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Minimizing or alt-tabbing takes like 5 seconds

John Smith


Hello. I've recently installed MTA on new SSD (Windows 10 Pro) and I've noticed that when i alt-tab or click windows button, it takes around 5 seconds for blackness to disappear and then it finally gets minimized to desktop or other window.

I've had issue like this with earlier version of MTA and usually it would be because of some setting, but I don't remember which.

Normally when you alt-tab it's instant, but I gotta wait 5 seconds or more for MTA to minimize and it's kinda annoying :D

I'd post a MTADiag log here, but I cannot download it from files.mtasa.com link as it gives me SSL Error (Connection not secure)

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Thanks, it worked but,

now the brightness setting doesn't have any effect and mta looks too dark, is there anything i can do about it? before moving to ssd i had fullscreen set to standard and alt-tabbing worked instantly..


I tried comparing how brightness looks in Fullscreen Standard and Borderless and it seems that brightness in Video section of settings doesn't affect the mta menu at all, and at Borderless setting the mta menu gets really darkened unnaturally


I realised disabling anti-aliasing fixes the issue so my brightness is like it should be, and it minimizes instantly (now its at Fullscreen Standard)

However, is there a reason why anti-aliasing causes this?

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