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dxDrawImage scaling


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Hello,can anyone explain me how to scale dxDrawImage that will look as nice on 640x480 as nice it's looking on 1920x1080? I heard someone maked a function 'zoom' or something, can someone tell me how to make a function like this? Yeah, I know I can just don't scale the picture but I want to make an image 300x420, so it's 1/8 of a Full HD screen, but if I don't scale it, it will be a half screen on 640x480. So I need to scale it, but it's being ugly blurry on 640x480. Please help me.

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You can do it like this.


local myX, myY = 1280, 1024 -- The resolution you've used for making the guis
local sX, sY = guiGetScreenSize() -- The resolution of the player
local gX, gY, gW, gH = 500, 500, 250, 50 -- The size of the image obtained from the guieditor with my resolution 1280 1024

local rX = gX / myX -- (0.3906) We obtain the relative position, for making it equal in all screen resolutions
local rY = gY / myY -- (0.4883)
local rW = gW / myX -- (0.1953)
local rH = gH / myY -- (0.0488) 

local aX = sX * rX -- Now we multiply the relative position obtained previously by the client resolution for having an absolute position from the client screen
local aY = sY * rY
local aW = sX * rW
local aH = sY * rH

dxDrawImage( aX, aY, aW, aH, "image.png" )

-- Now you know what you have to do, so you can make it smaller by making the calculations directly.


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