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Use function from another file in the script


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I have a script that contains 2 client files, let's assume they are called scriptClient1.lua and scriptClient2.lua

I created a function in scriptClient2.lua and want to use this function in scriptClient1.lua without exporting it in the meta..

is that possible ? and how ?

Edited by SparkzZ
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If it's not local function and is on the same side then yes you can call it. same thing with variables because  every lua file in a resource is a code block, that can have it's local (variables/functions).  if it's not local in this code block it become accessible in other lua files in the same resource. Note:  local variables have a scope limited to the block where they are declared  so outside of that block they are either nil or have some other value if defined.


local function test() -- local function
local variable = "Hello" -- local variable
function test() -- Global function
variable = "Hello" -- Global variable


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