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After sending table over triggerEvent, handler function cannot call table's method functions

John Smith

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I am using this piece of code as a test example here:

Mother = {};
Mother.__index = Mother;


function Mother:new()

	local self = setmetatable( {}, Mother );

	self.type = "Mother";

	triggerEvent("onClientHandlerEvent", localPlayer, self);

	return self;


function handlerTable(theTable)
	outputDebugString(tostring(theTable:getProperty("type"))); -- attempt to call method :getProperty (a nil value)
addEventHandler("onClientHandlerEvent", root, handlerTable);

function Mother:getProperty(property)
	return self[property];

local myMother = Mother:new();
outputChatBox(tostring(myMother:getProperty("type"))); -- works


The issues that I'm having with this is that when I transfer the table with triggerEvent, function which handles that custom event cannot call any custom methods because apparently they're 'nil'.

Why is this happening? Is this a triggerEvent issue?

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24 minutes ago, Gravestone said:

I hope this works for you.

function handlerTable(theTable)
	local theTable = Mother:new();
	outputDebugString(tostring(theTable:getProperty("type"))); -- attempt to call method :getProperty (a nil value)
addEventHandler("onClientHandlerEvent", root, handlerTable);


You're using theTable as a function argument and then creating it below which is a leftover by the way, and the handler function is supposed to handle the table (aka recieve it), not create it.

However thank you for trying to help me out, but this isn't what I'm looking for


Well, this seems to be more an issue with triggerEvent, so you guys don't need to reply anything.

Edited by John Smith
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