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[Help]Moving objects


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Hi, i made a move object script with OMG(object movement generator) and i created a file.lua and put the name in meta.xml but in the game the object doesn't exist!(and not move) 

i wrote /debugscript 3


function omg_plat1()
  plat1 = createObject(3095, 3052.1999511719, -973.59997558594, 1.6000000238419, 0, 0, 0)
  plat1Attach1 = createObject(3498, 3044, -973.40002441406, 1.5, 0, 90, 0)
  attachElements(plat1Attach1, plat1, -8.1999511719, 0.1999511718775, -0.1000000238419, 0, 90, 0)
  plat1Attach2 = createObject(3095, 3056.1999511719, -973.59997558594, -2.4000000953674, 0, 90, 0)
  attachElements(plat1Attach2, plat1, 3.999999999975, 2.5011104298756e-012, -4.0000001192093, 0, 90, 0)
  plat1Attach3 = createObject(3095, 3052.1999511719, -977.59997558594, -2.4000000953674, 90, 0, 0)
  attachElements(plat1Attach3, plat1, -2.5011104298756e-011, -3.9999999999975, -4.0000001192093, 90, 0, 0)
  plat1Attach4 = createObject(3095, 3052.1999511719, -969.59997558594, -2.4000000953674, 270, 0, 0)
  attachElements(plat1Attach4, plat1, -2.5011104298756e-011, 4.0000000000025, -4.0000001192093, -90, 0, 0)
outputChatBox("#FF3300Se inicio el moveObject", 255, 255, 255, true)
function omgMoveplat1(point)
  if point == 1 then
    moveObject(plat1, 3000, 3052.2001953125, -945.40002441406, 1.6000000238419, 0, 0, 0)
    setTimer(omgMoveplat1, 3000+500, 1, 2)
  elseif point == 2 then
    moveObject(plat1, 3000, 3052.1999511719, -973.59997558594, 1.6000000238419, 0, 0, 0)
    setTimer(omgMoveplat1, 3000+500, 1, 1)

addEventHandler("onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), omg_plat1)


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3 hours ago, Akenture said:
  • function omg_plat1()
  • plat1 = createObject(3095, 3052.1999511719, -973.59997558594, 1.6000000238419, 0, 0, 0)
  • plat1Attach1 = createObject(3498, 3044, -973.40002441406, 1.5, 0, 90, 0)
  • attachElements(plat1Attach1, plat1, -8.1999511719, 0.1999511718775, -0.1000000238419, 0, 90, 0)
  • plat1Attach2 = createObject(3095, 3056.1999511719, -973.59997558594, -2.4000000953674, 0, 90, 0)
  • attachElements(plat1Attach2, plat1, 3.999999999975, 2.5011104298756e-012, -4.0000001192093, 0, 90, 0)
  • plat1Attach3 = createObject(3095, 3052.1999511719, -977.59997558594, -2.4000000953674, 90, 0, 0)
  • attachElements(plat1Attach3, plat1, -2.5011104298756e-011, -3.9999999999975, -4.0000001192093, 90, 0, 0)
  • plat1Attach4 = createObject(3095, 3052.1999511719, -969.59997558594, -2.4000000953674, 270, 0, 0)
  • attachElements(plat1Attach4, plat1, -2.5011104298756e-011, 4.0000000000025, -4.0000001192093, -90, 0, 0)
  • omgMoveplat1(1)
  • end

This function is not being handled. Add an event handler to it or try this:

function omg_plat1()
plat1 = createObject(3095, 3052.1999511719, -973.59997558594, 1.6000000238419, 0, 0, 0)
plat1Attach1 = createObject(3498, 3044, -973.40002441406, 1.5, 0, 90, 0)
attachElements(plat1Attach1, plat1, -8.1999511719, 0.1999511718775, -0.1000000238419, 0, 90, 0)
plat1Attach2 = createObject(3095, 3056.1999511719, -973.59997558594, -2.4000000953674, 0, 90, 0)
attachElements(plat1Attach2, plat1, 3.999999999975, 2.5011104298756e-012, -4.0000001192093, 0, 90, 0)
plat1Attach3 = createObject(3095, 3052.1999511719, -977.59997558594, -2.4000000953674, 90, 0, 0)
attachElements(plat1Attach3, plat1, -2.5011104298756e-011, -3.9999999999975, -4.0000001192093, 90, 0, 0)
plat1Attach4 = createObject(3095, 3052.1999511719, -969.59997558594, -2.4000000953674, 270, 0, 0)
attachElements(plat1Attach4, plat1, -2.5011104298756e-011, 4.0000000000025, -4.0000001192093, -90, 0, 0)
setTimer(omg_plat1, 1000, 1)


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7 hours ago, Dealman said:

Could you show your meta file? Do note that onResourceStart is a server-sided event and as such, you need to make sure the script is listed as a server-sided script in the meta.

    <file src="archivos/vgshseing28.txd"></file>
    <file src="archivos/vgncarshade1.txd"></file>
    <script src="objetos.lua" type="client"></script> --txd loader
	<script src="trampas.lua" type="client"></script> --there is the moveObject
    <script src="trial.lua" type="client"></script>
    <info gamemodes="race" type="map" version="1.0.0"></info>
    <map src="akentureV5.map" dimension="0"></map>
        <setting name="#skins" value='[ &quot;cj&quot; ]'></setting>
        <setting name="#maxplayers" value="[ 128 ]"></setting>
        <setting name="#useLODs" value="[ false ]"></setting>
        <setting name="#gamespeed" value="[ 1 ]"></setting>
        <setting name="#ghostmode" value='[ &quot;false&quot; ]'></setting>
        <setting name="#time" value="5:30"></setting>
        <setting name="#vehicleweapons" value='[ &quot;false&quot; ]'></setting>
        <setting name="#minplayers" value="[ 0 ]"></setting>
        <setting name="#respawntime" value="[ 5 ]"></setting>
        <setting name="#gravity" value="[ 0.0080000004 ]"></setting>
        <setting name="#waveheight" value="[ 0 ]"></setting>
        <setting name="#weather" value="[ 0 ]"></setting>
        <setting name="#locked_time" value="[ true ]"></setting>
        <setting name="#duration" value="[ 1800 ]"></setting>
        <setting name="#respawn" value='[ &quot;timelimit&quot; ]'></setting>
    <script src="mapEditorScriptingExtension_s.lua" type="server"></script>
    <script src="mapEditorScriptingExtension_c.lua" type="client" validate="false"></script>


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6 hours ago, Gravestone said:

This function is not being handled. Add an event handler to it or try this:

That function is being handled, but the event handler is at the bottom of the script. :)

28 minutes ago, Akenture said:

<script src="trampas.lua" type="client"></script> --there is the moveObject


There's your problem, as I already told you it needs to be set as a server script. Because you're using the event onResourceStart which is server only.

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Thanks guys worked fine

now i have another problem :(

when i add a CreateMarker (i think is that) the rest of the script don't work i don't know why

when add this script(i edited xyz of the createmarker)

-- change the marker's coordinates, its size and text which will be displayed
local marker = createMarker(x, y, z,"corona", size, 0, 0, 0, 0)
local Text = "TEXT_HERE"
local size = 2
local text_duration = 5 -- seconds
local animation_speed = 1000
local scaling_speed = 0.015

-- Don't change anything below
local tick = getTickCount()
local time, t_duration = 0, 0
local sx, sy = guiGetScreenSize()

function onRender()
progress = (getTickCount() - tick)
tick = getTickCount()
time = time + progress

if DisplayText and DisplayText ~= nil then
dxDrawText(""..DisplayText.."", sx / 2, 200, sx / 2, 200, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), size, "pricedown", "center", "center", false, false, true, true, false)
if time > animation_speed then
time = 0
t_duration = t_duration + 1
if t_duration%2 == 0 then
size = size + scaling_speed*
size = size - scaling_speed
if t_duration >= text_duration then
addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", getRootElement(), onRender)

function onMarker (player)
if player == getLocalPlayer() and isPedInVehicle(player) then
if source == marker then
DisplayText = Text
tick = getTickCount()

addEventHandler("onClientMarkerHit", getRootElement(), onMarker)

function resetStrings()
DisplayText = nil
size = 2
time = 0
t_duration = 0


Edited by Akenture
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