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20 hours ago, Simple01 said:

Add that feature to it :P Make a list of questions, when it's choosed encrypt the choosed one and then when it's called on the server compare the md5 hash key's from the list with the choosed one by the user.

This indeed, but don't use MD5 since it isn't really safe anymore use Sha 512 for example ;)

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5 hours ago, Nickernator said:

Good good, was just making sure. Since I have seen before that people encrypted everything in MD5, and then database gets leaked and all the data was just gone with thanks to:


Or any other md5 decrypter :P

You cannot decrypt md5, you can just try to brute-force it by guessing it's original content and seeing if your guess' md5 and original md5 are the same

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The most obvious method of doing a 'Forgotten my password' feature would be:

  1. From the MTA server, use callRemote to trigger a PHP script
  2. From the PHP script, send an email containing a link (to another PHP script) to the user's email address
  3. When the link is clicked, using the other PHP script, reset the password
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