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[Error] So much error's [Help]


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Hello,i just add some new resource's to my server wich is DM Race. And with those resources when i start open my console appear so manny erros,and most of them are lua files and they are not encoded on UTF-8 and after that they load those resource's as ANSI , what means ANSI and UTF-8 ?

[2016-07-22 11:03:57] WARNING: scoreboard/scoreboard_client.lua [Client] is encoded in ANSI instead of UTF-8.  Please convert your file to UTF-8. 
[2016-07-22 11:03:57] Some files in 'scoreboard' use deprecated functions. 
[2016-07-22 11:03:57] Use the 'upgrade' command to perform a basic upgrade of resources. 
[2016-07-22 11:03:59] WARNING: afk/_afk/afk_s.lua [server] is encoded in ANSI instead of UTF-8.  Please convert your file to UTF-8. 
[2016-07-22 11:03:59] Some files in 'afk' use deprecated functions. 
[2016-07-22 11:03:59] Use the 'upgrade' command to perform a basic upgrade of resources. 
[2016-07-22 11:03:59] ERROR: afk\server.lua:135: call: failed to call 'scoreboard:addScoreboardColumn' [string "?"] 
[2016-07-22 11:03:59] WARNING: Script 'afk\_afk\afk_s.lua' is not encoded in UTF-8.  Loading as ANSI... 
[2016-07-22 11:03:59] WARNING: race/nametags.lua(Line 53) [Client] isPlayerDead is deprecated and may not work in future versions. Please replace with isPedDead. 
[2016-07-22 11:03:59] WARNING: race/race_client.lua(Line 1547) [Client] isPlayerDead is deprecated and may not work in future versions. Please replace with isPedDead. 
[2016-07-22 11:03:59] WARNING: race/common/carfade.lua [Client] is encoded in ANSI instead of UTF-8.  Please convert your file to UTF-8. 
[2016-07-22 11:03:59] Some files in 'race' use deprecated functions. 
[2016-07-22 11:03:59] Use the 'upgrade' command to perform a basic upgrade of resources. 
[2016-07-22 11:04:00] INFO: Race resource starting 
[2016-07-22 11:04:00] startResource: Resource 'race_toptimes' started 
[2016-07-22 11:04:00] INFO: 9:42:67 WARNING: Can't use addon radar, as it does not have addon="race" in the info section 
[2016-07-22 11:04:00] INFO: Race onGamemodeStart 
[2016-07-22 11:04:00] ERROR: race\race_server.lua:815: call: failed to call 'scoreboard:addScoreboardColumn' [string "?"] 
[2016-07-22 11:04:00] Gamemode 'Race' started. 

So i want those WARNS / INFO WARNS and ERRORS to get fixed,how can i do it?

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My Notepad++ is set to Spanish, but there is an option in the menu saying Coding or something similar. There you can encode it as UTF8.

Also update the race gamemode removing the deprecated functions and using the last ones.

Thank you. :fadein:

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