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output screen size on player connect


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HI! I am trying to output the player screen size who connected. I have 2 problems: my first problem is that it's also out putting a chatbox for other players (players who not connected), and the second problem is that it's local, so other players cant see the outputchatbox of the connected player:/


function outPutScreenResolution() 
triggerClientEvent("outPutScreen", source) 
addEventHandler ("onPlayerConnect", getRootElement(), outPutScreenResolution) 


function outPutScreen_client() 
local x,y = guiGetScreenSize() 
addEvent("outPutScreen", true) 
addEventHandler("outPutScreen", getRootElement(), outPutScreen_client) 

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You can't use onPlayerConnect (it's when player attempts to connect). The client script will never be loaded and therefore triggerClientEvent won't make it to client side. But why do you need onPlayerConnect?

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Use onPlayerJoin instead.


function outPutScreen() 
    local x,y = guiGetScreenSize() 
addEvent("outPutScreen", true) 
addEventHandler("outPutScreen", getRootElement(), outPutScreen) 


function outPutScreenResolution() 
triggerClientEvent("outPutScreen", source) 
addEventHandler ("onPlayerJoin", root, outPutScreenResolution) 

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ohh really lol. Well i created the script with onCLientPlayerJoin, but it has the same bug:

outputchatbox is not synced, but i added root:/

other problem is that its out putting a chatbox for every player, and i want only to out put the chat box for the player who joined

function outputScreenSize() 
local x,y = guiGetScreenSize(source) 
outputChatBox ( x.. "x" ..y, 255,255,255 ) 
addEventHandler("onClientPlayerJoin", getRootElement(), outputScreenSize) 

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Your issue is with onClientPlayerJoin: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/OnClientPlayerJoin

As stated on the wiki all players except the source player will have the event triggered which is why everybody but you is seeing the text.

Try using this: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/On ... ourceStart

onClientResourceStart is triggered when the player first loads the client file (so pretty much seconds after they join or when the resource is restarted).

function outputScreenSize(res) 
    if res == getThisResource() then 
        local x,y = guiGetScreenSize(getLocalPlayer()) 
        outputChatBox ( x.. "x" ..y, 255,255,255 ) 
addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", getRootElement(), outputScreenSize) 

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