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[LUA] Help with carhop script

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For those who don't know carhopping is opening an unlocked car and looting it (taking change and whatnot valuables people leave in their car), but not taking the car.

/spawn spawns an unlocked baitCar

when you enter any vehicle and that vehicle is a bait car, the player will freeze for 15 seconds, player will force exit, a message will say "Looting..." and a small amount of cash is handed to the player. My problem is the getPedOccupiedVehicle, it's getting the vehicle element instead of the player and im wondering why

function createBaitCar(player,command)
	baitCar = createVehicle(551, 2321, -1951 , 14,0,0,90)
	baitCarChance = 1
	if baitCarChance == 1 then
		setVehicleLocked(baitCar, false)
		outputChatBox("Created unlocked bait car.",player)
	elseif baitCarChance > 1 then
		setVehicleLocked(baitCar, true)
		outputChatBox("Created locked bait car.",player)

function carHop(vehicle,player)
	hoppedCar = getPedOccupiedVehicle(player)
	if hoppedCar == baitCar then

addCommandHandler("spawn", createBaitCar )
addEventHandler("onPlayerVehicleEnter", getRootElement(), carHop)
Edited by ReeferMadness
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