Gastonito Posted September 17, 2016 Share Posted September 17, 2016 Hello guys, i get this error too much in my server's console, can anyone help ? [20:37:18] ERROR: [Helps]/SAEGpolice/jail_server.lua:316: attempt to concatenate local 'id' (a boolean value) Link to comment
Wumbaloo Posted September 17, 2016 Share Posted September 17, 2016 Post your code. (jail_server_lua) Link to comment
_DrXenon Posted September 17, 2016 Share Posted September 17, 2016 Before posting the code, Prove that you have relation/connection to SAEG server else this is a leaked script. Link to comment
Gastonito Posted September 17, 2016 Author Share Posted September 17, 2016 On 17/09/2016 at 21:34, Wumbaloo said: Post your code. (jail_server_lua) Expand addEvent("onPlayerArrested") addEvent("onPlayerReleased") local jailLocations = {} local arrestedCrims = {} local cell = {1370.3150634766, -841.86193847656, 1185.9202880859} local zoneTables = { ["los santos"] = {1543.2390136719,-1676.0291748047,13.556066513062,0}, ["san fierro"] = {-1601.7484130859,722.07757568359,11.283002853394,0}, ["las venturas"] = {2289.6687011719,2423.37890625,10.8203125,0}, ["flint county"] = {-550.44763183594,-1006.8661499023,24.081153869629,0}, ["whetstone"] = {-2163.6845703125,-2387.5734863281,30.625,0}, ["red county"] = {633.32086181641,-571.38275146484,16.3359375,0}, ["tierra robada"] = {-1417.8824462891,2631.4116210938,55.8359375,0}, ["bone county"] = {-206.83717346191,981.92529296875,19.221559524536,0}, ["unknown"] = {-206.83717346191,981.92529296875,19.221559524536,0} } local prisonCells = { {1382.9124755859,-865.97760009766,1181.7562255859}, {1379.3326416016,-866.18615722656,1181.7562255859}, {1374.9655761719,-866.15270996094,1181.7562255859}, {1371.0844726563,-865.92327880859,1181.7562255859}, {1367.1547851563,-865.70574951172,1181.7562255859}, {1363.0505371094,-866.38110351563,1181.7562255859}, {1359.2626953125,-865.60180664063,1181.7562255859}, {1355.2829589844,-865.80017089844,1181.7562255859}, {1351.6278076172,-865.64959716797,1181.7562255859}, {1347.3681640625,-865.76251220703,1181.7562255859}, } function arrestCrim(crim,cop,message,message2,spawned) if crim and getPlayerTeam(crim) then if not arrestedCrims[crim] then if not spawned then if getElementData(crim,"jailed") then return end end setElementData(crim, "jailed", true) arrestedCrims[crim] = true local crimWanted = getWantedLevel(crim) local jailTime = crimWanted * 6 if getElementData(crim, "surrender.lesstime") then jailTime = jailTime * 0.50 toggleAllControls(crim, true) setElementData(crim,"surrender.lesstime",false) end if cop then local money = 2000 + (crimWanted * 1000) exports.SAEGcommands:giveMoney(cop,money) end setInsideJail(crim,jailTime,crimWanted,adminjail) setInJail(crim,true) removePedFromVehicle(crim) takeAllWeapons(crim) triggerEvent("onPlayerArrested",root,crim,cop) if message then exports.SAEGcommands:sendMessage(message, 6,10,103, false, false, true) end if message2 then exports.SAEGcommands:sendMessage(message2,80,155,130,crim) end end end end addEvent("arrestCrim",true) addEventHandler("arrestCrim",root,arrestCrim) function setInsideJail(crim,jailTime,wanted,adminjail) fadeCamera(crim,false) tempweapons = {} w = getWantedLevel(crim) local username = getElementData(crim,"username") triggerClientEvent(crim,"startJailCounter",crim,jailTime) setTimer(warpPlayerToCell, 1000, 1, crim,cell,true,wanted,adminjail) end function math.round(number, decimals, method) decimals = decimals or 0 local factor = 10 ^ decimals if (method == "ceil" or method == "floor") then return math[method](number * factor) / factor else return tonumber(("%."..decimals.."f"):format(number)) end end function warpPlayerToCell(crim,place,tojail,wanted,adminjail) if crim and isElement(crim) then arrestedCrims[crim] = nil local newDim if tojail then -- if he is sent to jail local x,y,z = getElementPosition(crim) local zone = getZoneName(x,y,z,true) local zTable = zoneTables[zone:lower()] jailLocations[crim] = zTable newDim = 0 setElementHealth(crim, 100) -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - local randCell = math.random(#prisonCells); local X,Y,Z = prisonCells[randCell][1], prisonCells[randCell][2], prisonCells[randCell][3] setElementPosition(crim, X, Y, Z) setPedSkin(crim, 312) toggleControl(crim, "jump", false) else -- released from jail newDim = 0 setElementInterior(crim, 0, place[1], place[2], place[3]) jailLocations[crim] = nil if theBlip and isElement(theBlip) then setElementVisibleTo(theBlip,root,true) end toggleControl(crim, "jump", true) end setElementDimension(crim, newDim) end end function playerGetReleased() -- source is crim if getElementType(source) == "player" then local injail = getInJail(source) if injail == true then toggleControl(crim, "jump", true) local spawn = jailLocations[source] or zoneTables["los santos"] setTimer(warpPlayerToCell,1000,1,source,spawn,false) triggerEvent("onPlayerReleased",getRootElement(),source) triggerClientEvent("onClientPlayerReleased",source) exports.SAEGcommands:sendMessage(getPlayerName(source).." has been realeased from Prison.",0,255,0, false, false, true) setWantedLevel(source,0) setElementData(source, "jailed", false) setInJail(source,false) -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- setElementPosition(source, jailLocations[source][1], jailLocations[source][2], jailLocations[source][3]) jailLocations[source] = nil end end end addEvent("onPlayerGetReleased", true) addEventHandler("onPlayerGetReleased", root, playerGetReleased) -- JAILBREAKS OMG local vert1 = {1344.802734375,-864.62359619141,1185.9268798828} local vert2 = {1344.8363037109,-866.92114257813,1185.9268798828} local w = vert2[1] - vert1[1] local h = vert2[2] - vert1[2] local d = vert2[3] - vert1[3] prisonCol = createColCuboid(vert1[1], vert1[2], vert1[3], w, h, d) setElementDimension(prisonCol, 0) setElementInterior(prisonCol, 0) function playerEnterJail(element,dimension) if element and dimension and getElementType(element) == "player" then local team = getPlayerTeam(element) if team and not (copTeams[getTeamName(team)] or getInJail(element)) then -- the player who entered jail area isn't a cop exports.SAEGcommands:sendMessage("*JAIL* You are have entered the jail.",255,255,255,element) if (texthasdisplayed == nil) then texthasdisplayed = true exports.SAEGpolice:alertPolice("*SAEG Prison* There is a criminal breach in the prison, all units respond!") setTimer(rePrintText, 15000, 1) end modifyWantedLevel(element, 10) elseif copTeams[getTeamName(team)] and getTeamName(team) == "Police" then if isPedInVehicle(element) then blowVehicle(getPedOccupiedVehicle(element)) end if not isPedDead(element) then killPed(element) end exports.SAEGcommands:sendMessage("*SAEG Prison* You are not allowed to enter the jail as a cop. Leave its defense to the army.",255,255,255,element) end end end function playerLeaveSmallJailArea(element,dimension) if element and dimension and getElementType(element) == "player" then if getTeamName(getPlayerTeam(element)) == "Admin" then setInJail(element, 0) setElementData(element, "jailed", false) end -- it's important to use element data here if ( getElementData(element,"jailed") and not (getTeamName(getPlayerTeam(element)) == "Admin" or isPedDead(element)) ) then -- player was in jail if isElementWithinColShape(element,JailColShape) and not isElementWithinColShape(element,CellsColShape) and not isElementWithinColShape(element,CellsYardColShape) then local curWanted = getWantedLevel(element) or 0 local newWanted = tonumber(curWanted)+10 if newWanted > 36 then newWanted = 36 elseif newWanted < 0 then newWanted = 0 end setWantedLevel(element,newWanted) jailLocations[element] = nil for k,v in ipairs({"fire","enter_exit","action","crouch","next_weapon","previous_weapon"}) do toggleControl(element,v,true) end triggerEvent("onPlayerReleased",root,element) triggerClientEvent( element, "onClientPlayerReleased", element) setInJail(element,0) setElementData(element, "jailed", false) local blip = getBlipAttachedToPlayer(element) if blip then setElementVisibleTo(blip,root,true) end exports.SAEGcommands:sendMessage("You have n out from the Los Santos Prison!",100,100,255, element, false) exports.SAEGPolice:alertPolice( getPlayerName(element).." has broken out from the Los Santos Prison!" ) --[[elseif isElementWithinColShape(element,JailColShape) and not (isElementWithinColShape(element,deJailColShape1) or isElementWithinColShape(element,deJailColShape2)) then modifyWantedLevel(element,20) jailLocations[element] = nil for k,v in ipairs({"fire","enter_exit","action","crouch","next_weapon","previous_weapon"}) do toggleControl(element,v,true)]]-- else if isElementWithinColShape(element,JailColShape) and isElementWithinColShape(element,CellsYardColShape) and isElementWithinColShape(element,CellsColShape) then local curWanted = getWantedLevel(element) or 0 local newWanted = tonumber(curWanted)+5 if newWanted > 36 then newWanted = 36 elseif newWanted < 0 then newWanted = 0 end setWantedLevel(element,newWanted) -- 5 stars for a try. exports.SAEGcommands:sendMessage("You have left your cell! Police have been alarmed!",100,100,255, element ) if (texthasdisplayed == nil) then texthasdisplayed = true exports.SAEGPolice:alertPolice("Some of the Prisoners in LS Prison have left their cells, respond immediately!") setTimer(rePrintText, 15000, 1) end end end --[[ triggerEvent("onPlayerReleased",root,element) triggerClientEvent( element, "onClientPlayerReleased", element) setInJail(element,0) setElementData(element, "jailed", false) local blip = getBlipAttachedToPlayer(element) if blip then setElementVisibleTo(blip,root,true) end exports.SAEGcommands:sendMessage(getPlayerName(element).." has broken out from the Los Santos Prison!",100,100,255, element, false) exports.SAEGPolice:alertPolice( getPlayerName(element).." has broken out from the Los Santos Prison!" ) ]]-- end end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerWasted", root, function() if getElementData(source,"jailed") then setElementData(source,"jailed",false) end end ) addEventHandler("onColShapeHit",OutSideYarColShape,playerEnterPrisonsYardArea) addEventHandler("onColShapeHit",JailColShape,playerEnterPrisonsArea) addEventHandler("onColShapeHit",CellsColShape,playerEnterPrisonsArea) addEventHandler("onColShapeHit",CellsYardColShape,playerLeaveSmallJailArea) addEventHandler("onColShapeLeave",CellsColShape,playerLeaveSmallJailArea) function rePrintText() texthasdisplayed = nil end --[[ Doesn't make sense with the new jail function playerVehicleEscape( enteringPlayer ) if ( getInJail(enteringPlayer) ) then -- player was in jail if (not jailLocations[element] == nil) then jailLocations[element] = nil end for k,v in ipairs({"fire","enter_exit","action","crouch","next_weapon","previous_weapon"}) do toggleControl(enteringPlayer,v,true) end triggerEvent("onPlayerReleased",root,enteringPlayer) triggerClientEvent( enteringPlayer, "onClientPlayerReleased", enteringPlayer) modifyWantedLevel(enteringPlayer,5) local blip = getBlipAttachedToPlayer(enteringPlayer) if blip then setElementVisibleTo(blip,root,true) end end end addEventHandler("onVehicleEnter", getRootElement(), playerVehicleEscape) ]]-- function wardenWeaponTake( leaveElement ) if ( getElementType( leaveElement ) == "player" ) then if ( getElementData( leaveElement, "class" ) == "Prison Warden" ) then takeAllWeapons( leaveElement ) end end end function wardenWeaponGive( hitElement ) if ( getElementType ( hitElement ) == "player" ) then if ( getElementData( hitElement, "class" ) == "Prison Warden" ) then giveWeapon( hitElement, 3, 1) giveWeapon( hitElement, 41, 500) giveWeapon( hitElement, 31, 1000) end end end addEventHandler( "onColShapeHit", JailColShape, wardenWeaponGive ) addEventHandler( "onColShapeLeave", JailColShape, wardenWeaponTake ) function fadePlayerIn(crim) if crim then if isElement(crim) then fadeCamera(crim,true) end end end function resetCrimOnQuit() jailLocations[source] = nil end addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", root, resetCrimOnQuit) function storeJailTime() if getElementData(source, 'SAEGPolice.jailTimer') ~= nil then local id = getElementData(source, 'id') outputDebugString("ID: ".. id) outputDebugString("TD: ".. getTimerDetails( getElementData(source, 'RPGPolice.jailTimer') ) ) local timeInJail,_,_ = getTimerDetails(getElementData(source, 'SAEGPolice.jailTimer')) executeSQLCreateTable("quitTimerJail","id INTEGER, timeLeftInJail INTEGER") executeSQLInsert("quitTimerJail","'""','"..timeInJail.."'") end end addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", root, storeJailTime) function getBlipAttachedToPlayer(player) if player and isElement(player) then local attachedElements = getAttachedElements(player) for k,v in ipairs(getAttachedElements(player)) do if getElementType(v) == "blip" then return v -- no break needed end end -- if it didn't return there return false end end addEvent("takeAll",true) addEventHandler("takeAll",getRootElement(),function() if isElement(source) then takeAllWeapons(source) end end) function saveJailTimer(timeInJail,id) outputDebugString("!") if id and timeInJail then outputDebugString(""..timeInJail) outputDebugString("" local result = executeSQLSelect("quitTimerJail", "id, quitTimer", "id = '""'", 1) if result and #result > 0 then outputDebugString("Olsd timer"..timeInJail) return else executeSQLInsert("quitTimerJail","'""','"..timeInJail.."'") end end end addEvent("saveJailTimer",true) addEventHandler("saveJailTimer",root,saveJailTimer) On 17/09/2016 at 22:37, SuperCroz said: Before posting the code, Prove that you have relation/connection to SAEG server else this is a leaked script. Expand Sure dude, ask me any question private or come ingame if u want me to proove that for u ...... Link to comment
Gravestone Posted September 18, 2016 Share Posted September 18, 2016 If you're the owner of this code, then you'll obviously know how to fix it yourself. Link to comment
Gastonito Posted September 18, 2016 Author Share Posted September 18, 2016 (edited) On 18/09/2016 at 11:07, Gravestone said: If you're the owner of this code, then you'll obviously know how to fix it yourself. Expand OMG DUDE I AM THE FKING OWNER !!! Check this forum and and contact the owner, his profile is *-* and then u will see that it is me ffs ..... Edited September 18, 2016 by Angel02 Link to comment
Syntrax# Posted September 18, 2016 Share Posted September 18, 2016 Sorry but this is like every other server. They are making use of the WSS police script, it's pretty obviously that this guy is making usage of the leaked WSS scripts.So don't expect any help from me.If you need help with something make sure you aren't asking them to fix things in leaked scripts, and as server owner it's required that you know how to script incase something goes wrong. I consider this topic useless since you are requesting us to fix a leaked WSS script Link to comment
Gastonito Posted September 18, 2016 Author Share Posted September 18, 2016 On 18/09/2016 at 11:45, Syntrax# said: Sorry but this is like every other server. They are making use of the WSS police script, it's pretty obviously that this guy is making usage of the leaked WSS scripts.So don't expect any help from me.If you need help with something make sure you aren't asking them to fix things in leaked scripts, and as server owner it's required that you know how to script incase something goes wrong. I consider this topic useless since you are requesting us to fix a leaked WSS script Expand OH rly ? WSS script and bugged ? ........ Link to comment
Syntrax# Posted September 18, 2016 Share Posted September 18, 2016 On 18/09/2016 at 13:45, Angel02 said: OH rly ? WSS script and bugged ? ........ Expand Yes it's obviously WSSpolice, Considering your scripting knowledge it's pretty clear that this is a leaked script nad you are just claiming that this is yours. And it's not bugged it's a quick simple fix, if you aren't able to fix this how did you create the script at all Link to comment
Dealman Posted September 18, 2016 Share Posted September 18, 2016 If you can't even comprehend such a simple error message, I sincerely doubt this is a script of yours. Most of us on these forums love to help out, but when you're using a leaked script and outright lie about it to our face when it's blatantly obvious - that's a no-no. Link to comment
EstrategiaGTA Posted September 18, 2016 Share Posted September 18, 2016 Use tostring(id), like this: outputDebugString("ID: "..tostring(id)) Link to comment
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