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Collision shapes


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So, i would like to use a lot of collision shape for interactions (i don't like click on things). And my question is will it cause fps drops or low fps for the clients? I never used that much collision shapes. Any suggestion or experience?

I don't know now how many col shape will be exactly. Let's say 5000 or 10000

Edited by dugasz1
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Well, i looped throught 10 000:

for i=1,2500 do
    createColSphere(2496 + i,-1670,13, 2)
for i=1,2500 do
    createColSphere(2496 - i,-1670,13, 2)
for i=1,2500 do
    createColSphere(2496,-1670 + i,13, 2)
for i=1,2500 do
    createColSphere(2496,-1670 - i,13, 2)

And it's looks fine, uses ~0,25% CPU and 125kB memory (according to performancebrowser resource)
So, i guess it's will be oky?

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For what purpose so many colshapes?

Is it serverside? Because for every time you enter/exit an colshape, you will be sending this information to the server.

Also, colshapes are elements, your players might load less objects of custom maps, because of the streaming engine.


It will be ok because of the streaming engine(if colshapes can be streamed out???), but there is an 'impact' in your server. You will have to test it with multiple clients.


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I will use them to everything. Interacting with the 3d world for example if there is an atm, you don't need to click to the atm.

If the col shape created on server side the client will send infromation to the server when he/she hit/leave it? 
So if i don't want this unnecessary data transfer i should create them on client?

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1.Im pretty sure even 100000 collision shapes would not make your server/client lag.

2.If my logic serves me right. Collision shapes created on a client will trigger handler (callback) only on client side. And collisions created on server side only handler on a server. Since player has to send his information like position every few milliseconds to server server, server can perform its own check on server side so i dont think there would be additional data transfer.

Also sending information from client to server about triggering something does not make server eat all the network speed. Problems are syncing things like position, animation, speed, camera...Things that are sent each few milliseconds. Calling a simple trigger can not impact on any server with a decent network speed, specially since its download and not upload.

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