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I was on that NFS:SA server. (How don't know they wrote a Need for Speed mod with visual tuning included. So, you can paint things on the car.)

I need something similar but how can i do it?

I guess i will need a model's texture file and another png file mix it (with dx i guess) but as far as i see the only solution to change only one model's texture it's engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture but it need a shader for it and i know nothing about shadders.

Can someone tell me some advices/idea how can i do it or link/write an example for me(i tried to find an example but i couldn't find)?

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  • 1 month later...

You'll have to use shaders. I'm quite curious about making something like this myself as I'm working on my server again.

I don't think there's too many around this forum that know how to work with HLSL shaders, I've tried some in the past but I think I'd have better success with rocket science. :P But to name a few you have @Ren_712 and @Sam@ke.

Ren has helped me a fair bit in the past, so if you contact him(or he sees this) he might be able to offer some more input as to how it works.

Meanwhile, I'd suggest you do some research about how HLSL shaders work - look up some simple examples and play around with them.

Edited by Dealman
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Little did I know the shaders page actually had an example of exactly what you need. The one you should be taking a look at it is called "UV Scripted". I went ahead and threw together a small example for you. You can download it here.

Do bare in mind that this is very basic and is merely to give you an idea as to how it would work. Usage is simple, start the resource, get in a car and type /apply. Use F3 to toggle cursor on/off.

I will be playing around with this later myself once I've had some sleep, I'll have to figure out how to disable the tiling and that stuff. :)

Edit: Good lord is this website being slow today or what D:

Edited by Dealman
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