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MTASA Social Network

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So hey everyone i've been playing MTA SA since i was a kid and since that time i didn't find a place to share my best momenrts my videos and show off my skills...etc well some of you may say there is the forum well it's not a very nice place first the design second it's not really good looking so what about the idea of making a MTA SA Social Network? Share your ideas and what you think about making one? would it be a stupid idea? would it be a good idea? if yes than what do you think should it contains?

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This was always meant to be what community.multitheftauto.com evolved into. We wanted it so you logged into your community account, added friends and everything would be integrated nicely.

The reality is we don't have developers with the skillset to develop something so big anymore. Moreover, we're actually trying to simplify our web infrastructure rather than complicate it further. We don't really have the funds to host and maintain anything too complex.

It's a very interesting point though. I do wish there were some social network that we could integrate directly into. We'd always hoped this could be Steam, but they don't allow 3rd party mods onto their platform. It could be interesting to revisit this.

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Hi fethallah

As I say, we aren't really interested in increasing our web infrastructure at this time. We're in the process of overhauling and downscaling our services right now so aren't looking to expand anything. We would prefer to leverage existing APIs to achieve something like this (Steam, Twitch, etc), which reduces our long-term costs.

Having said that, MTA is open source and there's no reason why you couldn't attempt to produce something like this yourself. Please remember that a large proportion of this task involves developing components for the MTA client itself, so developing the web interface is not sufficient for this project. We're open source, so you're welcome to fork the project and implement this properly.

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