Anzo Posted October 22, 2016 Share Posted October 22, 2016 Tengo un problema con esto y es que me dice que la columna no existe, pero me marca es el nombre de mi cuenta y no el de la columna y no sé porque, el error que da es éste: Spoiler ERROR: Database query failed: no such column: Dk El 'Dk' es el nombre de la cuenta, no sé porque marca eso pero bueno, aquí dejo lo que tengo para ver si me pueden ayudar: Spoiler local timer = 0 addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() executeSQLQuery( 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS playetk (RANGOS, SCORELEVESL, NAMELEVELS)' ) end) function getNameFromPartt(name) if (name) then for i,pik in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if string.find(getPlayerName(pik):lower(), tostring(name):lower(),1,true) then return pik end end end return false end function createTopPlayTime_(pik) if not isElement(pik) then return end local top_ = {} local create_ = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM playetk") for i = 1, #create_ do table.insert(top_, {nametagse = create_[i].NAMELEVELS, scorise = create_[i].SCORELEVESL}) end if #create_ >0 then table.sort(top_, function(a,b) return (tonumber(a.scorise) or 0) > (tonumber(b.scorise) or 0) end) setTimer( function() for kz,dates in ipairs(top_) do if (kz == 1) then triggerClientEvent(pik,"refreshPlayTime",pik) end triggerClientEvent(pik, "updatePlayTime",pik, tostring(dates.nametagse), tostring(dates.scorise), tonumber(kz)) if (kz == 30) then table.remove(top_) break end end end,300,1) end end function setPlayData(pik,topLevesl,nametagse) if not isElement( pik ) then return end if isGuestAccount ( getPlayerAccount ( pik ) ) then return end local result = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM `playetk` WHERE `RANGOS`=?", getAccountName(getPlayerAccount( pik ))) if ( type ( result ) == "table" and #result == 0 ) or not result then executeSQLQuery( 'INSERT INTO playetk( RANGOS, SCORELEVESL , NAMELEVELS) VALUES( ?, ?, ? )', getAccountName(getPlayerAccount( pik )), topLevesl, nametags) else if tonumber ( topLevesl ) < tonumber( result[1]["SCORELEVESL"] ) then topLevesl = result[1]["SCORELEVESL"] else topLevesl = topLevesl end executeSQLQuery( 'UPDATE playetk SET SCORELEVESL =?,NAMELEVELS =? WHERE RANGOS =?', topLevesl, nametags, getAccountName(getPlayerAccount( pik ))) end end Lo que se supone que hace es crear un top de los jugadores con más tiempo online (o eso es lo que quiero hacer), no sé porque da error ahí si ya intente haciendo otros 'top' pero con nivel y funciona, así lo tengo con los niveles: Spoiler addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() executeSQLQuery( 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS nivelek (RANGO, SCORELEVEL, NAMELEVEL)' ) end) function getNameFromPartLevel(name) if (name) then for i,peolp in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if string.find(getPlayerName(peolp):lower(), tostring(name):lower(),1,true) then return peolp end end end return false end function createTopNIVELES_(peolp) if not isElement(peolp) then return end local top_niveles = {} local create_topLeve = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM nivelek") for i = 1, #create_topLeve do table.insert(top_niveles, {nametags = create_topLeve[i].NAMELEVEL, scoris = create_topLeve[i].SCORELEVEL}) end if #create_topLeve >0 then table.sort(top_niveles, function(a,b) return (tonumber(a.scoris) or 0) > (tonumber(b.scoris) or 0) end) setTimer( function() for kkej,dates in ipairs(top_niveles) do if (kkej == 1) then triggerClientEvent(peolp,"refreshLevels",peolp) end triggerClientEvent(peolp, "updateLevels",peolp, tostring(dates.nametags), tostring(dates.scoris), tonumber(kkej)) if (kkej == 30) then table.remove(top_niveles) break end end end,300,1) end end function setLevelData(peolp,topLevel,nametags) if not isElement( peolp ) then return end if isGuestAccount ( getPlayerAccount ( peolp ) ) then return end local result = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM `nivelek` WHERE `RANGO`=?", getAccountName(getPlayerAccount( peolp ))) if ( type ( result ) == "table" and #result == 0 ) or not result then executeSQLQuery( 'INSERT INTO nivelek( RANGO, SCORELEVEL , NAMELEVEL) VALUES( ?, ?, ? )', getAccountName(getPlayerAccount( peolp )), topLevel, nametags) else if tonumber ( topLevel ) < tonumber( result[1]["SCORELEVEL"] ) then topLevel = result[1]["SCORELEVEL"] else topLevel = topLevel end executeSQLQuery( 'UPDATE nivelek SET SCORELEVEL =?,NAMELEVEL =? WHERE RANGO =?', topLevel, nametags, getAccountName(getPlayerAccount( peolp ))) end end Esas son las partes que creo que tienen el error, porque lo demás son solo eventos para cargar el top a la gridlist; como dije con el de niveles intente y me funciona bien, marca a los jugadores de mayor a menor, pero intente haciéndolo con tiempo de juego y da ese error. Por si necesitan todo el código aquí lo dejo... Server: Spoiler local timer = 0 addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() executeSQLQuery( 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS playetk (RANGOS, SCORELEVESL, NAMELEVELS)' ) end) function getNameFromPartt(name) if (name) then for i,pik in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if string.find(getPlayerName(pik):lower(), tostring(name):lower(),1,true) then return pik end end end return false end function createTopPlayTime_(pik) if not isElement(pik) then return end local top_ = {} local create_ = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM playetk") for i = 1, #create_ do table.insert(top_, {nametagse = create_[i].NAMELEVELS, scorise = create_[i].SCORELEVESL}) end if #create_ >0 then table.sort(top_, function(a,b) return (tonumber(a.scorise) or 0) > (tonumber(b.scorise) or 0) end) setTimer( function() for kz,dates in ipairs(top_) do if (kz == 1) then triggerClientEvent(pik,"refreshPlayTime",pik) end triggerClientEvent(pik, "updatePlayTime",pik, tostring(dates.nametagse), tostring(dates.scorise), tonumber(kz)) if (kz == 30) then table.remove(top_) break end end end,300,1) end end function setPlayData(pik,topLevesl,nametagse) if not isElement( pik ) then return end if isGuestAccount ( getPlayerAccount ( pik ) ) then return end local result = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM `playetk` WHERE `RANGOS`=?", getAccountName(getPlayerAccount( pik ))) if ( type ( result ) == "table" and #result == 0 ) or not result then executeSQLQuery( 'INSERT INTO playetk( RANGOS, SCORELEVESL , NAMELEVELS) VALUES( ?, ?, ? )', getAccountName(getPlayerAccount( pik )), topLevesl, nametags) else if tonumber ( topLevesl ) < tonumber( result[1]["SCORELEVESL"] ) then topLevesl = result[1]["SCORELEVESL"] else topLevesl = topLevesl end executeSQLQuery( 'UPDATE playetk SET SCORELEVESL =?,NAMELEVELS =? WHERE RANGOS =?', topLevesl, nametags, getAccountName(getPlayerAccount( pik ))) end end exports.scoreboard:addScoreboardColumn("Muertes") addEvent("nuevoTiempo",true) addEventHandler("nuevoTiempo",root,function(scorise,name) timer = scorise name_sql = getNameFromPartt(name_sql) setPlayData(name_sql,sql, name) end) addEventHandler("onElementDataChange",root,function(data) if (data == "Play Time") and (getElementType(source) == "player") then local tiempu = getElementData(source, data) setPlayData(source, tonumber(tiempu), string.gsub(getPlayerName(source), "#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "")) end end) function seTop_() createTopPlayTime_( source ) end addEvent("getTop_",true) addEventHandler("getTop_",root,seTop_) Client: function updateTimeOnline(nametagse, topLevesl, i) if (guiComboBoxGetSelected(Cordex.combobox) == 2) then local row = guiGridListAddRow ( Cordex.gridlist[1] ) guiGridListSetItemText ( Cordex.gridlist[1], row, columna, "" .. i .. ".", false, false ) guiGridListSetItemText ( Cordex.gridlist[1], row, columna_1, tostring(nametagse), false, false ) guiGridListSetItemText ( Cordex.gridlist[1], row, columna_2, convertNumber(topLevesl), false, false ) guiGridListSetColumnTitle(Cordex.gridlist[1], columna_2, "Tiempo en el servidor") guiGridListSetItemColor(Cordex.gridlist[1],row,columna, 255,0,0,255) guiGridListSetItemColor(Cordex.gridlist[1],row,columna_1, 255,255,255,255) guiGridListSetItemColor(Cordex.gridlist[1],row,columna_2, 214,2,252,255) end end addEvent("updatePlayTime", true) addEventHandler("updatePlayTime", root, updateTimeOnline) function refreshing() if (guiComboBoxGetSelected(Cordex.combobox) == 2) then guiGridListClear(Cordex.gridlist[1]) end end addEvent("refreshPlayTime", true) addEventHandler("refreshPlayTime", root, refreshing) Y el "getTop_" es cuando le doy click al botón y debería aparecer la lista Link to comment
Anzo Posted October 23, 2016 Author Share Posted October 23, 2016 No me deja editar pero ya lo he podido arreglar... Pueden cerrar. Link to comment
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