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Help with F1 script


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So I made F1 with updates info tab with rules etc.. But the problem is that the GUI doesnt open with F1 bindkey idk whats the problem only opens with command

Client side



local screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize()
        rule = guiCreateWindow((screenW - 799) / 2, (screenH - 604) / 2, 799, 604, "CIP Rules / Updates", false)
        guiWindowSetMovable(rule, false)
        guiWindowSetSizable(rule, false)
        guiSetAlpha(rule, 0.90)
        tabpanel = guiCreateTabPanel(9, 22, 780, 572, false, rule)
        tab1 = guiCreateTab("Help", tabpanel)
        grid = guiCreateGridList(12, 121, 374, 417, false, tab1)
        guiGridListSetSelectionMode(grid, 1)
        guiGridListSetSortingEnabled(grid, false)
        colum = guiGridListAddColumn(grid, "Question", 0.9)
        for index, val in pairs(griditem) do
        local row = guiGridListAddRow(grid)
        guiGridListSetItemText(grid, row, colum, val[1], false, false)
        guiSetVisible(rule, false)
        tab2 = guiCreateTab("Updates", tabpanel)
        memo3 = guiCreateMemo(10, 10, 760, 528, "", false, tab2)
        guiMemoSetReadOnly(memo3, true)
        guiSetVisible( rule, false )
        memo = guiCreateMemo(407, 131, 363, 407, "Click on a question on the right to see the answer here.", false, tab1)
        close1 = guiCreateTab("close", tabpanel)  
        search = guiCreateEdit(9, 59, 285, 32, "", false, tab1)
        labelXl = guiCreateLabel(10, 22, 383, 37, "Enter key words like 'vehicle' to find answers:", false, tab1)
        guiSetFont(labelXl, "clear-normal")
        LabelXLL = guiCreateLabel(396, 34, 374, 91, " If your question isn't answered here, press 'Close',\n press 'J', make sure you're on the 'Support' channel,\n ask your question there and another player will respond.", false, tab1)
        guiSetFont(LabelXLL, "clear-normal")
        guiMemoSetReadOnly (memo, true)
        addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", grid, clickedGridlist, false)
        addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", ttt, function () guiSetVisible(rule, false) showCursor(false) end, false)
        addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", tabpanel, changeTab, false)

function clickedGridlist()
    if (guiGridListGetSelectedItem(grid) == -1) then return end
    local row = guiGridListGetSelectedItem(source)
    local info = guiGridListGetItemText(grid, row, colum)
    for index, val in pairs(griditem) do
        if (info == val[1]) then
        guiSetText(memo, xmlNodeGetValue( xmlLoadFile( val[2] ) ) or "Error while loading file" )

function changeTab()
    local selectedTab = guiGetSelectedTab(tabpanel)
    if (selectedTab == close1) then
        guiSetVisible(rule, false)
        return true

    lastSelectedTab = guiGetSelectedTab(tabpanel)

-- When a combo is selected
addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIComboBoxAccepted", root,
    function ( theCombo )
        if ( theCombo == combo ) then
            local theItem = guiComboBoxGetSelected ( theCombo )
            local theLang = tostring ( guiComboBoxGetItemText ( theCombo , theItem ) )
            if ( rulesToFile[theLang] ) then
                guiSetText( memo, xmlNodeGetValue( xmlLoadFile( rulesToFile[theLang] ) ) or "Error while loading file" )

function showSupports()
    guiSetVisible(rule, false)
    triggerEvent("showSupportChat", root)

addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", resourceRoot,
    local text = guiGetText(search)
    local sItems = { }
    for i, v in pairs(griditem) do
        if not (text == "" ) then
            if (string.find(string.upper(v[1]), string.upper(text), 1, true)) then
                table.insert(sItems, v[1])
            table.insert(sItems, v[1])
    for i, v in pairs(sItems) do
        local row = guiGridListAddRow(grid)
        guiGridListSetItemText(grid, row, 1, v, false, false)

updatesMemo = ""
currentDate = ""
local sx, sy = guiGetScreenSize ( )
local screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize ( )
local currentList = { }
row = 0
row2 = 0
-- Tables
local main = {}
local read = { }
local add = {
    button = {},
    edit = {}
} local remove = {
    button = {}
-- View Panel
main.window = guiCreateWindow((screenW - 587) / 2, (screenH - 447) / 2, 587, 447, "CIP Server Recent Updates", false)
guiWindowSetMovable ( main.window, false )
guiWindowSetSizable(main.window, false)
guiSetVisible ( main.window, false )
main.close = guiCreateButton(0.3101, 0.9224, 0.3748, 0.0587, "Close", true, main.window)
add.window = guiCreateWindow( ( sx / 2 - 482 / 2 ), ( sy / 2 - 571 / 2 ), 482, 571, "CIP Updates adden", false)
guiWindowSetSizable(add.window, false)
guiSetVisible ( add.window, false )
guiCreateLabel(10, 32, 145, 15, "Date (DD/MM/YYYY):", false, add.window)
add.edit['date'] = guiCreateEdit(9, 53, 454, 28, "", false, add.window)
guiCreateLabel(10, 103, 145, 15, "Update:", false, add.window)
add.edit['update'] = guiCreateMemo(13, 125, 450, 294, "", false, add.window)
guiCreateLabel(10, 449, 145, 15, "Author:", false, add.window)
add.edit['author'] = guiCreateEdit(9, 468, 454, 28, "", false, add.window)
add.button['add'] = guiCreateButton(12, 508, 143, 44, "Add Update", false, add.window)
add.button['cancel'] = guiCreateButton(165, 508, 143, 44, "Cancel/close", false, add.window)
add.button['remove'] = guiCreateButton(320, 508, 143, 44, "Remove a update", false, add.window)
-- Remove Panel
remove.window = guiCreateWindow( ( sx / 2 - 552 / 2 ), ( sy / 2 - 533 / 2 ), 552, 533, "CIP Remove Update", false)
guiWindowSetSizable(remove.window, false)
guiSetVisible ( remove.window, false )
remove.grid = guiCreateGridList(10, 28, 532, 443, false, remove.window)
guiGridListAddColumn(remove.grid, "Date", 0.18)
guiGridListAddColumn(remove.grid, "Update", 0.58)
guiGridListAddColumn(remove.grid, "Developer", 0.2)
remove.button['remove'] = guiCreateButton(376, 481, 166, 36, "Remove", false, remove.window)
guiSetProperty(remove.button['remove'], "NormalTextColour", "FFFF0000")
remove.button['back'] = guiCreateButton(10, 481, 166, 36, "Add a update", false, remove.window)
-- Read More
read.window = guiCreateWindow( ( sx / 2 - 407 / 2 ), ( sy / 2 - 397 / 2 ), 407, 397, "Read More", false)
guiWindowSetSizable(read.window, false)
guiSetVisible ( read.window, false )
guiSetAlpha ( read.window, 1 )
guiWindowSetMovable ( read.window, false )
read.date = guiCreateLabel(9, 35, 275, 25, "Date: Loading..", false, read.window)
read.author = guiCreateLabel(9, 70, 388, 25, "Developer: Loading...", false, read.window)
guiCreateLabel(9, 105, 388, 25, "Update:", false, read.window)
read.update = guiCreateMemo(9, 127, 388, 253, "Loading..", false, read.window)
guiMemoSetReadOnly(read.update, true)
read.close = guiCreateButton(294, 25, 103, 35, "Exit", false, read.window)
days = {"1st","2nd","3rd","4th","5th","6th","7th","8th","9th","10th","11th","12th","13th","14th","15th","16th","17th","18th","19th","20th","21st","22nd","23rd","24th","25th","26th","27th","28th","29th","30th","31st"}
months = {"January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"}

function CIPaccountsExport(ag1)
updatesMemo = ""
    if (type(ag1) == 'table') then
        currentList = { }
        local updates = { }
        for index, variable in ipairs(ag1) do
            local lol = updates
            updates = { }
            table.insert(updates, {variable['Date_'], variable['Name'], variable['Developer']})
            for i, v in ipairs(lol) do
                table.insert(updates, v)
        for i,v in ipairs(updates) do
            d, m, y = string.match(v[1], "(%d+)/(%d+)/(%d+)")
            performdate = getdayofweek(d,m,y).." "..days[tonumber(d)].." "..months[tonumber(m)].." "..y
            if currentDate ~=  v[1] then
                currentDate = v[1]
                if row2 == 0 then
                    updatesMemo = updatesMemo.. "".. performdate.."\n"
                    updatesMemo = updatesMemo.. "\n".. performdate.."\n"
            three = string.gsub(v[3],"%[","")
            three = string.gsub(three,"%]","")
            three = string.gsub(three,"CIP","")
            three = string.gsub(three,"CIP","")
            str = "- "..v[2].." ("..three..")"
            updatesMemo = updatesMemo ..string.gsub(str,"\n","").."\n"
            row2 = row2 + 1
            triggerEvent("CIPaccounts.GetUpdates", source, updatesMemo)
        currentList = updates
addEvent("CIPupdates.CIPacc", true)
addEventHandler("CIPupdates.CIPacc", root, CIPaccountsExport)

addEvent ( "Updates:onPanelChangeState", true )
addEventHandler ( "Updates:onPanelChangeState", root, function ( window, ag1 )
updatesMemo = ""
    if ( window == 'main' ) then
        if ( guiGetVisible ( add.window ) ) then
            guiSetVisible ( add.window, false )
            showCursor ( false )
        end if ( guiGetVisible ( remove.window ) ) then
            guiSetVisible ( remove.window, false )
            showCursor ( false )
        guiSetSelectedTab(tabpanel, tab2)
        guiSetVisible ( rule, true )
        showCursor ( true )
        if ( type ( ag1 ) == 'table' ) then
            currentList = { }
            -- Reverse the loop --
            local updates = { }
            for index, variable in ipairs ( ag1 ) do
                local lol = updates
                updates = { }
                table.insert ( updates, { variable['Date_'], variable['Name'], variable['Developer'] } )
                for i, v in ipairs ( lol ) do
                    table.insert ( updates, v )
            for i,v in ipairs ( updates ) do
            d, m, y = string.match(v[1], "(%d+)/(%d+)/(%d+)")
            performdate = getdayofweek(d,m,y).." "..days[tonumber(d)].." "..months[tonumber(m)].." "..y
            if currentDate ~=  v[1] then
                currentDate = v[1]
                if row == 0 then
                    updatesMemo = updatesMemo.. "".. performdate.."\n"
                    updatesMemo = updatesMemo.. "\n".. performdate.."\n"
            three = string.gsub(v[3],"%[","")
            three = string.gsub(three,"%]","")
            three = string.gsub(three,"CIP","")
            three = string.gsub(three,"CIP","")
            str = "- "..v[2].." ("..three..")"
            updatesMemo = updatesMemo ..string.gsub(str,"\n","").."\n"
            row = row + 1
            guiSetText(memo3, updatesMemo)
            currentList = updates
            guiSetText ( memo3, "Failed to load updates" )
    elseif ( window == 'manager' ) then
        if ( guiGetVisible ( remove.window ) ) then return end
        if ( guiGetVisible ( rule ) ) then
            guiSetVisible ( rule, false )
            showCursor ( false )
        end if ( guiGetVisible ( read.window ) ) then
            guiSetVisible ( read.window, false )
        guiSetVisible ( add.window, true )
        showCursor ( true )
        local text = getElementData(localPlayer, "account")
        guiSetText ( add.edit['author'], getPlayerName(getLocalPlayer()) )
        local time = getRealTime ( )
        local day = time.monthday
        local month = time.month + 1
        local year = time.year + 1900
        if ( day < 10 ) then
            day = 0 .. day
        end if ( month < 10 ) then
            month = 0 .. month
        guiSetText ( add.edit['date'], table.concat ( { day, month, year }, "/" ) )
        guiSetInputMode ( "no_binds_when_editing" )
end )

addEvent ( "Updates:onPanelChangeState1", true )
addEventHandler ( "Updates:onPanelChangeState1", root, function ( window, ag1 )
updatesMemo = ""
    if ( window == 'main' ) then
        if ( guiGetVisible ( add.window ) ) then
            guiSetVisible ( add.window, false )
            showCursor ( false )
        end if ( guiGetVisible ( remove.window ) ) then
            guiSetVisible ( remove.window, false )
            showCursor ( false )
        guiSetSelectedTab(tabpanel, tab1)
        guiSetVisible ( rule, true )
        showCursor ( true )
        if ( type ( ag1 ) == 'table' ) then
            currentList = { }
            -- Reverse the loop --
            local updates = { }
            for index, variable in ipairs ( ag1 ) do
                local lol = updates
                updates = { }
                table.insert ( updates, { variable['Date_'], variable['Name'], variable['Developer'] } )
                for i, v in ipairs ( lol ) do
                    table.insert ( updates, v )
            for i,v in ipairs ( updates ) do
            d, m, y = string.match(v[1], "(%d+)/(%d+)/(%d+)")
            performdate = getdayofweek(d,m,y).." "..days[tonumber(d)].." "..months[tonumber(m)].." "..y
            if currentDate ~=  v[1] then
                currentDate = v[1]
                if row == 0 then
                    updatesMemo = updatesMemo.. "".. performdate.."\n"
                    updatesMemo = updatesMemo.. "\n".. performdate.."\n"
            three = string.gsub(v[3],"%[","")
            three = string.gsub(three,"%]","")
            three = string.gsub(three,"CIP","")
            three = string.gsub(three,"CIP","")
            str = "- "..v[2].." ("..three..")"
            updatesMemo = updatesMemo ..string.gsub(str,"\n","").."\n"
            row = row + 1
            guiSetText(memo3, updatesMemo)
            currentList = updates
            guiSetText ( memo3, "Failed to load updates" )
    elseif ( window == 'manager' ) then
        if ( guiGetVisible ( remove.window ) ) then return end
        if ( guiGetVisible ( rule ) ) then
            guiSetVisible ( rule, false )
            showCursor ( false )
        end if ( guiGetVisible ( read.window ) ) then
            guiSetVisible ( read.window, false )
        guiSetVisible ( add.window, true )
        showCursor ( true )
        local text = getElementData(localPlayer, "account")
        guiSetText ( add.edit['author'], getPlayerName(getLocalPlayer()) )
        local time = getRealTime ( )
        local day = time.monthday
        local month = time.month + 1
        local year = time.year + 1900
        if ( day < 10 ) then
            day = 0 .. day
        end if ( month < 10 ) then
            month = 0 .. month
        guiSetText ( add.edit['date'], table.concat ( { day, month, year }, "/" ) )
        guiSetInputMode ( "no_binds_when_editing" )
end )

addEventHandler ( 'onClientGUIClick', root, function ( btn )
    if ( btn == 'left' ) then
        -- Main Panel
        if ( source == main.readmore ) then
            local row, col = guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( memo3 )
            if ( row ~= -1 and col ~= 0 ) then
                guiSetVisible ( read.window, true )
                guiBringToFront ( read.window )
                guiSetText ( read.date, "Date: "..guiGridListGetItemText ( memo3, row, 1 ) )
                guiSetText ( read.update, guiGridListGetItemText ( memo3, row, 2 ) )
                guiSetText ( read.author, "Developer: "..guiGridListGetItemText ( memo3, row, 3 ) )
                outputChatBox ( "Select an update.", 255, 255, 0 )
        elseif ( source == read.close ) then
            guiSetVisible ( read.window, false )
        elseif ( source == main.close ) then
            row = 0
            guiSetVisible ( rule, false )
            showCursor ( false )
            if ( guiGetVisible ( read.window ) ) then
                guiSetVisible ( read.window, false )
        -- Adding Panel
        elseif ( source == add.button['cancel'] ) then
            guiSetVisible ( add.window, false )
            showCursor ( false )
        elseif ( source == add.button['add'] ) then
            local date, update, author = guiGetText ( add.edit['date'] ), guiGetText ( add.edit['update'] ), guiGetText ( add.edit['author'] )
            if ( date ~= '' and update ~= '' and author ~= '' ) then
                triggerServerEvent ( "Updates:onServerEvent", localPlayer, 'addUpdate', { date, update, author } )
                outputChatBox ( "You need to enter all of the information.", 255, 0, 0 )
        elseif ( source == add.button['remove'] ) then
            guiSetVisible ( add.window, false )
            guiSetVisible ( remove.window, true )
            guiGridListClear ( remove.grid )
            if ( currentList and #currentList > 0 ) then
                for index, var in ipairs ( currentList ) do
                    local row = guiGridListAddRow ( remove.grid )
                    guiGridListSetItemText ( remove.grid, row, 1, var[1], false, false )
                    guiGridListSetItemText ( remove.grid, row, 2, var[2], false, false )
                    guiGridListSetItemText ( remove.grid, row, 3, var[3], false, false )
                guiGridListSetItemText ( remove.grid, guiGridListAddRow ( remove.grid ), 2, "Please use /updates, then come back to this panel.", true, true )
                guiGridListSetItemColor ( remove.grid, 0, 2, 255, 0, 0 )
        -- remove panel
        elseif ( source == remove.button['back'] ) then
            guiSetVisible ( remove.window, false )
            guiSetVisible ( add.window, true )
        elseif ( source == remove.button['remove'] ) then
            local row, col = guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( remove.grid )
            if ( row ~= -1 and col ~= 0 ) then
                local date = guiGridListGetItemText ( remove.grid, row, 1 )
                local update = guiGridListGetItemText ( remove.grid, row, 2 )
                local author = guiGridListGetItemText ( remove.grid, row, 3 )
                for index, var in ipairs ( currentList ) do
                    if ( var[1] == date and var[2] == update and var[3] == author ) then
                        table.remove ( currentList, index )
                guiGridListClear ( remove.grid )
                if ( #currentList > 0 ) then
                    for index, var in ipairs ( currentList ) do
                        local row = guiGridListAddRow ( remove.grid )
                        guiGridListSetItemText ( remove.grid, row, 1, var[1], false, false )
                        guiGridListSetItemText ( remove.grid, row, 2, var[2], false, false )
                        guiGridListSetItemText ( remove.grid, row, 3, var[3], false, false )
                    guiGridListSetItemText ( remove.grid, guiGridListAddRow ( remove.grid ), 2, "No updates found.", true, true )
                triggerServerEvent ( 'Updates:onServerEvent', localPlayer, 'removeUpdate', { date, update, author } )
end )

function getdayofweek(dd, mm, yy)
    local days = { "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday" }
    local mmx = mm
    if (mm == 1) then  mmx = 13; yy = yy-1
    if (mm == 2) then  mmx = 14; yy = yy-1
    local val8 = dd + (mmx*2) +  math.floor(((mmx+1)*3)/5)   + yy + math.floor(yy/4)  - math.floor(yy/100)  + math.floor(yy/400) + 2
    local val9 = math.floor(val8/7)
    local dw = val8-(val9*7)
    if (dw == 0) then
        dw = 7
  return days[dw]


Server side:



days = {"1st","2nd","3rd","4th","5th","6th","7th","8th","9th","10th","11th","12th","13th","14th","15th","16th","17th","18th","19th","20th","21st","22nd","23rd","24th","25th","26th","27th","28th","29th","30th","31st"}
months = {"January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"}

function outputRoot ( msg, chatbox )
    outputDebugString ( msg )
    outputConsole ( msg )
    outputServerLog ( msg )
    if ( chatbox ) then
        outputChatBox ( msg )
    return true

-- Connect database.
addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function ( )
    local saveMode_ = string.lower ( saveMode )
    if ( saveMode_ == 'mysql' ) then
        dbc = dbConnect ( 'mysql', "host="..host..";dbname="..databaseName, username, password )
    elseif ( saveMode_ == 'sqlite' ) then
        dbc = dbConnect ( "sqlite", "updatesDB.db" )
        return outputRoot ( "Server Updates: "..saveMode.." is an invalid saving method. Valid: MySQL | SQLite - Change in settings.lua." )
    -- Check Database
    if ( dbc ) then
        outputRoot ( "Server Updates: "..saveMode.." has successfully connected.", false )
        dbExec ( dbc, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS updates ( Date_ TEXT, Name TEXT, Developer TEXT, AddedBy TEXT )" )
        dbExec ( dbc, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS selling ( userid TEXT, item TEXT, amount TEXT, price TEXT )" )
        dbExec ( dbc, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS banking ( userid TEXT, balance TEXT, creditcard TEXT )" )
        dbExec ( dbc, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS banking_transactions ( userid TEXT, transaction TEXT )" )
        dbExec ( dbc, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS squad_bl ( squad_name TEXT, acc TEXT, byc TEXT, date TEXT )" )
        dbExec ( dbc, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS squad_log ( squad_name TEXT, action TEXT )" )
        dbExec ( dbc, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS group_bl ( group_name TEXT, acc TEXT, byc TEXT, date TEXT )" )
        dbExec ( dbc, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS group_bank ( group_name TEXT, balance INTEGER )" )
        dbExec ( dbc, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS group_log ( group_name TEXT, action TEXT )" )
        dbExec ( dbc, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS mapeditor ( id INTEGER, model TEXT, x INTEGER, y INTEGER, z INTEGER, rx INTEGER, ry INTEGER, rz INTEGER, dim INTEGER, interior INTEGER, descr TEXT, proj TEXT, edAcc TEXT, eType TEXT, cData TEXT )" )
        dbExec ( dbc, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS accounts ( id TEXT, cjskin TEXT, x INTEGER, y INTEGER, z INTEGER, interior INTEGER, dimension INTEGER, email TEXT, password TEXT, jobskin TEXT, username TEXT, serial INTEGER, skin INTEGER )" )
        dbExec ( dbc, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS weapons ( userid INTEGER, weapon TEXT )" )
        dbExec ( dbc, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS playerstats ( laser INTEGER, userid TEXT )" )
        dbExec ( dbc, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS punishlogs ( log TEXT, acc TEXT, id INTEGER, player TEXT, admin TEXT, type TEXT, reason TEXT, serial TEXT )" )
        dbExec ( dbc, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS staffList ( staff TEXT, acc TEXT )" )
        dbExec ( dbc, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS banking_transactions ( userid TEXT, transaction INTEGER )" )
        dbExec ( dbc, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS banking ( userid TEXT, balance INTEGER, creditcard INTEGER )" )
        dbExec ( dbc, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS events ( name TEXT, data TEXT )" )
        outputRoot ( "Server Updates: "..saveMode.." has failed to connected.", true )
end )

dbc = dbConnect ( "sqlite", "updates.db" )

function getUpdates ( )
    return dbPoll ( dbQuery ( dbc, "SELECT * FROM updates" ), -1 )

addCommandHandler ( "updates", function ( p )
    local updates = getUpdates ( )
    triggerClientEvent ( p, 'Updates:onPanelChangeState', p, 'main', updates )
end )

addCommandHandler ( "rules", function ( p )
    local updates = getUpdates ( )
    triggerClientEvent ( p, 'Updates:onPanelChangeState1', p, 'main', updates )
end )

function CIPacc(source)
    local updates = getUpdates()
    if updates then
        triggerClientEvent(source, 'CIPupdates.CIPacc', source, updates)
        local updates2 = dbPoll(dbQuery(dbc, "SELECT * FROM updates"), -1)
        triggerClientEvent(source, 'CIPupdates.CIPacc', source, updates2)
addEvent("CIPupdates.exprt", true)
addEventHandler("CIPupdates.exprt", root, CSCacc)

addCommandHandler ( "updatemanager", function ( p )
    local isAllowed = false;
    for _, acl in ipairs ( allowedACLS ) do
        if ( isPlayerInACL ( p, acl ) ) then
            isAllowed = true
    if ( isAllowed ) then
        local updates = getUpdates ( )
        triggerClientEvent ( p, 'Updates:onPanelChangeState', p, 'manager', updates )
end )

function addUpdate ( player, date, update, author )
    local accnt = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( player ) )
    dbExec ( dbc, "INSERT INTO updates ( Date_, Name, Developer, AddedBy ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ? )", date, update, author, accnt )
    exports.CIPtrivia:sendMessage("UPDATES INFO ADDED! /updates TO SEE IT!", root, 255, 150, 0)
    outputChatBox("Server Updates: ["..date.."]:"..update.."("..author..")", root, 255, 150, 0)

function removeUpdate ( player, date, update, author )
    dbExec ( dbc, "DELETE FROM updates WHERE Date_=? AND Name=? AND Developer=?", date, update, author )

addEvent ( "Updates:onServerEvent", true )
addEventHandler ( "Updates:onServerEvent", root, function ( callBack, args )
    if ( callBack == 'addUpdate' ) then
        addUpdate ( source, unpack ( args ) )
    elseif ( callBack == 'removeUpdate' ) then
        removeUpdate ( source, unpack ( args ) )
end )

function isPlayerInACL ( player, acl )
    local account = getPlayerAccount ( player )
    if ( isGuestAccount ( account ) ) then
        return false
    if ( isObjectInACLGroup ( "user."..getAccountName ( account ), aclGetGroup ( acl ) ) ) then
        return true
        return false

function checkupdates()
ag1 = dbPoll ( dbQuery ( dbc, "SELECT * FROM updates" ), -1 )
updatesMemo = ""
            local updates = { }
            for index, variable in ipairs ( ag1 ) do
                local lol = updates
                updates = { }
                table.insert ( updates, { variable['Date_'], variable['Name'], variable['Developer'] } )
                for i, v in ipairs ( lol ) do
                    table.insert ( updates, v )
            for i,v in ipairs ( updates ) do
            d, m, y = string.match(v[1], "(%d+)/(%d+)/(%d+)")
            performdate = tostring(getdayofweek(d,m,y).." "..days[tonumber(d)].." "..months[tonumber(m)].." "..y)
            if currentDate ~=  v[1] then
currentDate = v[1]
updatesMemo = updatesMemo.. "/n".. performdate.."/n"
three = string.gsub(v[3],"%[","")
three = string.gsub(three,"%]","")
three = string.gsub(three,"CIP","")
three = string.gsub(three,"CIP","")
three = string.gsub(three,"CIP","")
str = "- "..v[2].." ("..three..")"
updatesMemo = updatesMemo ..string.gsub(str,"/n","").."/n"
setTimer(checkupdates, 100, 0)

function getdayofweek(dd, mm, yy)
    local days = { "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday" }
    local mmx = mm
    if (mm == 1) then  mmx = 13; yy = yy-1
    if (mm == 2) then  mmx = 14; yy = yy-1
    local val8 = dd + (mmx*2) +  math.floor(((mmx+1)*3)/5)   + yy + math.floor(yy/4)  - math.floor(yy/100)  + math.floor(yy/400) + 2
    local val9 = math.floor(val8/7)
    local dw = val8-(val9*7)
    if (dw == 0) then
        dw = 7
  return days[dw]




ik that the code is completely messed up but help me I want it to open with F1 I added bindkey but doesn't work.. I'm new in scripiting

Edited by Kingin~~
Link to comment

I ain't the one who made it my friend gave me the first panel with rules only and I added updates tab.

I added bindkey under the commandhandler and tested it and doesn't work I removed it from the code.


local screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize()
        rule = guiCreateWindow((screenW - 799) / 2, (screenH - 604) / 2, 799, 604, "CIP Rules / Updates", false)
        guiWindowSetMovable(rule, false)
        guiWindowSetSizable(rule, false)
        guiSetAlpha(rule, 0.90)
        tabpanel = guiCreateTabPanel(9, 22, 780, 572, false, rule)
        tab1 = guiCreateTab("Help", tabpanel)
        grid = guiCreateGridList(12, 121, 374, 417, false, tab1)
        guiGridListSetSelectionMode(grid, 1)
        guiGridListSetSortingEnabled(grid, false)
        colum = guiGridListAddColumn(grid, "Question", 0.9)
        for index, val in pairs(griditem) do
        local row = guiGridListAddRow(grid)
        guiGridListSetItemText(grid, row, colum, val[1], false, false)
        guiSetVisible(rule, false)
        tab2 = guiCreateTab("Updates", tabpanel)
        memo3 = guiCreateMemo(10, 10, 760, 528, "", false, tab2)
        guiMemoSetReadOnly(memo3, true)
        guiSetVisible( rule, false )
        memo = guiCreateMemo(407, 131, 363, 407, "Click on a question on the right to see the answer here.", false, tab1)
        close1 = guiCreateTab("close", tabpanel)  
        search = guiCreateEdit(9, 59, 285, 32, "", false, tab1)
        labelXl = guiCreateLabel(10, 22, 383, 37, "Enter key words like 'vehicle' to find answers:", false, tab1)
        guiSetFont(labelXl, "clear-normal")
        LabelXLL = guiCreateLabel(396, 34, 374, 91, " If your question isn't answered here, press 'Close',\n press 'J', make sure you're on the 'Support' channel,\n ask your question there and another player will respond.", false, tab1)
        guiSetFont(LabelXLL, "clear-normal")
        guiMemoSetReadOnly (memo, true)
        addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", grid, clickedGridlist, false)
        addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", ttt, function () guiSetVisible(rule, false) showCursor(false) end, false)
        addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", tabpanel, changeTab, false)

function clickedGridlist()
    if (guiGridListGetSelectedItem(grid) == -1) then return end
    local row = guiGridListGetSelectedItem(source)
    local info = guiGridListGetItemText(grid, row, colum)
    for index, val in pairs(griditem) do
        if (info == val[1]) then
        guiSetText(memo, xmlNodeGetValue( xmlLoadFile( val[2] ) ) or "Error while loading file" )

function changeTab()
    local selectedTab = guiGetSelectedTab(tabpanel)
    if (selectedTab == close1) then
        guiSetVisible(rule, false)
        return true

    lastSelectedTab = guiGetSelectedTab(tabpanel)

-- When a combo is selected
addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIComboBoxAccepted", root,
    function ( theCombo )
        if ( theCombo == combo ) then
            local theItem = guiComboBoxGetSelected ( theCombo )
            local theLang = tostring ( guiComboBoxGetItemText ( theCombo , theItem ) )
            if ( rulesToFile[theLang] ) then
                guiSetText( memo, xmlNodeGetValue( xmlLoadFile( rulesToFile[theLang] ) ) or "Error while loading file" )

function showSupports()
    guiSetVisible(rule, false)
    triggerEvent("showSupportChat", root)

addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", resourceRoot,
    local text = guiGetText(search)
    local sItems = { }
    for i, v in pairs(griditem) do
        if not (text == "" ) then
            if (string.find(string.upper(v[1]), string.upper(text), 1, true)) then
                table.insert(sItems, v[1])
            table.insert(sItems, v[1])
    for i, v in pairs(sItems) do
        local row = guiGridListAddRow(grid)
        guiGridListSetItemText(grid, row, 1, v, false, false)

updatesMemo = ""
currentDate = ""
local sx, sy = guiGetScreenSize ( )
local screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize ( )
local currentList = { }
row = 0
row2 = 0
-- Tables
local main = {}
local read = { }
local add = {
    button = {},
    edit = {}
} local remove = {
    button = {}
-- View Panel
main.window = guiCreateWindow((screenW - 587) / 2, (screenH - 447) / 2, 587, 447, "CIP Server Recent Updates", false)
guiWindowSetMovable ( main.window, false )
guiWindowSetSizable(main.window, false)
guiSetVisible ( main.window, false )
main.close = guiCreateButton(0.3101, 0.9224, 0.3748, 0.0587, "Close", true, main.window)
add.window = guiCreateWindow( ( sx / 2 - 482 / 2 ), ( sy / 2 - 571 / 2 ), 482, 571, "CIP Updates adden", false)
guiWindowSetSizable(add.window, false)
guiSetVisible ( add.window, false )
guiCreateLabel(10, 32, 145, 15, "Date (DD/MM/YYYY):", false, add.window)
add.edit['date'] = guiCreateEdit(9, 53, 454, 28, "", false, add.window)
guiCreateLabel(10, 103, 145, 15, "Update:", false, add.window)
add.edit['update'] = guiCreateMemo(13, 125, 450, 294, "", false, add.window)
guiCreateLabel(10, 449, 145, 15, "Author:", false, add.window)
add.edit['author'] = guiCreateEdit(9, 468, 454, 28, "", false, add.window)
add.button['add'] = guiCreateButton(12, 508, 143, 44, "Add Update", false, add.window)
add.button['cancel'] = guiCreateButton(165, 508, 143, 44, "Cancel/close", false, add.window)
add.button['remove'] = guiCreateButton(320, 508, 143, 44, "Remove a update", false, add.window)
-- Remove Panel
remove.window = guiCreateWindow( ( sx / 2 - 552 / 2 ), ( sy / 2 - 533 / 2 ), 552, 533, "CIP Remove Update", false)
guiWindowSetSizable(remove.window, false)
guiSetVisible ( remove.window, false )
remove.grid = guiCreateGridList(10, 28, 532, 443, false, remove.window)
guiGridListAddColumn(remove.grid, "Date", 0.18)
guiGridListAddColumn(remove.grid, "Update", 0.58)
guiGridListAddColumn(remove.grid, "Developer", 0.2)
remove.button['remove'] = guiCreateButton(376, 481, 166, 36, "Remove", false, remove.window)
guiSetProperty(remove.button['remove'], "NormalTextColour", "FFFF0000")
remove.button['back'] = guiCreateButton(10, 481, 166, 36, "Add a update", false, remove.window)
-- Read More
read.window = guiCreateWindow( ( sx / 2 - 407 / 2 ), ( sy / 2 - 397 / 2 ), 407, 397, "Read More", false)
guiWindowSetSizable(read.window, false)
guiSetVisible ( read.window, false )
guiSetAlpha ( read.window, 1 )
guiWindowSetMovable ( read.window, false )
read.date = guiCreateLabel(9, 35, 275, 25, "Date: Loading..", false, read.window)
read.author = guiCreateLabel(9, 70, 388, 25, "Developer: Loading...", false, read.window)
guiCreateLabel(9, 105, 388, 25, "Update:", false, read.window)
read.update = guiCreateMemo(9, 127, 388, 253, "Loading..", false, read.window)
guiMemoSetReadOnly(read.update, true)
read.close = guiCreateButton(294, 25, 103, 35, "Exit", false, read.window)
days = {"1st","2nd","3rd","4th","5th","6th","7th","8th","9th","10th","11th","12th","13th","14th","15th","16th","17th","18th","19th","20th","21st","22nd","23rd","24th","25th","26th","27th","28th","29th","30th","31st"}
months = {"January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"}

function CIPaccountsExport(ag1)
updatesMemo = ""
    if (type(ag1) == 'table') then
        currentList = { }
        local updates = { }
        for index, variable in ipairs(ag1) do
            local lol = updates
            updates = { }
            table.insert(updates, {variable['Date_'], variable['Name'], variable['Developer']})
            for i, v in ipairs(lol) do
                table.insert(updates, v)
        for i,v in ipairs(updates) do
            d, m, y = string.match(v[1], "(%d+)/(%d+)/(%d+)")
            performdate = getdayofweek(d,m,y).." "..days[tonumber(d)].." "..months[tonumber(m)].." "..y
            if currentDate ~=  v[1] then
                currentDate = v[1]
                if row2 == 0 then
                    updatesMemo = updatesMemo.. "".. performdate.."\n"
                    updatesMemo = updatesMemo.. "\n".. performdate.."\n"
            three = string.gsub(v[3],"%[","")
            three = string.gsub(three,"%]","")
            three = string.gsub(three,"CIP","")
            three = string.gsub(three,"CIP","")
            str = "- "..v[2].." ("..three..")"
            updatesMemo = updatesMemo ..string.gsub(str,"\n","").."\n"
            row2 = row2 + 1
            triggerEvent("CIPaccounts.GetUpdates", source, updatesMemo)
        currentList = updates
addEvent("CIPupdates.CIPacc", true)
addEventHandler("CIPupdates.CIPacc", root, CIPaccountsExport)

addEvent ( "Updates:onPanelChangeState", true )
addEventHandler ( "Updates:onPanelChangeState", root, function ( window, ag1 )
updatesMemo = ""
    if ( window == 'main' ) then
        if ( guiGetVisible ( add.window ) ) then
            guiSetVisible ( add.window, false )
            showCursor ( false )
        end if ( guiGetVisible ( remove.window ) ) then
            guiSetVisible ( remove.window, false )
            showCursor ( false )
        guiSetSelectedTab(tabpanel, tab2)
        guiSetVisible ( rule, true )
        showCursor ( true )
        if ( type ( ag1 ) == 'table' ) then
            currentList = { }
            -- Reverse the loop --
            local updates = { }
            for index, variable in ipairs ( ag1 ) do
                local lol = updates
                updates = { }
                table.insert ( updates, { variable['Date_'], variable['Name'], variable['Developer'] } )
                for i, v in ipairs ( lol ) do
                    table.insert ( updates, v )
            for i,v in ipairs ( updates ) do
            d, m, y = string.match(v[1], "(%d+)/(%d+)/(%d+)")
            performdate = getdayofweek(d,m,y).." "..days[tonumber(d)].." "..months[tonumber(m)].." "..y
            if currentDate ~=  v[1] then
                currentDate = v[1]
                if row == 0 then
                    updatesMemo = updatesMemo.. "".. performdate.."\n"
                    updatesMemo = updatesMemo.. "\n".. performdate.."\n"
            three = string.gsub(v[3],"%[","")
            three = string.gsub(three,"%]","")
            three = string.gsub(three,"CIP","")
            three = string.gsub(three,"CIP","")
            str = "- "..v[2].." ("..three..")"
            updatesMemo = updatesMemo ..string.gsub(str,"\n","").."\n"
            row = row + 1
            guiSetText(memo3, updatesMemo)
            currentList = updates
            guiSetText ( memo3, "Failed to load updates" )
    elseif ( window == 'manager' ) then
        if ( guiGetVisible ( remove.window ) ) then return end
        if ( guiGetVisible ( rule ) ) then
            guiSetVisible ( rule, false )
            showCursor ( false )
        end if ( guiGetVisible ( read.window ) ) then
            guiSetVisible ( read.window, false )
        guiSetVisible ( add.window, true )
        showCursor ( true )
        local text = getElementData(localPlayer, "account")
        guiSetText ( add.edit['author'], getPlayerName(getLocalPlayer()) )
        local time = getRealTime ( )
        local day = time.monthday
        local month = time.month + 1
        local year = time.year + 1900
        if ( day < 10 ) then
            day = 0 .. day
        end if ( month < 10 ) then
            month = 0 .. month
        guiSetText ( add.edit['date'], table.concat ( { day, month, year }, "/" ) )
        guiSetInputMode ( "no_binds_when_editing" )
end )

addEvent ( "Updates:onPanelChangeState1", true )
addEventHandler ( "Updates:onPanelChangeState1", root, function ( window, ag1 )
updatesMemo = ""
    if ( window == 'main' ) then
        if ( guiGetVisible ( add.window ) ) then
            guiSetVisible ( add.window, false )
            showCursor ( false )
        end if ( guiGetVisible ( remove.window ) ) then
            guiSetVisible ( remove.window, false )
            showCursor ( false )
        guiSetSelectedTab(tabpanel, tab1)
        guiSetVisible ( rule, true )
        showCursor ( true )
        if ( type ( ag1 ) == 'table' ) then
            currentList = { }
            -- Reverse the loop --
            local updates = { }
            for index, variable in ipairs ( ag1 ) do
                local lol = updates
                updates = { }
                table.insert ( updates, { variable['Date_'], variable['Name'], variable['Developer'] } )
                for i, v in ipairs ( lol ) do
                    table.insert ( updates, v )
            for i,v in ipairs ( updates ) do
            d, m, y = string.match(v[1], "(%d+)/(%d+)/(%d+)")
            performdate = getdayofweek(d,m,y).." "..days[tonumber(d)].." "..months[tonumber(m)].." "..y
            if currentDate ~=  v[1] then
                currentDate = v[1]
                if row == 0 then
                    updatesMemo = updatesMemo.. "".. performdate.."\n"
                    updatesMemo = updatesMemo.. "\n".. performdate.."\n"
            three = string.gsub(v[3],"%[","")
            three = string.gsub(three,"%]","")
            three = string.gsub(three,"CIP","")
            three = string.gsub(three,"CIP","")
            str = "- "..v[2].." ("..three..")"
            updatesMemo = updatesMemo ..string.gsub(str,"\n","").."\n"
            row = row + 1
            guiSetText(memo3, updatesMemo)
            currentList = updates
            guiSetText ( memo3, "Failed to load updates" )
    elseif ( window == 'manager' ) then
        if ( guiGetVisible ( remove.window ) ) then return end
        if ( guiGetVisible ( rule ) ) then
            guiSetVisible ( rule, false )
            showCursor ( false )
        end if ( guiGetVisible ( read.window ) ) then
            guiSetVisible ( read.window, false )
        guiSetVisible ( add.window, true )
        showCursor ( true )
        local text = getElementData(localPlayer, "account")
        guiSetText ( add.edit['author'], getPlayerName(getLocalPlayer()) )
        local time = getRealTime ( )
        local day = time.monthday
        local month = time.month + 1
        local year = time.year + 1900
        if ( day < 10 ) then
            day = 0 .. day
        end if ( month < 10 ) then
            month = 0 .. month
        guiSetText ( add.edit['date'], table.concat ( { day, month, year }, "/" ) )
        guiSetInputMode ( "no_binds_when_editing" )
end )

addEventHandler ( 'onClientGUIClick', root, function ( btn )
    if ( btn == 'left' ) then
        -- Main Panel
        if ( source == main.readmore ) then
            local row, col = guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( memo3 )
            if ( row ~= -1 and col ~= 0 ) then
                guiSetVisible ( read.window, true )
                guiBringToFront ( read.window )
                guiSetText ( read.date, "Date: "..guiGridListGetItemText ( memo3, row, 1 ) )
                guiSetText ( read.update, guiGridListGetItemText ( memo3, row, 2 ) )
                guiSetText ( read.author, "Developer: "..guiGridListGetItemText ( memo3, row, 3 ) )
                outputChatBox ( "Select an update.", 255, 255, 0 )
        elseif ( source == read.close ) then
            guiSetVisible ( read.window, false )
        elseif ( source == main.close ) then
            row = 0
            guiSetVisible ( rule, false )
            showCursor ( false )
            if ( guiGetVisible ( read.window ) ) then
                guiSetVisible ( read.window, false )
        -- Adding Panel
        elseif ( source == add.button['cancel'] ) then
            guiSetVisible ( add.window, false )
            showCursor ( false )
        elseif ( source == add.button['add'] ) then
            local date, update, author = guiGetText ( add.edit['date'] ), guiGetText ( add.edit['update'] ), guiGetText ( add.edit['author'] )
            if ( date ~= '' and update ~= '' and author ~= '' ) then
                triggerServerEvent ( "Updates:onServerEvent", localPlayer, 'addUpdate', { date, update, author } )
                outputChatBox ( "You need to enter all of the information.", 255, 0, 0 )
        elseif ( source == add.button['remove'] ) then
            guiSetVisible ( add.window, false )
            guiSetVisible ( remove.window, true )
            guiGridListClear ( remove.grid )
            if ( currentList and #currentList > 0 ) then
                for index, var in ipairs ( currentList ) do
                    local row = guiGridListAddRow ( remove.grid )
                    guiGridListSetItemText ( remove.grid, row, 1, var[1], false, false )
                    guiGridListSetItemText ( remove.grid, row, 2, var[2], false, false )
                    guiGridListSetItemText ( remove.grid, row, 3, var[3], false, false )
                guiGridListSetItemText ( remove.grid, guiGridListAddRow ( remove.grid ), 2, "Please use /updates, then come back to this panel.", true, true )
                guiGridListSetItemColor ( remove.grid, 0, 2, 255, 0, 0 )
        -- remove panel
        elseif ( source == remove.button['back'] ) then
            guiSetVisible ( remove.window, false )
            guiSetVisible ( add.window, true )
        elseif ( source == remove.button['remove'] ) then
            local row, col = guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( remove.grid )
            if ( row ~= -1 and col ~= 0 ) then
                local date = guiGridListGetItemText ( remove.grid, row, 1 )
                local update = guiGridListGetItemText ( remove.grid, row, 2 )
                local author = guiGridListGetItemText ( remove.grid, row, 3 )
                for index, var in ipairs ( currentList ) do
                    if ( var[1] == date and var[2] == update and var[3] == author ) then
                        table.remove ( currentList, index )
                guiGridListClear ( remove.grid )
                if ( #currentList > 0 ) then
                    for index, var in ipairs ( currentList ) do
                        local row = guiGridListAddRow ( remove.grid )
                        guiGridListSetItemText ( remove.grid, row, 1, var[1], false, false )
                        guiGridListSetItemText ( remove.grid, row, 2, var[2], false, false )
                        guiGridListSetItemText ( remove.grid, row, 3, var[3], false, false )
                    guiGridListSetItemText ( remove.grid, guiGridListAddRow ( remove.grid ), 2, "No updates found.", true, true )
                triggerServerEvent ( 'Updates:onServerEvent', localPlayer, 'removeUpdate', { date, update, author } )
end )

function getdayofweek(dd, mm, yy)
    local days = { "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday" }
    local mmx = mm
    if (mm == 1) then  mmx = 13; yy = yy-1
    if (mm == 2) then  mmx = 14; yy = yy-1
    local val8 = dd + (mmx*2) +  math.floor(((mmx+1)*3)/5)   + yy + math.floor(yy/4)  - math.floor(yy/100)  + math.floor(yy/400) + 2
    local val9 = math.floor(val8/7)
    local dw = val8-(val9*7)
    if (dw == 0) then
        dw = 7
  return days[dw]


 days = {"1st","2nd","3rd","4th","5th","6th","7th","8th","9th","10th","11th","12th","13th","14th","15th","16th","17th","18th","19th","20th","21st","22nd","23rd","24th","25th","26th","27th","28th","29th","30th","31st"}
months = {"January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"}

function outputRoot ( msg, chatbox )
    outputDebugString ( msg )
    outputConsole ( msg )
    outputServerLog ( msg )
    if ( chatbox ) then
        outputChatBox ( msg )
    return true

-- Connect database.
addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function ( )
    local saveMode_ = string.lower ( saveMode )
    if ( saveMode_ == 'mysql' ) then
        dbc = dbConnect ( 'mysql', "host="..host..";dbname="..databaseName, username, password )
    elseif ( saveMode_ == 'sqlite' ) then
        dbc = dbConnect ( "sqlite", "updatesDB.db" )
        return outputRoot ( "Server Updates: "..saveMode.." is an invalid saving method. Valid: MySQL | SQLite - Change in settings.lua." )
    -- Check Database
    if ( dbc ) then
        outputRoot ( "Server Updates: "..saveMode.." has successfully connected.", false )
        dbExec ( dbc, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS updates ( Date_ TEXT, Name TEXT, Developer TEXT, AddedBy TEXT )" )
        dbExec ( dbc, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS selling ( userid TEXT, item TEXT, amount TEXT, price TEXT )" )
        dbExec ( dbc, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS banking ( userid TEXT, balance TEXT, creditcard TEXT )" )
        dbExec ( dbc, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS banking_transactions ( userid TEXT, transaction TEXT )" )
        dbExec ( dbc, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS squad_bl ( squad_name TEXT, acc TEXT, byc TEXT, date TEXT )" )
        dbExec ( dbc, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS squad_log ( squad_name TEXT, action TEXT )" )
        dbExec ( dbc, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS group_bl ( group_name TEXT, acc TEXT, byc TEXT, date TEXT )" )
        dbExec ( dbc, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS group_bank ( group_name TEXT, balance INTEGER )" )
        dbExec ( dbc, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS group_log ( group_name TEXT, action TEXT )" )
        dbExec ( dbc, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS mapeditor ( id INTEGER, model TEXT, x INTEGER, y INTEGER, z INTEGER, rx INTEGER, ry INTEGER, rz INTEGER, dim INTEGER, interior INTEGER, descr TEXT, proj TEXT, edAcc TEXT, eType TEXT, cData TEXT )" )
        dbExec ( dbc, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS accounts ( id TEXT, cjskin TEXT, x INTEGER, y INTEGER, z INTEGER, interior INTEGER, dimension INTEGER, email TEXT, password TEXT, jobskin TEXT, username TEXT, serial INTEGER, skin INTEGER )" )
        dbExec ( dbc, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS weapons ( userid INTEGER, weapon TEXT )" )
        dbExec ( dbc, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS playerstats ( laser INTEGER, userid TEXT )" )
        dbExec ( dbc, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS punishlogs ( log TEXT, acc TEXT, id INTEGER, player TEXT, admin TEXT, type TEXT, reason TEXT, serial TEXT )" )
        dbExec ( dbc, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS staffList ( staff TEXT, acc TEXT )" )
        dbExec ( dbc, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS banking_transactions ( userid TEXT, transaction INTEGER )" )
        dbExec ( dbc, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS banking ( userid TEXT, balance INTEGER, creditcard INTEGER )" )
        dbExec ( dbc, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS events ( name TEXT, data TEXT )" )
        outputRoot ( "Server Updates: "..saveMode.." has failed to connected.", true )
end )

dbc = dbConnect ( "sqlite", "updates.db" )

function getUpdates ( )
    return dbPoll ( dbQuery ( dbc, "SELECT * FROM updates" ), -1 )

addCommandHandler ( "updates", function ( p )
    local updates = getUpdates ( )
    triggerClientEvent ( p, 'Updates:onPanelChangeState', p, 'main', updates )
end )

addCommandHandler ( "rules", function ( p )
    local updates = getUpdates ( )
    triggerClientEvent ( p, 'Updates:onPanelChangeState1', p, 'main', updates )
end )

function CIPacc(source)
    local updates = getUpdates()
    if updates then
        triggerClientEvent(source, 'CIPupdates.CIPacc', source, updates)
        local updates2 = dbPoll(dbQuery(dbc, "SELECT * FROM updates"), -1)
        triggerClientEvent(source, 'CIPupdates.CIPacc', source, updates2)
addEvent("CIPupdates.exprt", true)
addEventHandler("CIPupdates.exprt", root, CSCacc)

addCommandHandler ( "updatemanager", function ( p )
    local isAllowed = false;
    for _, acl in ipairs ( allowedACLS ) do
        if ( isPlayerInACL ( p, acl ) ) then
            isAllowed = true
    if ( isAllowed ) then
        local updates = getUpdates ( )
        triggerClientEvent ( p, 'Updates:onPanelChangeState', p, 'manager', updates )
end )

function addUpdate ( player, date, update, author )
    local accnt = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( player ) )
    dbExec ( dbc, "INSERT INTO updates ( Date_, Name, Developer, AddedBy ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ? )", date, update, author, accnt )
    exports.CIPtrivia:sendMessage("UPDATES INFO ADDED! /updates TO SEE IT!", root, 255, 150, 0)
    outputChatBox("Server Updates: ["..date.."]:"..update.."("..author..")", root, 255, 150, 0)

function removeUpdate ( player, date, update, author )
    dbExec ( dbc, "DELETE FROM updates WHERE Date_=? AND Name=? AND Developer=?", date, update, author )

addEvent ( "Updates:onServerEvent", true )
addEventHandler ( "Updates:onServerEvent", root, function ( callBack, args )
    if ( callBack == 'addUpdate' ) then
        addUpdate ( source, unpack ( args ) )
    elseif ( callBack == 'removeUpdate' ) then
        removeUpdate ( source, unpack ( args ) )
end )

function isPlayerInACL ( player, acl )
    local account = getPlayerAccount ( player )
    if ( isGuestAccount ( account ) ) then
        return false
    if ( isObjectInACLGroup ( "user."..getAccountName ( account ), aclGetGroup ( acl ) ) ) then
        return true
        return false

function checkupdates()
ag1 = dbPoll ( dbQuery ( dbc, "SELECT * FROM updates" ), -1 )
updatesMemo = ""
            local updates = { }
            for index, variable in ipairs ( ag1 ) do
                local lol = updates
                updates = { }
                table.insert ( updates, { variable['Date_'], variable['Name'], variable['Developer'] } )
                for i, v in ipairs ( lol ) do
                    table.insert ( updates, v )
            for i,v in ipairs ( updates ) do
            d, m, y = string.match(v[1], "(%d+)/(%d+)/(%d+)")
            performdate = tostring(getdayofweek(d,m,y).." "..days[tonumber(d)].." "..months[tonumber(m)].." "..y)
            if currentDate ~=  v[1] then
currentDate = v[1]
updatesMemo = updatesMemo.. "/n".. performdate.."/n"
three = string.gsub(v[3],"%[","")
three = string.gsub(three,"%]","")
three = string.gsub(three,"CIP","")
three = string.gsub(three,"CIP","")
three = string.gsub(three,"CIP","")
str = "- "..v[2].." ("..three..")"
updatesMemo = updatesMemo ..string.gsub(str,"/n","").."/n"
setTimer(checkupdates, 100, 0)

function getdayofweek(dd, mm, yy)
    local days = { "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday" }
    local mmx = mm
    if (mm == 1) then  mmx = 13; yy = yy-1
    if (mm == 2) then  mmx = 14; yy = yy-1
    local val8 = dd + (mmx*2) +  math.floor(((mmx+1)*3)/5)   + yy + math.floor(yy/4)  - math.floor(yy/100)  + math.floor(yy/400) + 2
    local val9 = math.floor(val8/7)
    local dw = val8-(val9*7)
    if (dw == 0) then
        dw = 7
  return days[dw]


Edited by Kingin~~
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