Dzsozi (h03) Posted October 23, 2016 Share Posted October 23, 2016 Hello! I would like to create a table for skin shop markers, and create a marker for each position I give in the table. The markers are being created, the camera positions are set, everything is good except one thing, I always get the positions of the last given section of the table. local originalSkin local availableSkins = { 2, 7, 12, 13, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, } local skinShops = { -- markerX, markerY, markerZ, markerDimension, markerInterior, previewX, previewY, previewZ, previewRot, previewDimension, previewInterior, previewCamX, previewCamY, previewCamZ, previewCamLX, previewCamLY, previewCamLZ, exitPosX, exitPosY, exitposZ --marker #1 {1950.908203125, -2049.2995605469, 12.4, 0, 0, --shopMarkerPos, dimension, interior 1976.33984375, -2048.2937011719, 12.884400367737, 80, 0, 0, --previewPos, rot, dimension, interior 1963.5827636719, -2053.611328125, 15.560099601746, 1964.4354248047, -2053.1540527344, 15.307735443115, --previewCamPos 1974.8217773438, -2056.7233886719, 14.861300468445, 60, 0, 0}, --exitPos, rot, dimension, interior --marker #2 {1953.2912597656, -2073.4045410156, 12.933400154114, 0, 0, 1939.267578125, -2085.708984375, 12.905400276184, -90, 0, 0, 1951.8502197266, -2083.51171875, 14.838299751282, 1950.8914794922, -2083.7155761719, 14.640121459961, 1954.2136230469, -2086.5083007813, 12.888199806213, 60, 0, 0}, } local index = {} addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() for k, v in pairs(skinShops) do current = k end for i = 1, #skinShops do local currentShop = skinShops[i] if currentShop then local skinShopMarker = createMarker(currentShop[1], currentShop[2], currentShop[3], "cylinder", 1.5, 0, 180, 255, 75) setElementDimension(skinShopMarker, currentShop[4]) setElementInterior(skinShopMarker, currentShop[5]) addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", skinShopMarker, selectSkin) end end end) function selectSkin (player) showCursor ( player, true ) bindKey ( player, "backspace", "down", cancelBuy ) bindKey ( player, "enter", "down", buySkin ) bindKey ( player, "arrow_l", "down", changeSkin ) bindKey ( player, "arrow_r", "down", changeSkin ) fadeCamera ( player, true ) index [player] = 1 setElementPosition ( player, skinShops[current][6], skinShops[current][7], skinShops[current][8] ) setPedRotation ( player, skinShops[current][9] ) setElementDimension (player, skinShops[current][10]) setElementInterior (player, skinShops[current][11]) setElementFrozen ( player, true ) setCameraMatrix ( player, skinShops[current][12], skinShops[current][13], skinShops[current][14], skinShops[current][15], skinShops[current][16], skinShops[current][17] ) originalSkin = getElementModel( player ) end function cancelBuy ( player ) showCursor ( player, false ) setElementPosition ( player, skinShops[current][18], skinShops[current][19], skinShops[current][20] ) setPedRotation ( player, skinShops[current][21] ) setElementDimension(player, skinShops[current][22]) setElementInterior(player, skinShops[current][23]) setElementFrozen ( player, false ) setCameraTarget ( player, player ) setElementModel ( player, originalSkin ) end function changeSkin ( player, key ) if (key == "arrow_l") then if (index [player] == 1) then index [player] = #availableSkins else index [player] = (index[player] - 1) end else if (index [player] == #availableSkins) then index [player] = 1 else index [player] = (index[player] + 1) end end setElementModel (player, availableSkins[index [player]]) playSoundFrontEnd (player, 32) end function buySkin ( player ) showCursor ( player, false ) playSoundFrontEnd ( player, 44 ) unbindKey ( player, "backspace", "down", cancelBuy ) unbindKey ( player, "enter", "down", buySkin ) unbindKey ( player, "arrow_l", "down", changeSkin ) unbindKey ( player, "arrow_r", "down", changeSkin ) setElementPosition ( player, skinShops[current][18], skinShops[current][19], skinShops[current][20] ) setPedRotation ( player, skinShops[current][21] ) setElementDimension(player, skinShops[current][22]) setElementInterior(player, skinShops[current][23]) setElementFrozen ( player, false ) setCameraTarget ( player, player ) takePlayerMoney(player, 50) end Here's my script. So for example if I go into marker #1 the positions are the positions of marker #2. How can I fix it, so each markers have their own camera positions and other settings that I give? Link to comment
pa3ck Posted October 23, 2016 Share Posted October 23, 2016 (edited) The variable "current" is always the last item in the table, because that's the last element in the loop. You need a way to store the details in each marker. Simply use setElementData(marker, "markerID", idInTheTable) and then you can retrieve the information using the table index. Edited October 23, 2016 by pa3ck Link to comment
Dzsozi (h03) Posted October 23, 2016 Author Share Posted October 23, 2016 (edited) Did you mean something like this? local originalSkin local current = 1 local availableSkins = { 2, 7, 12, 13, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, } local skinShops = { -- markerX, markerY, markerZ, markerDimension, markerInterior, previewX, previewY, previewZ, previewRot, previewDimension, previewInterior, previewCamX, previewCamY, previewCamZ, previewCamLX, previewCamLY, previewCamLZ, exitPosX, exitPosY, exitposZ, markerID --marker #1 {1950.908203125, -2049.2995605469, 12.4, 0, 0, --shopMarkerPos, dimension, interior 1976.33984375, -2048.2937011719, 12.884400367737, 80, 0, 0, --previewPos, rot, dimension, interior 1963.5827636719, -2053.611328125, 15.560099601746, 1964.4354248047, -2053.1540527344, 15.307735443115, --previewCamPos 1974.8217773438, -2056.7233886719, 14.861300468445, 60, 0, 0, --exitPos, rot, dimension, interior 1}, --markerID --marker #2 {1953.2912597656, -2073.4045410156, 12.933400154114, 0, 0, 1939.267578125, -2085.708984375, 12.905400276184, -90, 0, 0, 1951.8502197266, -2083.51171875, 14.838299751282, 1950.8914794922, -2083.7155761719, 14.640121459961, 1954.2136230469, -2086.5083007813, 12.888199806213, 60, 0, 0, 2}, } local index = {} addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() for i = 1, #skinShops do local currentShop = skinShops[i] if currentShop then skinShopMarker = createMarker(currentShop[1], currentShop[2], currentShop[3], "cylinder", 1.5, 0, 180, 255, 75) setElementData(skinShopMarker, "3dtext", "Ruhabolt") setElementData(skinShopMarker, "markerID-->skinShop", currentShop[24]) setElementDimension(skinShopMarker, currentShop[4]) setElementInterior(skinShopMarker, currentShop[5]) addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", skinShopMarker, selectSkin) end end end) function selectSkin (player) local current = getElementData(skinShopMarker, "markerID-->skinShop") showCursor ( player, true ) bindKey ( player, "backspace", "down", cancelBuy ) bindKey ( player, "enter", "down", buySkin ) bindKey ( player, "arrow_l", "down", changeSkin ) bindKey ( player, "arrow_r", "down", changeSkin ) fadeCamera ( player, true ) index [player] = 1 setElementPosition ( player, skinShops[current][6], skinShops[current][7], skinShops[current][8] ) setPedRotation ( player, skinShops[current][9] ) setElementDimension (player, skinShops[current][10]) setElementInterior (player, skinShops[current][11]) setElementFrozen ( player, true ) setCameraMatrix ( player, skinShops[current][12], skinShops[current][13], skinShops[current][14], skinShops[current][15], skinShops[current][16], skinShops[current][17] ) originalSkin = getElementModel( player ) end function cancelBuy ( player ) local current = getElementData(skinShopMarker, "markerID-->skinShop") showCursor ( player, false ) setElementPosition ( player, skinShops[current][18], skinShops[current][19], skinShops[current][20] ) setPedRotation ( player, skinShops[current][21] ) setElementDimension(player, skinShops[current][22]) setElementInterior(player, skinShops[current][23]) setElementFrozen ( player, false ) setCameraTarget ( player, player ) setElementModel ( player, originalSkin ) end function changeSkin ( player, key ) if (key == "arrow_l") then if (index [player] == 1) then index [player] = #availableSkins else index [player] = (index[player] - 1) end else if (index [player] == #availableSkins) then index [player] = 1 else index [player] = (index[player] + 1) end end setElementModel (player, availableSkins[index [player]]) playSoundFrontEnd (player, 32) end function buySkin ( player ) local current = getElementData(skinShopMarker, "markerID-->skinShop") showCursor ( player, false ) playSoundFrontEnd ( player, 44 ) unbindKey ( player, "backspace", "down", cancelBuy ) unbindKey ( player, "enter", "down", buySkin ) unbindKey ( player, "arrow_l", "down", changeSkin ) unbindKey ( player, "arrow_r", "down", changeSkin ) setElementPosition ( player, skinShops[current][18], skinShops[current][19], skinShops[current][20] ) setPedRotation ( player, skinShops[current][21] ) setElementDimension(player, skinShops[current][22]) setElementInterior(player, skinShops[current][23]) setElementFrozen ( player, false ) setCameraTarget ( player, player ) takePlayerMoney(player, 50) end Or this? local current = 1 local originalSkin local availableSkins = { 2, 7, 12, 13, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, } local skinShops = { -- markerX, markerY, markerZ, markerDimension, markerInterior, previewX, previewY, previewZ, previewRot, previewDimension, previewInterior, previewCamX, previewCamY, previewCamZ, previewCamLX, previewCamLY, previewCamLZ, exitPosX, exitPosY, exitposZ, markerID --marker #1 {1950.908203125, -2049.2995605469, 12.4, 0, 0, --shopMarkerPos, dimension, interior 1976.33984375, -2048.2937011719, 12.884400367737, 80, 0, 0, --previewPos, rot, dimension, interior 1963.5827636719, -2053.611328125, 15.560099601746, 1964.4354248047, -2053.1540527344, 15.307735443115, --previewCamPos 1974.8217773438, -2056.7233886719, 14.861300468445, 60, 0, 0, --exitPos, rot, dimension, interior 1}, --markerID --marker #2 {1953.2912597656, -2073.4045410156, 12.933400154114, 0, 0, 1939.267578125, -2085.708984375, 12.905400276184, -90, 0, 0, 1951.8502197266, -2083.51171875, 14.838299751282, 1950.8914794922, -2083.7155761719, 14.640121459961, 1954.2136230469, -2086.5083007813, 12.888199806213, 60, 0, 0, 2}, } local index = {} addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() for i = 1, #skinShops do local currentShop = skinShops[i] if currentShop then local skinShopMarker = createMarker(currentShop[1], currentShop[2], currentShop[3], "cylinder", 1.5, 0, 180, 255, 75) setElementData(skinShopMarker, "3dtext", "Ruhabolt") setElementData(skinShopMarker, "markerID-->skinShop", currentShop[24]) setElementDimension(skinShopMarker, currentShop[4]) setElementInterior(skinShopMarker, currentShop[5]) addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", skinShopMarker, selectSkin) current = getElementData(skinShopMarker, "markerID-->skinShop") end end end) function selectSkin (player) showCursor ( player, true ) bindKey ( player, "backspace", "down", cancelBuy ) bindKey ( player, "enter", "down", buySkin ) bindKey ( player, "arrow_l", "down", changeSkin ) bindKey ( player, "arrow_r", "down", changeSkin ) fadeCamera ( player, true ) index [player] = 1 setElementPosition ( player, skinShops[current][6], skinShops[current][7], skinShops[current][8] ) setPedRotation ( player, skinShops[current][9] ) setElementDimension (player, skinShops[current][10]) setElementInterior (player, skinShops[current][11]) setElementFrozen ( player, true ) setCameraMatrix ( player, skinShops[current][12], skinShops[current][13], skinShops[current][14], skinShops[current][15], skinShops[current][16], skinShops[current][17] ) originalSkin = getElementModel( player ) end function cancelBuy ( player ) showCursor ( player, false ) setElementPosition ( player, skinShops[current][18], skinShops[current][19], skinShops[current][20] ) setPedRotation ( player, skinShops[current][21] ) setElementDimension(player, skinShops[current][22]) setElementInterior(player, skinShops[current][23]) setElementFrozen ( player, false ) setCameraTarget ( player, player ) setElementModel ( player, originalSkin ) end function changeSkin ( player, key ) if (key == "arrow_l") then if (index [player] == 1) then index [player] = #availableSkins else index [player] = (index[player] - 1) end else if (index [player] == #availableSkins) then index [player] = 1 else index [player] = (index[player] + 1) end end setElementModel (player, availableSkins[index [player]]) playSoundFrontEnd (player, 32) end function buySkin ( player ) showCursor ( player, false ) playSoundFrontEnd ( player, 44 ) unbindKey ( player, "backspace", "down", cancelBuy ) unbindKey ( player, "enter", "down", buySkin ) unbindKey ( player, "arrow_l", "down", changeSkin ) unbindKey ( player, "arrow_r", "down", changeSkin ) setElementPosition ( player, skinShops[current][18], skinShops[current][19], skinShops[current][20] ) setPedRotation ( player, skinShops[current][21] ) setElementDimension(player, skinShops[current][22]) setElementInterior(player, skinShops[current][23]) setElementFrozen ( player, false ) setCameraTarget ( player, player ) takePlayerMoney(player, 50) end (None of them work) Edited October 23, 2016 by Dzsozi Link to comment
pa3ck Posted October 23, 2016 Share Posted October 23, 2016 (edited) No, in the loop you want to have: setElementData(skinShopMarker, "shopID", currentShop) In the selectSkin function: local current = getElementData(source, "shopID") Edit: Make sure "local current ..." is the very first line of the selectSkin function Edited October 23, 2016 by pa3ck Link to comment
Dzsozi (h03) Posted October 23, 2016 Author Share Posted October 23, 2016 Oh, I understand, I could fix it, thank you very much! I would have one more question. How can I make types of "shops"? For example I have marker #1 and there would be skin id 1 only, and at marker #2 there would be skin id 2 only, just an example, but hope you understand me. I assume I would have to do something with the availableSkins table, define the marker ID there as well, or something like that, but I don't know how. Could you help me with that please? Link to comment
pa3ck Posted October 23, 2016 Share Posted October 23, 2016 You can have tables inside tables like: local tbl = { {"Shop 1", skins = {1, 2}}, {"Shop 2", skins = {3, 4, 6}}, } outputChatBox(tbl[1].skins[1]) Link to comment
Dzsozi (h03) Posted October 23, 2016 Author Share Posted October 23, 2016 Then I guess it would be easier to make another table in the skinshops table and delete the availableskins table, so I can have skins depending on the shops. Maybe? Link to comment
pa3ck Posted October 23, 2016 Share Posted October 23, 2016 Yea, like: local skinShops = { -- markerX, markerY, markerZ, markerDimension, markerInterior, previewX, previewY, previewZ, previewRot, previewDimension, previewInterior, previewCamX, previewCamY, previewCamZ, previewCamLX, previewCamLY, previewCamLZ, exitPosX, exitPosY, exitposZ, markerID --marker #1 {1950.908203125, -2049.2995605469, 12.4, 0, 0, --shopMarkerPos, dimension, interior 1976.33984375, -2048.2937011719, 12.884400367737, 80, 0, 0, --previewPos, rot, dimension, interior 1963.5827636719, -2053.611328125, 15.560099601746, 1964.4354248047, -2053.1540527344, 15.307735443115, --previewCamPos 1974.8217773438, -2056.7233886719, 14.861300468445, 60, 0, 0, --exitPos, rot, dimension, interior 1, skins = {2, 4, 6, 8} }, Link to comment
Dzsozi (h03) Posted October 23, 2016 Author Share Posted October 23, 2016 Okay, I will try it, thank you very much! Link to comment
Dzsozi (h03) Posted October 24, 2016 Author Share Posted October 24, 2016 Alright, so I bumped into another issue. I transfered the marker creation to client side, so I can add dxDrawText on them, and etc, but now I have a little problem with triggering the server side function. I have the following in the client side script: addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), function() for k, v in pairs(skinShops) do local skinShopBlip = createBlip(v[1], v[2], v[3], 45, 2, 0, 180, 255, 255) local skinShopMarker = createMarker(v[1], v[2], v[3], "cylinder", 1.5, 0, 180, 255, 75) setElementData(skinShopMarker, "markerID-->skinShop", v[24]) addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, function() exports.vice_util:dxDrawTextOnElement(skinShopMarker, "Ruhabolt", 1, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, 2, "default-bold") end) setElementDimension(skinShopMarker, v[4]) setElementInterior(skinShopMarker, v[5]) addEventHandler("onClientMarkerHit", skinShopMarker, function(hitPlayer, matchingDimension) triggerServerEvent("selectSkin", hitPlayer, hitPlayer) end) end end) The following in a shared/global script (in the meta file it's type is set to shared): availableSkins = { 2, 7, 12, 13, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, } skinShops = { -- markerX, markerY, markerZ, markerDimension, markerInterior, previewX, previewY, previewZ, previewRot, previewDimension, previewInterior, previewCamX, previewCamY, previewCamZ, previewCamLX, previewCamLY, previewCamLZ, exitPosX, exitPosY, exitposZ, markerID --marker #1 {413.72509765625, 1039.0155029297, 24.25, 0, 0, --shopMarkerPos, dimension, interior 418.73413085938, 1038.1110839844, 25.25609588623, 61.661361694336, 0, 0, --previewPos, rot, dimension, interior 414.91680908203, 1039.669921875, 26.514999389648, 415.83294677734, 1039.3103027344, 26.337924957275, --previewCamPos 414.23324584961, 1042.4398193359, 25.409734725952, 5.6778540611267, 0, 0, --exitPos, rot, dimension, interior 1}, --markerID --marker #2 {1953.2912597656, -2073.4045410156, 12.933400154114, 0, 0, 1939.267578125, -2085.708984375, 12.905400276184, -90, 0, 0, 1951.8502197266, -2083.51171875, 14.838299751282, 1950.8914794922, -2083.7155761719, 14.640121459961, 1954.2136230469, -2086.5083007813, 12.888199806213, 60, 0, 0, 2}, } And the following in the server side script: local originalSkin local index = {} --[[addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() for i = 1, #skinShops do local currentShop = skinShops[i] if currentShop then local skinShopMarker = createMarker(currentShop[1], currentShop[2], currentShop[3], "cylinder", 1.5, 0, 180, 255, 75) setElementData(skinShopMarker, "markerID-->skinShop", currentShop[24]) setElementDimension(skinShopMarker, currentShop[4]) setElementInterior(skinShopMarker, currentShop[5]) addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", skinShopMarker, selectSkin) end end end)]] function selectSkin (player) if getElementType(player) == "player" and not isPedInVehicle(player) and not isPedDead(player) then current = getElementData(source, "markerID-->skinShop") setElementFrozen ( player, true ) showCursor ( player, true ) bindKey ( player, "backspace", "down", cancelBuy ) bindKey ( player, "enter", "down", buySkin ) bindKey ( player, "arrow_l", "down", changeSkin ) bindKey ( player, "arrow_r", "down", changeSkin ) fadeCamera ( player, true ) index [player] = 1 setElementPosition ( player, skinShops[current][6], skinShops[current][7], skinShops[current][8] ) setTimer(function() setPedRotation ( player, skinShops[current][9] ) end, 500, 1, player) setElementDimension (player, skinShops[current][10]) setElementInterior (player, skinShops[current][11]) setCameraMatrix ( player, skinShops[current][12], skinShops[current][13], skinShops[current][14], skinShops[current][15], skinShops[current][16], skinShops[current][17] ) originalSkin = getElementModel( player ) else cancelEvent() end end addEvent("selectSkin", true) addEventHandler("selectSkin", root, selectSkin) function cancelBuy ( player ) setElementFrozen ( player, false ) showCursor ( player, false ) setElementPosition ( player, skinShops[current][18], skinShops[current][19], skinShops[current][20] ) setPedRotation ( player, skinShops[current][21] ) setElementDimension(player, skinShops[current][22]) setElementInterior(player, skinShops[current][23]) setCameraTarget ( player, player ) setElementModel ( player, originalSkin ) unbindKey ( player, "backspace", "down", cancelBuy ) unbindKey ( player, "enter", "down", buySkin ) unbindKey ( player, "arrow_l", "down", changeSkin ) unbindKey ( player, "arrow_r", "down", changeSkin ) end function changeSkin ( player, key ) if (key == "arrow_l") then if (index [player] == 1) then index [player] = #availableSkins else index [player] = (index[player] - 1) end else if (index [player] == #availableSkins) then index [player] = 1 else index [player] = (index[player] + 1) end end setElementModel (player, availableSkins[index [player]]) playSoundFrontEnd (player, 32) end function buySkin ( player ) setElementFrozen ( player, false ) showCursor ( player, false ) playSoundFrontEnd ( player, 44 ) unbindKey ( player, "backspace", "down", cancelBuy ) unbindKey ( player, "enter", "down", buySkin ) unbindKey ( player, "arrow_l", "down", changeSkin ) unbindKey ( player, "arrow_r", "down", changeSkin ) setElementPosition ( player, skinShops[current][18], skinShops[current][19], skinShops[current][20] ) setPedRotation ( player, skinShops[current][21] ) setElementDimension(player, skinShops[current][22]) setElementInterior(player, skinShops[current][23]) setCameraTarget ( player, player ) takePlayerMoney(player, 50) end And I get this error when I hit the marker: shopS.lua:29: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value) And when I hit backspace to exit the shop I get the same but at line 47. These lines are the setElementPosition(player ...) lines in the selectSkin and the cancelBuy functions. What could be the problem and how to fix it? Link to comment
pa3ck Posted October 24, 2016 Share Posted October 24, 2016 Because source is not the marker element server side. In the triggerServerEvent, trigger the value from: local current = getElementData(source, "markerID-->skinShop") -- in the onClientMarkerHit function the source is the marker Link to comment
Walid Posted October 24, 2016 Share Posted October 24, 2016 (edited) Client side (send the marker id to the server side) addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() for k, v in pairs(skinShops) do local skinShopBlip = createBlip(v[1], v[2], v[3], 45, 2, 0, 180, 255, 255) local skinShopMarker = createMarker(v[1], v[2], v[3], "cylinder", 1.5, 0, 180, 255, 75) setElementData(skinShopMarker, "markerID-->skinShop", v[24]) setElementDimension(skinShopMarker, v[4]) setElementInterior(skinShopMarker, v[5]) addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, function() exports.vice_util:dxDrawTextOnElement(skinShopMarker, "Ruhabolt", 1, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, 2, "default-bold") end) addEventHandler("onClientMarkerHit", skinShopMarker, function(hitPlayer, matchingDimension) local id = getElementData(source, "markerID-->skinShop") triggerServerEvent("selectSkin", hitPlayer,id) end) end end) Server side function selectSkin (id) if getElementType(source) == "player" and not isPedInVehicle(source) and not isPedDead(source) then if id and tonumber(id) then current = id setElementFrozen ( source, true ) showCursor ( source, true ) bindKey ( source, "backspace", "down", cancelBuy ) bindKey ( source, "enter", "down", buySkin ) bindKey ( source, "arrow_l", "down", changeSkin ) bindKey ( source, "arrow_r", "down", changeSkin ) fadeCamera ( source, true ) index [source] = 1 setElementPosition ( source, skinShops[current][6], skinShops[current][7], skinShops[current][8] ) setTimer(function(player) setPedRotation ( player, skinShops[current][9] ) end, 500, 1, source) setElementDimension (source, skinShops[current][10]) setElementInterior (source, skinShops[current][11]) setCameraMatrix ( source, skinShops[current][12], skinShops[current][13], skinShops[current][14], skinShops[current][15], skinShops[current][16], skinShops[current][17] ) originalSkin = getElementModel( source ) end end end addEvent("selectSkin", true) addEventHandler("selectSkin", root, selectSkin) BTW you can use the table index instead of v[24]. Edited October 24, 2016 by Walid Link to comment
Dzsozi (h03) Posted October 24, 2016 Author Share Posted October 24, 2016 Works, thank you very much! Link to comment
Walid Posted October 24, 2016 Share Posted October 24, 2016 On 24/10/2016 at 20:08, Dzsozi said: Works, thank you very much! Expand np Link to comment
Dzsozi (h03) Posted October 24, 2016 Author Share Posted October 24, 2016 I would like to ask for help with one more thing. I was trying to do the skins depending on the shop, so this double table thing, but I don't really understand how should I get the skins inside the second table. I tried one method but it is not working, how I could do that? function changeSkin ( player, key ) if (key == "arrow_l") then if (index [player] == 1) then index [player] = skinShops[current][#skins] else index [player] = (index[player] - 1) end else if (index [player] == skinShops[current][#skins]) then index [player] = 1 else index [player] = (index[player] + 1) end end setElementModel (player, skinShops[current][skins][index [player]]) playSoundFrontEnd (player, 32) end And here's the tables skinShops = { -- markerX, markerY, markerZ, markerDimension, markerInterior, previewX, previewY, previewZ, previewRot, previewDimension, previewInterior, previewCamX, previewCamY, previewCamZ, previewCamLX, previewCamLY, previewCamLZ, exitPosX, exitPosY, exitposZ, markerID --marker #1 {413.72509765625, 1039.0155029297, 18, 0, 0, --shopMarkerPos, dimension, interior 418.73413085938, 1038.1110839844, 25.25609588623, 61.661361694336, 0, 0, --previewPos, rot, dimension, interior 414.91680908203, 1039.669921875, 26.514999389648, 415.83294677734, 1039.3103027344, 26.337924957275, --previewCamPos 414.23324584961, 1042.4398193359, 25.409734725952, 5.6778540611267, 0, 0, --exitPos, rot, dimension, interior 1, skins = {2, 8}}, --markerID --marker #2 {-17.091650009155, -928.99041748047, 9.45, 0, 0, -9.9858913421631, -928.94659423828, 10.419666290283, 184.99253845215, 0, 0, -10.584600448608, -933.49438476563, 10.881799697876, -10.511178970337, -932.49749755859, 10.911037445068, -15.293229103088, -933.56903076172, 10.419666290283, 213.12492370605, 0, 0, 2, skins = {25, 26}}, } And I get this error: attempt to get length of global 'skins' (a nil value). What is the problem? Link to comment
Walid Posted October 24, 2016 Share Posted October 24, 2016 (edited) Replace skinShops[current][#skins] with #skinShops[current]["skins"] BTW many things wrong in your code. Edited October 24, 2016 by Walid Link to comment
Dzsozi (h03) Posted October 24, 2016 Author Share Posted October 24, 2016 It works, thank you! Link to comment
Walid Posted October 24, 2016 Share Posted October 24, 2016 On 24/10/2016 at 21:04, Dzsozi said: It works, thank you! Expand You are welcome, next question you need to fix it by yourself Link to comment
Dzsozi (h03) Posted October 25, 2016 Author Share Posted October 25, 2016 (edited) I'm trying to do a shop similar like this, but with weapons, and I would like to have 2 types of shops, one where I can get melee weapons (modded for tools, so a tool-shop thing) and one for normal weapons. So I have to define these 2 types I guess, which I did in the tables. I would like to make a different marker color and blip for the types. So type 1 would be normal weapon shop, type 2 would be the tool-shop, weapon shops would have the pistol blip, tool-shops would have the wrench blip and two different colors. The markers are being created, the colors are matching just like blips, they are correct, but I also made a 3D text on the markers saying which "shop" is which. But for some reason, the texts don't match, if I have for example 1 shop the type 1 shop matches, so it says "Weaponshop", but when I add a new table then it says "Tool-shop" but everything else matches, only the text changes. Why is this happening? What did I miss or do wrong? Client side: addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() for k, v in pairs(weaponShops) do local id = v[25] local weaponShopType = v[6] if weaponShopType == 1 then weaponShopTypeText = "Fegyverbolt" markerColorR, markerColorG, markerColorB = 150, 150, 150 blipIcon = 6 --fegyver blipColorR, blipColorG, blipColorB = 150, 150, 150 elseif weaponShopType == 2 then weaponShopTypeText = "Barkácsbolt" markerColorR, markerColorG, markerColorB = 255, 180, 0 blipIcon = 27 --kalapács blipColorR, blipColorG, blipColorB = 255, 180, 0 end local weaponShopBlip = createBlip(v[1], v[2], v[3], blipIcon, 2, blipColorR, blipColorG, blipColorB, 255) local weaponShopMarker = createMarker(v[1], v[2], v[3], "cylinder", 1.5, markerColorR, markerColorG, markerColorB, 75) --setElementData(weaponShopMarker, "markerID-->weaponShop", v[24]) setElementDimension(weaponShopMarker, v[4]) setElementInterior(weaponShopMarker, v[5]) addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, function() exports.vice_util:dxDrawTextOnElement(weaponShopMarker, weaponShopTypeText, 1, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, 2, "default-bold") end) addEventHandler("onClientMarkerHit", weaponShopMarker, function(hitPlayer, matchingDimension) --local id = getElementData(source, "markerID-->weaponShop") triggerServerEvent("selectSkin", hitPlayer,id) --addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, drawSkinShop) end) end end) Tables: weaponShops = { -- markerX, markerY, markerZ, markerDimension, markerInterior, previewX, previewY, previewZ, previewRot, previewDimension, previewInterior, previewCamX, previewCamY, previewCamZ, previewCamLX, previewCamLY, previewCamLZ, exitPosX, exitPosY, exitposZ, markerID --marker #1 {364.40679931641, 1056.0571289063, 19, 0, 0, 1, --shopMarkerPos, dimension, interior 418.73413085938, 1038.1110839844, 25.25609588623, 61.661361694336, 0, 0, --previewPos, rot, dimension, interior 414.91680908203, 1039.669921875, 26.514999389648, 415.83294677734, 1039.3103027344, 26.337924957275, --previewCamPos 414.23324584961, 1042.4398193359, 25.409734725952, 5.6778540611267, 0, 0, --exitPos, rot, dimension, interior 1, weapons = {32, 29}}, --markerID, weapons --marker #2 {364.09176635742, 1078.3028564453, 19, 0, 0, 2, -11.364508628845, -929.12506103516, 10.419666290283, 180, 0, 0, -11.375499725342, -934.71636962891, 11.142499923706, -11.366688728333, -933.71667480469, 11.120515823364, -15.293229103088, -933.56903076172, 10.419666290283, 213.12492370605, 0, 0, 2, weapons = {25, 26}}, --marker #3 {-64.162605285645, -1481.2530517578, 10, 0, 0, 1, --shopMarkerPos, dimension, interior 418.73413085938, 1038.1110839844, 25.25609588623, 61.661361694336, 0, 0, --previewPos, rot, dimension, interior 414.91680908203, 1039.669921875, 26.514999389648, 415.83294677734, 1039.3103027344, 26.337924957275, --previewCamPos 414.23324584961, 1042.4398193359, 25.409734725952, 5.6778540611267, 0, 0, --exitPos, rot, dimension, interior 3, weapons = {32, 29}}, --marker #4 {204.0777130127, -474.44369506836, 10.1, 0, 0, 2, --shopMarkerPos, dimension, interior 418.73413085938, 1038.1110839844, 25.25609588623, 61.661361694336, 0, 0, --previewPos, rot, dimension, interior 414.91680908203, 1039.669921875, 26.514999389648, 415.83294677734, 1039.3103027344, 26.337924957275, --previewCamPos 414.23324584961, 1042.4398193359, 25.409734725952, 5.6778540611267, 0, 0, --exitPos, rot, dimension, interior 4, weapons = {32, 29}}, } I didn't update lots of coordinates, only the marker creation coordinates, since I don't even made the weapon buying script yet, I just want to make the markers now. Also, I was trying to remove the setElementData for the marker, since I think it's unnecessary, because I can do the same with a variable, or am I wrong? Edited October 25, 2016 by Dzsozi Link to comment
pa3ck Posted October 26, 2016 Share Posted October 26, 2016 (edited) Somehow you need to know which marker the player hit. You can do it with 2 tables and saving the marker element in one table with the other table index and loop through it. I would suggest you to organise the tables in a easy to read way. Like: table = { [1]={ marker = { 0, 0, 0 }, blip = { .......}, type = 5 }, [2]={ marker = { 5, 5, 5 }, blip = { .......}, type = 1 } } Always aim to have a JSON like structure because it's easy to loop through and read this way (ie unpack ()). Edited October 26, 2016 by pa3ck Link to comment
Dzsozi (h03) Posted October 26, 2016 Author Share Posted October 26, 2016 (edited) I tried it but I don't quite understand tables yet, I don't know how should I get the ID of the shop, I get this error in the client side script: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value), this refers to the line where I'm trying to get the id, so local id = v[1] addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() for k, v in pairs(weaponShops) do local id = v[1] local weaponShopType = v[id][shopType] if weaponShopType == 1 then weaponShopTypeText = "Fegyverbolt" markerColorR, markerColorG, markerColorB = 150, 150, 150 blipIcon = 6 --fegyver blipColorR, blipColorG, blipColorB = 150, 150, 150 elseif weaponShopType == 2 then weaponShopTypeText = "Barkácsbolt" markerColorR, markerColorG, markerColorB = 255, 180, 0 blipIcon = 27 --kalapács blipColorR, blipColorG, blipColorB = 255, 180, 0 end local weaponShopBlip = createBlip(v[id][markerPos][1], v[id][markerPos][2], v[id][markerPos][3], blipIcon, 2, blipColorR, blipColorG, blipColorB, 255) local weaponShopMarker = createMarker(v[id][markerPos][1], v[id][markerPos][2], v[id][markerPos][3], "cylinder", 1.5, markerColorR, markerColorG, markerColorB, 75) --setElementData(weaponShopMarker, "markerID-->weaponShop", v[24]) setElementDimension(weaponShopMarker, v[id][markerPos][4]) setElementInterior(weaponShopMarker, v[id][markerPos][5]) addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, function() exports.vice_util:dxDrawTextOnElement(weaponShopMarker, weaponShopTypeText, 1, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, 2, "default-bold") end) addEventHandler("onClientMarkerHit", weaponShopMarker, function(hitPlayer, matchingDimension) --local id = getElementData(source, "markerID-->weaponShop") triggerServerEvent("selectWeapon", hitPlayer,id) --addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, drawSkinShop) end) end end) Here's how I did the tables: weaponShops = { -- markerX, markerY, markerZ, markerDimension, markerInterior, previewX, previewY, previewZ, previewRot, previewDimension, previewInterior, previewCamX, previewCamY, previewCamZ, previewCamLX, previewCamLY, previewCamLZ, exitPosX, exitPosY, exitposZ, markerID --marker #1 [1] = { markerPos = {364.40679931641, 1056.0571289063, 18.2, 0, 0}, --shopMarkerPos, dimension, interior previewPos = {418.73413085938, 1038.1110839844, 25.25609588623, 61.661361694336, 0, 0}, --previewPos, rot, dimension, interior previewCam = {414.91680908203, 1039.669921875, 26.514999389648, 415.83294677734, 1039.3103027344, 26.337924957275}, --previewCamPos exitPos = {414.23324584961, 1042.4398193359, 25.409734725952, 5.6778540611267, 0, 0}, --exitPos, rot, dimension, interior weapons = {32, 29}, --weapons shopType = 1 }, [2] = { markerPos = {364.09176635742, 1078.3028564453, 18.1, 0, 0}, --shopMarkerPos, dimension, interior previewPos = {-11.364508628845, -929.12506103516, 10.419666290283, 180, 0, 0}, --previewPos, rot, dimension, interior previewCam = {-11.375499725342, -934.71636962891, 11.142499923706, -11.366688728333, -933.71667480469, 11.120515823364}, --previewCamPos exitPos = {-15.293229103088, -933.56903076172, 10.419666290283, 213.12492370605, 0, 0}, --exitPos, rot, dimension, interior weapons = {25, 26}, --weapons shopType = 2 }, [3] = { markerPos = {-64.162605285645, -1481.2530517578, 10, 0, 0}, --shopMarkerPos, dimension, interior previewPos = {418.73413085938, 1038.1110839844, 25.25609588623, 61.661361694336, 0, 0}, --previewPos, rot, dimension, interior previewCam = {414.91680908203, 1039.669921875, 26.514999389648, 415.83294677734, 1039.3103027344, 26.337924957275}, --previewCamPos exitPos = {414.23324584961, 1042.4398193359, 25.409734725952, 5.6778540611267, 0, 0}, --exitPos, rot, dimension, interior weapons = {25, 26}, --weapons shopType = 1 }, [4] = { markerPos = {204.0777130127, -474.44369506836, 10.1, 0, 0}, --shopMarkerPos, dimension, interior previewPos = {418.73413085938, 1038.1110839844, 25.25609588623, 61.661361694336, 0, 0}, --previewPos, rot, dimension, interior previewCam = {414.91680908203, 1039.669921875, 26.514999389648, 415.83294677734, 1039.3103027344, 26.337924957275}, --previewCamPos exitPos = {414.23324584961, 1042.4398193359, 25.409734725952, 5.6778540611267, 0, 0}, --exitPos, rot, dimension, interior weapons = {25, 26}, --weapons shopType = 2 } } What did I do wrong? Edited October 26, 2016 by Dzsozi Link to comment
pa3ck Posted October 26, 2016 Share Posted October 26, 2016 That's not how you loop through tables. for k, v = for key, value So k is the index or key and v is the value. In your case, v is the table itself, so if you run this on your table: for k, v in ipairs(weaponShops) do print("Marker: ", unpack(v.markerPos)) print("Preview: ", unpack(v.previewPos)) print("Exit: ", unpack(v.exitPos)) print("Weapons: ", unpack(v.weapons)) end You will get something like this back. Link to comment
Dzsozi (h03) Posted October 29, 2016 Author Share Posted October 29, 2016 Sorry for the late response, I didn't have time for trying to fix it, but now when I tried again in several ways, I still don't know how should I fix it or do that. I just don't understand why is this happening. The marker colors and blips are good, but the 3d text that is on the marker is not. For some reason, if I have 2 shops, it writes the text of weapon shop type number two for every maker, but if I have 3 shops, so tables, it writes the text of weapon shop type number one for every marker. But the colors of the markers, the blip icons are matching. Why is this happening? Hope you can understand me. addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() for k, v in ipairs(weaponShops) do local weaponShopType = v.shopType if weaponShopType == 1 then weaponShopTypeText = "Fegyverbolt" -- <- this is the weaponshop text for shop type number 1, it would have weapons in it markerColorR, markerColorG, markerColorB = 150, 150, 150 blipIcon = 6 --weapon blipColorR, blipColorG, blipColorB = 150, 150, 150 elseif weaponShopType == 2 then weaponShopTypeText = "Barkácsbolt" -- <- this is the toolshop text for shop type number 2, it would have tools in it markerColorR, markerColorG, markerColorB = 255, 180, 0 blipIcon = 27 --wrench blipColorR, blipColorG, blipColorB = 255, 180, 0 end local weaponShopBlip = createBlip(v.markerPos[1], v.markerPos[2], v.markerPos[3], blipIcon, 2, blipColorR, blipColorG, blipColorB, 255) local weaponShopMarker = createMarker(v.markerPos[1], v.markerPos[2], v.markerPos[3], "cylinder", 1.5, markerColorR, markerColorG, markerColorB, 75) setElementDimension(weaponShopMarker, v.markerPos[4]) setElementInterior(weaponShopMarker, v.markerPos[5]) addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, function() exports.vice_util:dxDrawTextOnElement(weaponShopMarker, weaponShopTypeText, 1, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, 2, "default-bold") end) addEventHandler("onClientMarkerHit", weaponShopMarker, function(hitPlayer, matchingDimension) triggerServerEvent("selectWeapon", hitPlayer,id) end) end end) So, I have this here, shop type number one has a grey marker color and the pistol blip icon, and shop type number two has an orange marker color and the wrench blip icon, they are matching and working as it should, but for some reason every marker has the "Barkácsbolt" text if I have 4 shops, but if I delete one shop, so if I have 3 every marker has the "Fegyverbolt" text. Why is this? weaponShops = { -- markerX, markerY, markerZ, markerDimension, markerInterior, previewX, previewY, previewZ, previewRot, previewDimension, previewInterior, previewCamX, previewCamY, previewCamZ, previewCamLX, previewCamLY, previewCamLZ, exitPosX, exitPosY, exitposZ, markerID --marker #1 [1] = { markerPos = {364.40679931641, 1056.0571289063, 18.2, 0, 0}, --shopMarkerPos, dimension, interior previewPos = {418.73413085938, 1038.1110839844, 25.25609588623, 61.661361694336, 0, 0}, --previewPos, rot, dimension, interior previewCam = {414.91680908203, 1039.669921875, 26.514999389648, 415.83294677734, 1039.3103027344, 26.337924957275}, --previewCamPos exitPos = {414.23324584961, 1042.4398193359, 25.409734725952, 5.6778540611267, 0, 0}, --exitPos, rot, dimension, interior weapons = {32, 29}, --weapons shopType = 1 }, [2] = { markerPos = {364.09176635742, 1078.3028564453, 18.1, 0, 0}, --shopMarkerPos, dimension, interior previewPos = {-11.364508628845, -929.12506103516, 10.419666290283, 180, 0, 0}, --previewPos, rot, dimension, interior previewCam = {-11.375499725342, -934.71636962891, 11.142499923706, -11.366688728333, -933.71667480469, 11.120515823364}, --previewCamPos exitPos = {-15.293229103088, -933.56903076172, 10.419666290283, 213.12492370605, 0, 0}, --exitPos, rot, dimension, interior weapons = {25, 26}, --weapons shopType = 2 }, [3] = { markerPos = {-64.162605285645, -1481.2530517578, 10, 0, 0}, --shopMarkerPos, dimension, interior previewPos = {418.73413085938, 1038.1110839844, 25.25609588623, 61.661361694336, 0, 0}, --previewPos, rot, dimension, interior previewCam = {414.91680908203, 1039.669921875, 26.514999389648, 415.83294677734, 1039.3103027344, 26.337924957275}, --previewCamPos exitPos = {414.23324584961, 1042.4398193359, 25.409734725952, 5.6778540611267, 0, 0}, --exitPos, rot, dimension, interior weapons = {25, 26}, --weapons shopType = 1 }, [4] = { markerPos = {204.0777130127, -474.44369506836, 10.1, 0, 0}, --shopMarkerPos, dimension, interior previewPos = {418.73413085938, 1038.1110839844, 25.25609588623, 61.661361694336, 0, 0}, --previewPos, rot, dimension, interior previewCam = {414.91680908203, 1039.669921875, 26.514999389648, 415.83294677734, 1039.3103027344, 26.337924957275}, --previewCamPos exitPos = {414.23324584961, 1042.4398193359, 25.409734725952, 5.6778540611267, 0, 0}, --exitPos, rot, dimension, interior weapons = {25, 26}, --weapons shopType = 2 } } Link to comment
Dzsozi (h03) Posted October 30, 2016 Author Share Posted October 30, 2016 Help me please. Link to comment
pa3ck Posted October 30, 2016 Share Posted October 30, 2016 if weaponShopType == 1 then weaponShopTypeText = "Fegyverbolt" -- <- this is the weaponshop text for shop type number 1, it would have weapons in it markerColorR, markerColorG, markerColorB = 150, 150, 150 blipIcon = 6 --weapon blipColorR, blipColorG, blipColorB = 150, 150, 150 outputChatBox("created type - weapon") elseif weaponShopType == 2 then weaponShopTypeText = "Barkácsbolt" -- <- this is the toolshop text for shop type number 2, it would have tools in it markerColorR, markerColorG, markerColorB = 255, 180, 0 blipIcon = 27 --wrench blipColorR, blipColorG, blipColorB = 255, 180, 0 outputChatBox("created type - tools") end See what the outputChatBox returns. Link to comment
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