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[Help] addEventHandler question


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Hello !

So maybe you will think I'm stupide but I have a basic question ...

I try to make something like this : server -> client -> server.

Show that :

-- first : Server 
function perceporte2(source) 
pos1,pos2,pos3 = getElementPosition(source) 
perceporteobject = createObject(3031,pos1,pos2,pos3) 
triggerClientEvent("perceporteson2",source, pos1,pos2,pos3) 
addCommandHandler("perceporte2", perceporte2) 

-- second : Client 
addEvent("perceporteson2", true) 
function perceporteson2(a,b,c) 
local perceporteson = playSound3D("perce-porte.wav",a,b,c,true) 
setTimer( function(a) 
end, 1000,1,perceporteson) 
addEventHandler("perceporteson2", getRootElement(),perceporteson2) 

-- third : Server 
function portelocked2() 
addEventHandler("portelocked2", getRootElement(), portelocked2) 

It's not exactly what I want to make but it's the idea so, don't say me : "Just make the commandHandler in client script." :D

Ok, the script work but ... When there is two players ...


So someone could explain me ? Please :roll:

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Make a table for the object each player.


perceporteobject = {} -- place this on top of the script 
--Then instead of perceporteobject on line 5, it should be 
perceporteobject[source] = createObject(...) -- store createObject for said player to the table 
--and then to destroy it 
if isElement(perceporteobject[source]) then 

Edited by Guest
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