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Short lua question


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Hey guys!

Is there a way to get "source Function" ?

Like this

-- in timer now we can get his source by sourceTimer 
setTimer(function () outputChatBox("1") killTimer(sourceTimer) end, 1000, 5) 
-- and it will outputChatBox only once 

And the question is:

Can we get the function variable without a name like this

addEventHandler("onPlayerClick",some player, function (button,state) 
if button == "left" and state == "down" then 
outputChatBox("you triggered the event only once! u can't do it anymore!") 
removeEventHandler(eventName,source,sourceFunction) -- here is what i want to know 

Because it would be faster way to use.

Waiting for some help! :)

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Maybe like this?

removeEventHandler(eventName, source, handlerFunction) 

Wiki says

handlerFunction: The handler function you wish to call when the event is triggered. This function will be passed all of the event's parameters as arguments, but it isn't required that it takes all of them.

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Did you try it like this?

local sourceTimer = setTimer(function () outputChatBox("1") killTimer(sourceTimer) end, 1000, 5) 

Or rather use this:

local sourceTimer 
function someFunction() 
    sourceTimer = setTimer(timerFunction, 1000, 5) 
function timerFunction() 

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Did you try it like this?
local sourceTimer = setTimer(function () outputChatBox("1") killTimer(sourceTimer) end, 1000, 5) 

That won't work, but this might:

local sourceTimer 
sourceTimer = setTimer(function () outputChatBox("1") killTimer(sourceTimer) end, 1000, 5) 

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Did you try it like this?
local sourceTimer = setTimer(function () outputChatBox("1") killTimer(sourceTimer) end, 1000, 5) 

That won't work, but this might:

local sourceTimer 
sourceTimer = setTimer(function () outputChatBox("1") killTimer(sourceTimer) end, 1000, 5) 

Yeah, I was thinking about this too later. Try it.

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