and getElementType(source) then destroyElement(source) end exports.global:takeItem(player, 165, 1) end) respawnDogs() setTimer(respawnDogs, 1200000, 0) for k,v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do removeElementData(v, "player:dog") end addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", getRootElement(), function() unspawnDog(source) end) local function getCharacterName(plr) -- local character=getElementData(plr,"character") --if not character then return "Nieznana osoba" end local zamaskowany=getElementData(plr,"zamaskowany") if zamaskowany then return "Zamaskowana osoba" end return character.imie.." "..character.nazwisko end local function polecenie_say(plr, msg) local characterName=getCharacterName(plr) local x,y,z=getElementPosition(plr) local strefa=createColSphere(x,y,z,50) local gracze=getElementsWithinColShape(strefa, "player") for i,v in ipairs(gracze) do if (getElementInterior(v)==getElementInterior(plr) and getElementDimension(v)==getElementDimension(plr)) then local x2,y2=getElementPosition(v) if (getDistanceBetweenPoints2D(x,y,x2,y2)<=10) then outputChatBox( characterName .. " wydaje polecenie psu: " .. msg, v, 255, 255, 255, true) end end end destroyElement(strefa) end addEvent("onDogCommand", true) addEventHandler("onDogCommand", getRootElement(), function(cmd,nasycenie,add1) local nasycenie = tonumber(nasycenie) if cmd == "Spawn" then if getElementData(source, "player:dog") then return end reloadDog(source,true) elseif cmd == "Unspawn" then if not getElementData(source, "player:dog") then return end unspawnDog(source) outputChatBox("(( Pies został zunspawnowany ))", source) elseif cmd == "P: Daj głos!" then local pies = getElementData(source, "player:dog") if not pies then return end local pies_name = getElementData(pies, "dog").nazwa=="BRAK" and "" or getElementData(pies, "dog").nazwa if nasycenie <= 30 then triggerEvent('sendAme', pies, "Brzuch psa "..pies_name.." burczy z głodu", 5, 10, true) return end polecenie_say(source, "daj głos!") triggerClientEvent("dog_polecenie", source, "P: Daj głos!") elseif cmd == "P: Zostań!" then local pies = getElementData(source, "player:dog") if not pies then return end local pies_name = getElementData(pies, "dog").nazwa=="BRAK" and "" or getElementData(pies, "dog").nazwa if nasycenie <= 20 then triggerEvent('sendAme', pies, "Brzuch psa "..pies_name.." burczy z głodu", 5, 10, true) return end polecenie_say(source, "zostań!") setElementData(pies, "dog:moveblock", true) setElementFrozen(pies, true) setPedAnimation ( pies, "JST_BUISNESS", "girl_02", -1, false, false ) -- setPedAnimation(pies, "INT_OFFICE", "OFF_Sit_Idle_Loop", -1, true, false) elseif cmd == "P: Do nogi!" then local pies = getElementData(source, "player:dog") if not pies then return end local pies_name = getElementData(pies, "dog").nazwa=="BRAK" and "" or getElementData(pies, "dog").nazwa if nasycenie <= 20 then triggerEvent('sendAme', pies, "Brzuch psa "..pies_name.." burczy z głodu", 5, 10, true) return end polecenie_say(source, "do nogi!") setElementData(pies, "dog:moveblock", false) setElementFrozen(pies, false) setPedAnimation(pies, false) elseif cmd == "Zmiana nazwy" then local pies = getElementData(source, "player:dog") if not pies then return end exports.mysql:query_free("UPDATE lss_petsystem SET `nazwa`="..add1.." WHERE `char_id`="..getElementData(source, "dbid").."") unspawnDog(source) setTimer(reloadDog,50, 1, source,true) end end) local function dog_glod() --glod pieskow ;c for k,v in ipairs(getElementsByType("ped")) do if getElementModel(v) == 310 or getElementModel(v) == 311 or getElementModel(v) == 312 then if getElementData(v, "dog:owner") then --glod dog = getElementData(v, "dog") dog.nasycenie = ((dog.nasycenie)-1)<0 and 0 or ((dog.nasycenie)-1) setElementData(v, "dog", dog) exports.mysql:query_free("UPDATE lss_petsystem SET `nasycenie`=nasycenie-1 WHERE `char_id`='"..getElementData(getElementData(v, "dog:owner"),"dbid").."' ") setElementHealth(v, dog.nasycenie) if dog.nasycenie <= 0 then --zabijamy psa :( triggerEvent('sendAme', v, "Pies "..dog.nazwa.." umiera z głódu.", 5, 10, true) exports.mysql:query_free("DELETE FROM lss_petsystem WHERE `char_id`='"..getElementData(getElementData(v, "dog:owner"),"dbid").."' ") unspawnDog(getElementData(v, "dog:owner")) end end end end end setTimer(dog_glod, 240000, 0) -- setTimer(dog_glod, 5000, 0) Link to comment
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