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Some help over here please..


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function binds() -- let's start :D
text1 = guiGetText(edit[1])
text2 = guiGetText(edit[2])
text3 = guiGetText(edit[3])
text4 = guiGetText(edit[4])
text5 = guiGetText(edit[5])
text6 = guiGetText(edit[6])
text7 = guiGetText(edit[7])
text8 = guiGetText(edit[8])
if (text1 == text2) then
local slot = getPedWeaponSlot(lp)
if (slot == 2) then
setPedWeaponSlot(lp, 3)
bindKey(text2, "down", binds)
elseif (slot == 3) then
setPedWeaponSlot(lp, 2)
bindKey(text1, "down", binds)
addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", GUIEditor.button[1], binds)

I'm trying to do this, so the error is with bindKey(text1, "down", binds)

Since text1 will be equal to text2 the first argument of bindKey will be the same if it's text1 or text2 it's the same, but it says expect arguement at 1 nil value on debugscript 3, any helps thanks

lp is defined by getLocalPlayer() and everything is working even when pressing the GUIEditor.button[1] the functions works! but bindKey isnt working which is the most important!

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