Mohamed_king Posted October 13, 2016 Share Posted October 13, 2016 (edited) السلام عليكم انا القيت مود خاص ف اف 4 بس مارضا يشتغل ارجو تصحيح كود وشكرا client g_LocalPlayer = getLocalPlayer() g_Root = getRootElement() g_ThisResource = getThisResource() g_ResourceRoot = getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()) chat = {} -- table to store chat windows in newmsg = {show=false, tick=getTickCount(), showtime=5000, img=nil, lbl=nil } -- new msg table anims = {} function buildPlayerList() local x,y = guiGetScreenSize() local width,height = 210,375 x = x-width y = (y-height)/2 wndPlayers = guiCreateWindow(x,y,width,height,"شات الخاض", false) fond = guiCreateStaticImage(0.0405,0.0525,0.9189,0.9213,"image/mtalogo.png",true,wndPlayers) grdPlayers = guiCreateGridList(0.025,0.2065, 0.975,0.915, true, wndPlayers) colPlayers = guiGridListAddColumn(grdPlayers, "الاعبين", 0.85) local players = getElementsByType("player") for k,v in ipairs(players) do addPlayerToList(v) end guiSetProperty(fond,"Disabled","true") guiWindowSetSizable(wndPlayers, false) guiSetProperty(wndPlayers, "RollUpEnabled", "true") guiSetProperty(wndPlayers, "Dragable", "true") guiSetAlpha(wndPlayers, 0) -- create animations for it anims.plfadein = Animation.create(wndPlayers, Animation.presets.guiFadeIn(1000)) anims.plfadeout = Animation.create(wndPlayers, Animation.presets.guiFadeOut(1000)) anims.nmfadein = Animation.create(newmsg.img, Animation.presets.guiFadeIn(1000)) anims.nmfadeout = Animation.create(newmsg.img, Animation.presets.guiFadeOut(1000)) anims.nmtextin = Animation.create(newmsg.lbl, Animation.presets.guiFadeIn(1000)) anims.nmtextout = Animation.create(newmsg.lbl, Animation.presets.guiFadeOut(1000)) --[[ local x,y = guiGetPosition(newmsg.img) outputDebugString("guigetPostions: " ..tostring(x).." "..tostring(y)) local scrx,scry = guiGetScreenSize() anims.nmslidein = Animation.create(newmsg.img, Animation.presets.guiMove(x,y))--, 1000,false, scrx,scry, false)) anims.nmslideout = Animation.create(newmsg.img, Animation.presets.guiMove(scrx,scry))--, 1000,false, x,y, false)) ]] bindKey("F4", "down", togglePmGui) end function addPlayerToList(ply) --outputDebugString("addPlayerToList:" ..getPlayerName(ply)) local row = guiGridListAddRow(grdPlayers) local name = getPlayerName(ply) guiGridListSetItemText(grdPlayers,row,colPlayers, name, false, false) guiGridListSetItemColor (grdPlayers, row, colPlayers, math.random (0, 255), math.random (0, 255), math.random (0, 255) ) end function removePlayerFromList(ply) --outputDebugString("removePlayerFromList:" ..getPlayerName(ply)) local name=getPlayerName(ply) for row=0,guiGridListGetRowCount(grdPlayers) do if guiGridListGetItemText(grdPlayers, row, colPlayers) == name then guiGridListRemoveRow(grdPlayers, row) outputDebugString("remove row" ..tostring(row)) end end end function showPmGui(state) if state == true then anims.plfadein:play() for k,v in pairs(chat) do guiSetVisible(chat[k].wnd,true) end showCursor(true) elseif state == false then anims.plfadeout:play() for k,v in pairs(chat) do guiSetVisible(chat[k].wnd,false) end showCursor(false) guiSetInputEnabled(false) end end function togglePmGui() if not anims.plfadein:isPlaying() and not anims.plfadeout:isPlaying() then if guiGetAlpha(wndPlayers) > .1 then showPmGui(false) else showPmGui(true) end end end function buildChatWindow(ply) local x,y = guiGetScreenSize() local width,height = 500,350 x = x*.5 y = y*.5 chat[ply] = {} chat[ply].wnd = guiCreateWindow(337,277,395,252, getPlayerName(ply), false) chat[ply].img = guiCreateStaticImage(0.0228,0.0754,0.9544,0.8889,"image/shruk.png",true,chat[ply].wnd) chat[ply].memo = guiCreateMemo(0.043,0.1746,0.9089,0.623, "", true, chat[ply].wnd) chat[ply].edit = guiCreateEdit(0.043,0.8214,0.7089,0.1111, "", true, chat[ply].wnd) chat[ply].btnX = guiCreateButton(0.9215,0.0754,0.0557,0.0794, "x", true, chat[ply].wnd) chat[ply].btnSend = guiCreateButton(0.757,0.8135,0.2127,0.1429, "أرسل", true, chat[ply].wnd) guiSetProperty(chat[ply].img,"Disabled","true") guiMemoSetReadOnly(chat[ply].memo, true) guiWindowSetSizable(chat[ply].wnd, false) guiSetProperty(chat[ply].wnd, "RollUpEnabled", "true") guiSetProperty(chat[ply].wnd, "Dragable", "true") if anims.plfadein:isPlaying() then-- in process of fading in guiSetVisible(chat[ply].wnd, true) elseif anims.plfadeout:isPlaying() then -- in process of fading out guiSetVisible(chat[ply].wnd, false) else -- not in process of either if guiGetAlpha(wndPlayers) > .1 then guiSetVisible(chat[ply].wnd, true) -- is showing else guiSetVisible(chat[ply].wnd, false) -- isnt showing end end end function destroyChatWindow(ply) if chat[ply] and isElement(chat[ply].wnd) then destroyElement(chat[ply].wnd) chat[ply] = nil end end xNoSay = {"كس", "خنيث", "امك", "جرار", "اختك", "منيوك", "اختك", "طيز", "وصخ", "جدتك", "جدك", "حمار", "تبن", "يلعنك", "خرا", "زق", "كلب", "نقلع", "شرموط", "امك", "زبي", "ورع", "انيك", "ابوك", "اختك", "_!_", ":O", "سيرفر", "البحث", "توزيع", "مشرف", "بسيرفر", "اكتب", "آكتب", "حياكم", "حيااكم", "حيآكم", "لايفوتكم", "Q.5", "حصريات", "أكتب", ":O"} function sendChatMessage(ply) --outputDebugString("sendChatMessage: " .. tostring(ply)) if chat[ply] and isElement(chat[ply].wnd) then local newText = guiGetText(chat[ply].edit) if newText and string.len(newText) > 0 then local oldText = guiGetText(chat[ply].memo) if not oldText then oldText = "" end for k,v in ipairs (xNoSay) do if string.find(newText,v) then newText = '*** هذا الكلام ممنوع ^_^ ***' end end oldText = oldText .. getPlayerName(g_LocalPlayer) .. ": " .. newText .. "\n" guiSetText(chat[ply].memo, oldText) guiSetText(chat[ply].edit, "") guiMemoSetCaretIndex(chat[ply].memo, string.len(oldText)) triggerServerEvent("onGUIPrivateMessage", g_LocalPlayer, ply,newText) end end end function recieveChatMessage(ply, msg) --outputDebugString("recieveChatMessage: " .. msg) if not chat[ply] then buildChatWindow(ply) end = true newmsg.tick = getTickCount() ---guiSetText(newmsg.lbl, msg .. ": " .. getPlayerName(ply) .. "\n") outputChatBox("#FFFF00*[رسائل خاصه]: #AAAAAAلـ فتح الرسائل الخاصة [F4] أضغط #FF0000( " .. getPlayerName(ply) .. "#FF0000 ) #AAAAAAلديك رسالة جديدة من ",255,255,255,true) local sound = playSound("GatkResalh~.m4a",false) setSoundVolume(sound, 0.2) anims.nmfadein:play() anims.nmtextin:play() --anims.nmslidein:play() local oldText = guiGetText(chat[ply].memo) if not oldText then oldText = "" end oldText = oldText .. getPlayerName(ply) .. ": " .. msg .. "\n" guiSetText(chat[ply].memo, oldText) guiMemoSetCaretIndex(chat[ply].memo, string.len(oldText)) end event_resource_start = function(res) buildPlayerList() end event_resource_stop = function(res) unbindKey("F4", "down", togglePmGui) showPmGui(false) end event_player_nick = function() event_player_quit() event_player_join() end event_player_join = function() --outputDebugString("onClientPlayerJoin") addPlayerToList(source) end event_player_quit = function() --outputDebugString("onClientPlayerQuit") removePlayerFromList(source) destroyChatWindow(source) end event_gui_click = function(button, state, absx, absy) if button == "left" and state == "up" then if getElementType(source) == "gui-button" then local parent = getElementParent(source) if parent ~= false then local ply = getPlayerFromName(guiGetText(parent)) if ply then if source == chat[ply].btnX then destroyChatWindow(ply) guiSetInputEnabled(false) elseif source == chat[ply].btnSend then sendChatMessage(ply) guiSetInputEnabled(false) end end end elseif getElementType(source) == "gui-edit" then local parent = getElementParent(source) if parent ~= false then local ply = getPlayerFromName(guiGetText(parent)) if source == chat[ply].edit then guiSetInputEnabled(true) end end else guiSetInputEnabled(false) end end end event_gui_doubleclick = function(button, state, absx, absy) if button == "left" and state == "up" then if source == grdPlayers then local row, col = guiGridListGetSelectedItem(grdPlayers) --outputDebugString("double clicked row: "..tostring(row)) if row == -1 or col == -1 then return end local name = guiGridListGetItemText(grdPlayers, row, col) local ply = getPlayerFromName(name) if not chat[ply] then buildChatWindow(ply) end guiBringToFront(chat[ply].wnd) end end end event_gui_accepted = function(element) local parent = getElementParent(source) if parent ~= false then local ply = getPlayerFromName(guiGetText(parent)) if ply then if element == chat[ply].edit then sendChatMessage(ply) end end end end event_render = function() if == true then if getTickCount() > newmsg.tick + then anims.nmfadeout:play() anims.nmtextout:play() = false end end end addEvent("onPrivateChatSent", true) addEventHandler("onPrivateChatSent", g_Root, recieveChatMessage) addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", g_ResourceRoot, event_resource_start) addEventHandler("onClientResourceStop", g_ResourceRoot, event_resource_stop) addEventHandler("onClientGUIDoubleClick", g_ResourceRoot, event_gui_doubleclick) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", g_ResourceRoot, event_gui_click) addEventHandler("onClientGUIAccepted", g_ResourceRoot, event_gui_accepted) addEventHandler("onClientChangeNick", g_Root, event_player_nick) addEventHandler("onClientPlayerJoin", g_Root, event_player_join) addEventHandler("onClientPlayerQuit", g_Root, event_player_quit) addEventHandler("onClientRender", g_Root, event_render) ---server function SendMsgToPlayer (player,rePlaer,text) if rePlaer then -- نديرو تحقق للاعب local receiver = getPlayerFromName(rePlaer) -- نجيب الاعب من اسمه triggerClientEvent (receiver,"ReceiveMsg",receiver,getPlayerName(player),tostring(text)) -- نرجع الكلام الي جانا من الكلينت end end addEvent ("SendMsgToPlayer", true) addEventHandler ("SendMsgToPlayer", getRootElement(), SendMsgToPlayer) Edited October 13, 2016 by Mohamed_king Link to comment
mahmod3 Posted October 13, 2016 Share Posted October 13, 2016 5 minutes ago, Mohamed_king said: السلام عليكم عملت مود خاص ف اف 4 بس مارضا يشتغل ارجو تصحيح كود وشكرا client g_LocalPlayer = getLocalPlayer() g_Root = getRootElement() g_ThisResource = getThisResource() g_ResourceRoot = getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()) chat = {} -- table to store chat windows in newmsg = {show=false, tick=getTickCount(), showtime=5000, img=nil, lbl=nil } -- new msg table anims = {} function buildPlayerList() local x,y = guiGetScreenSize() local width,height = 210,375 x = x-width y = (y-height)/2 wndPlayers = guiCreateWindow(x,y,width,height,"شات الخاض", false) fond = guiCreateStaticImage(0.0405,0.0525,0.9189,0.9213,"image/mtalogo.png",true,wndPlayers) grdPlayers = guiCreateGridList(0.025,0.2065, 0.975,0.915, true, wndPlayers) colPlayers = guiGridListAddColumn(grdPlayers, "الاعبين", 0.85) local players = getElementsByType("player") for k,v in ipairs(players) do addPlayerToList(v) end guiSetProperty(fond,"Disabled","true") guiWindowSetSizable(wndPlayers, false) guiSetProperty(wndPlayers, "RollUpEnabled", "true") guiSetProperty(wndPlayers, "Dragable", "true") guiSetAlpha(wndPlayers, 0) -- create animations for it anims.plfadein = Animation.create(wndPlayers, Animation.presets.guiFadeIn(1000)) anims.plfadeout = Animation.create(wndPlayers, Animation.presets.guiFadeOut(1000)) anims.nmfadein = Animation.create(newmsg.img, Animation.presets.guiFadeIn(1000)) anims.nmfadeout = Animation.create(newmsg.img, Animation.presets.guiFadeOut(1000)) anims.nmtextin = Animation.create(newmsg.lbl, Animation.presets.guiFadeIn(1000)) anims.nmtextout = Animation.create(newmsg.lbl, Animation.presets.guiFadeOut(1000)) --[[ local x,y = guiGetPosition(newmsg.img) outputDebugString("guigetPostions: " ..tostring(x).." "..tostring(y)) local scrx,scry = guiGetScreenSize() anims.nmslidein = Animation.create(newmsg.img, Animation.presets.guiMove(x,y))--, 1000,false, scrx,scry, false)) anims.nmslideout = Animation.create(newmsg.img, Animation.presets.guiMove(scrx,scry))--, 1000,false, x,y, false)) ]] bindKey("F4", "down", togglePmGui) end function addPlayerToList(ply) --outputDebugString("addPlayerToList:" ..getPlayerName(ply)) local row = guiGridListAddRow(grdPlayers) local name = getPlayerName(ply) guiGridListSetItemText(grdPlayers,row,colPlayers, name, false, false) guiGridListSetItemColor (grdPlayers, row, colPlayers, math.random (0, 255), math.random (0, 255), math.random (0, 255) ) end function removePlayerFromList(ply) --outputDebugString("removePlayerFromList:" ..getPlayerName(ply)) local name=getPlayerName(ply) for row=0,guiGridListGetRowCount(grdPlayers) do if guiGridListGetItemText(grdPlayers, row, colPlayers) == name then guiGridListRemoveRow(grdPlayers, row) outputDebugString("remove row" ..tostring(row)) end end end function showPmGui(state) if state == true then anims.plfadein:play() for k,v in pairs(chat) do guiSetVisible(chat[k].wnd,true) end showCursor(true) elseif state == false then anims.plfadeout:play() for k,v in pairs(chat) do guiSetVisible(chat[k].wnd,false) end showCursor(false) guiSetInputEnabled(false) end end function togglePmGui() if not anims.plfadein:isPlaying() and not anims.plfadeout:isPlaying() then if guiGetAlpha(wndPlayers) > .1 then showPmGui(false) else showPmGui(true) end end end function buildChatWindow(ply) local x,y = guiGetScreenSize() local width,height = 500,350 x = x*.5 y = y*.5 chat[ply] = {} chat[ply].wnd = guiCreateWindow(337,277,395,252, getPlayerName(ply), false) chat[ply].img = guiCreateStaticImage(0.0228,0.0754,0.9544,0.8889,"image/shruk.png",true,chat[ply].wnd) chat[ply].memo = guiCreateMemo(0.043,0.1746,0.9089,0.623, "", true, chat[ply].wnd) chat[ply].edit = guiCreateEdit(0.043,0.8214,0.7089,0.1111, "", true, chat[ply].wnd) chat[ply].btnX = guiCreateButton(0.9215,0.0754,0.0557,0.0794, "x", true, chat[ply].wnd) chat[ply].btnSend = guiCreateButton(0.757,0.8135,0.2127,0.1429, "أرسل", true, chat[ply].wnd) guiSetProperty(chat[ply].img,"Disabled","true") guiMemoSetReadOnly(chat[ply].memo, true) guiWindowSetSizable(chat[ply].wnd, false) guiSetProperty(chat[ply].wnd, "RollUpEnabled", "true") guiSetProperty(chat[ply].wnd, "Dragable", "true") if anims.plfadein:isPlaying() then-- in process of fading in guiSetVisible(chat[ply].wnd, true) elseif anims.plfadeout:isPlaying() then -- in process of fading out guiSetVisible(chat[ply].wnd, false) else -- not in process of either if guiGetAlpha(wndPlayers) > .1 then guiSetVisible(chat[ply].wnd, true) -- is showing else guiSetVisible(chat[ply].wnd, false) -- isnt showing end end end function destroyChatWindow(ply) if chat[ply] and isElement(chat[ply].wnd) then destroyElement(chat[ply].wnd) chat[ply] = nil end end xNoSay = {"كس", "خنيث", "امك", "جرار", "اختك", "منيوك", "اختك", "طيز", "وصخ", "جدتك", "جدك", "حمار", "تبن", "يلعنك", "خرا", "زق", "كلب", "نقلع", "شرموط", "امك", "زبي", "ورع", "انيك", "ابوك", "اختك", "_!_", ":O", "سيرفر", "البحث", "توزيع", "مشرف", "بسيرفر", "اكتب", "آكتب", "حياكم", "حيااكم", "حيآكم", "لايفوتكم", "Q.5", "حصريات", "أكتب", ":O"} function sendChatMessage(ply) --outputDebugString("sendChatMessage: " .. tostring(ply)) if chat[ply] and isElement(chat[ply].wnd) then local newText = guiGetText(chat[ply].edit) if newText and string.len(newText) > 0 then local oldText = guiGetText(chat[ply].memo) if not oldText then oldText = "" end for k,v in ipairs (xNoSay) do if string.find(newText,v) then newText = '*** هذا الكلام ممنوع ^_^ ***' end end oldText = oldText .. getPlayerName(g_LocalPlayer) .. ": " .. newText .. "\n" guiSetText(chat[ply].memo, oldText) guiSetText(chat[ply].edit, "") guiMemoSetCaretIndex(chat[ply].memo, string.len(oldText)) triggerServerEvent("onGUIPrivateMessage", g_LocalPlayer, ply,newText) end end end function recieveChatMessage(ply, msg) --outputDebugString("recieveChatMessage: " .. msg) if not chat[ply] then buildChatWindow(ply) end = true newmsg.tick = getTickCount() ---guiSetText(newmsg.lbl, msg .. ": " .. getPlayerName(ply) .. "\n") outputChatBox("#FFFF00*[رسائل خاصه]: #AAAAAAلـ فتح الرسائل الخاصة [F4] أضغط #FF0000( " .. getPlayerName(ply) .. "#FF0000 ) #AAAAAAلديك رسالة جديدة من ",255,255,255,true) local sound = playSound("GatkResalh~.m4a",false) setSoundVolume(sound, 0.2) anims.nmfadein:play() anims.nmtextin:play() --anims.nmslidein:play() local oldText = guiGetText(chat[ply].memo) if not oldText then oldText = "" end oldText = oldText .. getPlayerName(ply) .. ": " .. msg .. "\n" guiSetText(chat[ply].memo, oldText) guiMemoSetCaretIndex(chat[ply].memo, string.len(oldText)) end event_resource_start = function(res) buildPlayerList() end event_resource_stop = function(res) unbindKey("F4", "down", togglePmGui) showPmGui(false) end event_player_nick = function() event_player_quit() event_player_join() end event_player_join = function() --outputDebugString("onClientPlayerJoin") addPlayerToList(source) end event_player_quit = function() --outputDebugString("onClientPlayerQuit") removePlayerFromList(source) destroyChatWindow(source) end event_gui_click = function(button, state, absx, absy) if button == "left" and state == "up" then if getElementType(source) == "gui-button" then local parent = getElementParent(source) if parent ~= false then local ply = getPlayerFromName(guiGetText(parent)) if ply then if source == chat[ply].btnX then destroyChatWindow(ply) guiSetInputEnabled(false) elseif source == chat[ply].btnSend then sendChatMessage(ply) guiSetInputEnabled(false) end end end elseif getElementType(source) == "gui-edit" then local parent = getElementParent(source) if parent ~= false then local ply = getPlayerFromName(guiGetText(parent)) if source == chat[ply].edit then guiSetInputEnabled(true) end end else guiSetInputEnabled(false) end end end event_gui_doubleclick = function(button, state, absx, absy) if button == "left" and state == "up" then if source == grdPlayers then local row, col = guiGridListGetSelectedItem(grdPlayers) --outputDebugString("double clicked row: "..tostring(row)) if row == -1 or col == -1 then return end local name = guiGridListGetItemText(grdPlayers, row, col) local ply = getPlayerFromName(name) if not chat[ply] then buildChatWindow(ply) end guiBringToFront(chat[ply].wnd) end end end event_gui_accepted = function(element) local parent = getElementParent(source) if parent ~= false then local ply = getPlayerFromName(guiGetText(parent)) if ply then if element == chat[ply].edit then sendChatMessage(ply) end end end end event_render = function() if == true then if getTickCount() > newmsg.tick + then anims.nmfadeout:play() anims.nmtextout:play() = false end end end addEvent("onPrivateChatSent", true) addEventHandler("onPrivateChatSent", g_Root, recieveChatMessage) addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", g_ResourceRoot, event_resource_start) addEventHandler("onClientResourceStop", g_ResourceRoot, event_resource_stop) addEventHandler("onClientGUIDoubleClick", g_ResourceRoot, event_gui_doubleclick) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", g_ResourceRoot, event_gui_click) addEventHandler("onClientGUIAccepted", g_ResourceRoot, event_gui_accepted) addEventHandler("onClientChangeNick", g_Root, event_player_nick) addEventHandler("onClientPlayerJoin", g_Root, event_player_join) addEventHandler("onClientPlayerQuit", g_Root, event_player_quit) addEventHandler("onClientRender", g_Root, event_render) ---server function SendMsgToPlayer (player,rePlaer,text) if rePlaer then -- نديرو تحقق للاعب local receiver = getPlayerFromName(rePlaer) -- نجيب الاعب من اسمه triggerClientEvent (receiver,"ReceiveMsg",receiver,getPlayerName(player),tostring(text)) -- نرجع الكلام الي جانا من الكلينت end end addEvent ("SendMsgToPlayer", true) addEventHandler ("SendMsgToPlayer", getRootElement(), SendMsgToPlayer) مش انت الي مدايره Link to comment
Vunili Posted October 13, 2016 Share Posted October 13, 2016 38 minutes ago, mahmod3 said: مش انت الي مدايره قال لقيته ما قال سويته zip صاحب الموضوع : تأكد ان الملف Link to comment
mahmod3 Posted October 13, 2016 Share Posted October 13, 2016 Just now, Dr. said: قال لقيته ما قال سويته zip صاحب الموضوع : تأكد ان الملف لو بيشوف الدي بق بيصير سهل انه يعرف المشكله Link to comment
Mohamed_king Posted October 13, 2016 Author Share Posted October 13, 2016 16 minutes ago, Dr. said: قال لقيته ما قال سويته zip صاحب الموضوع : تأكد ان الملف تمام Link to comment
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