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Using SQLite


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Hello everyone. I am creating something to save team kills when the resource stops. The kills are successfully saved but I want to load them when resource starts back, I mean the db is connected and sets the element (team) data to which it had before the resource had stopped.

The coloumn in which the kills are stored is known as "Kills" and where the team name is before that column named "teamname".

I tried this:

addEventHandler("onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), 
    function () 
        for i, team in ipairs(getElementsByType("team")) do 
        local name = getTeamName(team) 
        local data = getTeamData(name) 
        setElementData(team, "Kills", data) 
function getTeamData(team) 
    local results = dbPoll( dbQuery( connection, "SELECT * FROM claninfo WHERE teamname = ?", teamname), -1 ) 
    if type(results) == "table" and #results == 0 or not results then 
        return false 
        return results[2]["Kills"] 

Error: it is returning false

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Alright so now I want to get all the data in the database even if the team doesn't exist. Table name: teaminfo Colum1: kills

I load the team data when the resource starts but how do I load the data for the teams who don't exist but they were saved when the resource stopped?

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addEventHandler("onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), 
function () 
    for i, team in ipairs(getElementsByType("team")) do 
        local name = getTeamName(team) 
        local data = getTeamData(name) 
        if data ~= false then 
            setElementData(team, "Kills", data) 
function getTeamData(team) 
    local results = dbPoll( dbQuery( connection, "SELECT * FROM claninfo WHERE teamname = ?", team), -1 ) 
    if type(results) == "table" and #results == 0 or not results then 
        return false 
        return results[2]["Kills"] 

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If they're would been saved, they would exist. Explain better what are you tring to do, please.

I'm trying to say that two teams exist in the server, Ballas and Grove. I destroy one team by /destroyteam Grove so now only Ballas exists. I want to load the data for Grove as well and output it to the chatbox, how do I?

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function getTeams()
    local results = dbPoll( dbQuery( connection, "SELECT * FROM teaminfo WHERE teamname = ?"), -1 )
    if type(results) == "table" and #results == 0 or not results then
        return false
        return results[1]["teamname"]
function doo()
	local names =  getTeams()
	for i, v in ipairs(names) do
addCommandHandler("teams", doo)

Tried this but the returns of the getTeams function are false even tho the table name is teaminfo and column name is teamname.

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local results = dbPoll( dbQuery( connection, "SELECT * FROM teaminfo WHERE teamname = ?", Added team name here ), -1 ) -- added the team name

Or try to use something like this .

function getTeams()
  local data = dbPoll(dbQuery(connection,"SELECT * FROM teaminfo"), -1)
  return data

function doo(player)
	local names =  getTeams()
	if names then 
		for i, v in ipairs(names) do
addCommandHandler("teams", doo)


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