Kush Posted July 21, 2016 Share Posted July 21, 2016 (edited) Hello there, I am receiving errors with my DayZ 0.9.8a release I've got, its giving me these errors and I've got no clues why. Error code: [2016-07-21 23:55:05] WARNING: [DayZ]\DayZ\login.lua:186: Bad argument @ 'spawnPlayer' [Expected vector3 at argument 2, got boolean] [2016-07-21 23:55:05] WARNING: [DayZ]\DayZ\login.lua:189: Bad argument @ 'createColSphere' [Expected vector3 at argument 1, got boolean] [2016-07-21 23:55:05] WARNING: [DayZ]\DayZ\login.lua:191: Bad argument @ 'attachElements' [Expected element at argument 1, got boolean] [2016-07-21 23:55:05] WARNING: [DayZ]\DayZ\login.lua:192: Bad argument @ 'setElementData' [Expected element at argument 1, got boolean] [2016-07-21 23:55:05] WARNING: [DayZ]\DayZ\login.lua:193: Bad argument @ 'setElementData' [Expected element at argument 1, got boolean] [2016-07-21 23:55:05] WARNING: [DayZ]\DayZ\login.lua:229: Bad argument @ 'setElementModel' [Expected number at argument 2, got boolean] spawnPlayer (player, x,y,z, math.random(0,360), skin, 0, 0) fadeCamera (player, true) setCameraTarget (player, player) playerCol = createColSphere(x,y,z,1.5) setElementData(player,"playerCol",playerCol) attachElements ( playerCol, player, 0, 0, 0 ) setElementData(playerCol,"parent",player) setElementData(playerCol,"player",true) for i,data in ipairs(playerDataTable) do local elementData = getAccountData(account,data[1]) setElementData(player,data[1],elementData) end setElementData(player,"logged_in",true) setPedStat(source, 69, 0) setPedStat(source, 70, 1000) setPedStat(source, 71, 1000) setPedStat(source, 72, 1000) setPedStat(source, 73, 0) setPedStat(source, 74, 1000) setPedStat(source, 75, 0) setPedStat(source, 76, 1000) setPedStat(source, 77, 1000) setPedStat(source, 78, 1000) setPedStat(source, 79, 1000) setPedStat(source, 80, 1000) setPedStat(source, 81, 1000) --Weapons --Old Weapons local weapon = getElementData(player,"currentweapon_1") if weapon then local ammoData,weapID = getWeaponAmmoType (weapon) giveWeapon(player,weapID,getElementData(player,ammoData), true ) end local weapon = getElementData(player,"currentweapon_2") if weapon then local ammoData,weapID = getWeaponAmmoType (weapon) giveWeapon(player,weapID,getElementData(player,ammoData), false ) end local weapon = getElementData(player,"currentweapon_3") if weapon then local ammoData,weapID = getWeaponAmmoType (weapon) giveWeapon(player,weapID,getElementData(player,ammoData), false ) end setElementModel(player,getElementData(player,"skin")) Suggestions on how to fix this? Edited July 22, 2016 by Guest Link to comment
EstrategiaGTA Posted July 21, 2016 Share Posted July 21, 2016 We can't help you unless you post the full code. There's an error with the player position, which will then also give you errors with the colShape, attachElements, and so on. Link to comment
Kush Posted July 21, 2016 Author Share Posted July 21, 2016 We can't help you unless you post the full code.There's an error with the player position, which will then also give you errors with the colShape, attachElements, and so on. This is the full Login.lua function playerLogin(username, pass, player) local playerID = getAccountData(getPlayerAccount(player),"playerID") account = getPlayerAccount(player) local x,y,z = getAccountData(account,"last_x"),getAccountData(account,"last_y"),getAccountData(account,"last_z") local skin = getAccountData(account,"skin") createZombieTable (player) if getAccountData(account,"isDead") then spawnDayZPlayer(player) return end spawnPlayer (player, x,y,z, math.random(0,360), skin, 0, 0) fadeCamera (player, true) setCameraTarget (player, player) playerCol = createColSphere(x,y,z,1.5) setElementData(player,"playerCol",playerCol) attachElements ( playerCol, player, 0, 0, 0 ) setElementData(playerCol,"parent",player) setElementData(playerCol,"player",true) for i,data in ipairs(playerDataTable) do local elementData = getAccountData(account,data[1]) setElementData(player,data[1],elementData) end setElementData(player,"logged_in",true) setPedStat(source, 69, 0) setPedStat(source, 70, 1000) setPedStat(source, 71, 1000) setPedStat(source, 72, 1000) setPedStat(source, 73, 0) setPedStat(source, 74, 1000) setPedStat(source, 75, 0) setPedStat(source, 76, 1000) setPedStat(source, 77, 1000) setPedStat(source, 78, 1000) setPedStat(source, 79, 1000) setPedStat(source, 80, 1000) setPedStat(source, 81, 1000) --Weapons --Old Weapons local weapon = getElementData(player,"currentweapon_1") if weapon then local ammoData,weapID = getWeaponAmmoType (weapon) giveWeapon(player,weapID,getElementData(player,ammoData), true ) end local weapon = getElementData(player,"currentweapon_2") if weapon then local ammoData,weapID = getWeaponAmmoType (weapon) giveWeapon(player,weapID,getElementData(player,ammoData), false ) end local weapon = getElementData(player,"currentweapon_3") if weapon then local ammoData,weapID = getWeaponAmmoType (weapon) giveWeapon(player,weapID,getElementData(player,ammoData), false ) end setElementModel(player,getElementData(player,"skin")) --setElementModel(source,"skin") setElementData(player,"admin",getAccountData(account,"admin") or false) setElementData(player,"moderator",getAccountData(account,"moderator") or false) end addEvent("onPlayerDayZLogin", true) addEventHandler("onPlayerDayZLogin", getRootElement(), playerLogin) function playerRegister(username, pass, player) local number = math.random(table.size(spawnPositions)) local x,y,z = spawnPositions[number][1],spawnPositions[number][2],spawnPositions[number][3] spawnPlayer (player, x,y,z, math.random(0,360), 73, 0, 0) fadeCamera (player, true) setCameraTarget (player, player) playerCol = createColSphere(x,y,z,1.5) attachElements ( playerCol, player, 0, 0, 0 ) setElementData(playerCol,"parent",player) setElementData(playerCol,"player",true) setPedStat(source, 69, 0) setPedStat(source, 70, 1000) setPedStat(source, 71, 1000) setPedStat(source, 72, 1000) setPedStat(source, 73, 0) setPedStat(source, 74, 1000) setPedStat(source, 75, 0) setPedStat(source, 76, 1000) setPedStat(source, 77, 1000) setPedStat(source, 78, 1000) setPedStat(source, 79, 1000) setPedStat(source, 80, 1000) setPedStat(source, 81, 1000) ---------------------------------- --Player Items on Start for i,data in ipairs(playerDataTable) do if data[1] =="Bandage" then setElementData(player,data[1],2) elseif data[1] =="Painkiller" then setElementData(player,data[1],1) elseif data[1] =="MAX_Slots" then setElementData(player,data[1],8) elseif data[1] =="skin" then setElementData(player,data[1],73) elseif data[1] =="blood" then setElementData(player,data[1],12000) elseif data[1] =="temperature" then setElementData(player,data[1],37) elseif data[1] =="brokenbone" then setElementData(player,data[1],false) elseif data[1] =="pain" then setElementData(player,data[1],false) elseif data[1] =="cold" then setElementData(player,data[1],false) elseif data[1] =="infection" then setElementData(player,data[1],false) elseif data[1] =="food" then setElementData(player,data[1],100) elseif data[1] =="thirst" then setElementData(player,data[1],100) elseif data[1] =="currentweapon_1" then setElementData(player,data[1],false) elseif data[1] =="currentweapon_2" then setElementData(player,data[1],false) elseif data[1] =="currentweapon_3" then setElementData(player,data[1],false) elseif data[1] =="bandit" then setElementData(player,data[1],false) elseif data[1] =="humanity" then setElementData(player,data[1],2500) else setElementData(player,data[1],0) end end account = getAccount(username) local value = getAccounts() local value = #value setElementData(player,"playerID",value+1) setAccountData(account,"playerID",value+1) setElementData(player,"logged_in",true) createZombieTable (player) end addEvent("onPlayerDayZRegister", true) addEventHandler("onPlayerDayZRegister", getRootElement(), playerRegister) function saveAccounts () -- Save in the database local account = getPlayerAccount(source) if account then for i,data in ipairs(playerDataTable) do setAccountData(account,data[1],getElementData(source,data[1])) end local x,y,z = getElementPosition(source) setAccountData(account,"last_x",x) setAccountData(account,"last_y",y) setAccountData(account,"last_z",z) --destroyElement(getElementData(source,"playerCol")) if getElementData(source, "playerCol") then destroyElement(getElementData(source, "playerCol")) end end setElementData(source,"logged_in",false) end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerQuit", getRootElement(), saveAccounts ) function saveAccounts2 () -- Save in the database for i, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local account = getPlayerAccount(player) if account then for i,data in ipairs(playerDataTable) do setAccountData(account,data[1],getElementData(player,data[1])) end local x,y,z = getElementPosition(player) setAccountData(account,"last_x",x) setAccountData(account,"last_y",y) setAccountData(account,"last_z",z) end --setElementData(player,"logged_in",false) end end addEventHandler ( "onResourceStop", getRootElement(), saveAccounts2 ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local vehicleDataTable = { {"MAX_Slots"}, {"Tire_inVehicle"}, {"Engine_inVehicle"}, {"fuel"}, {"Firewood"}, {"Bandage"}, {"Water Bottle"}, {"Pasta Can"}, {"Beans Can"}, {"Cereal"}, {"Box of Matches"}, {"M1911 Mag"}, {"M1911"}, {"M9 SD"}, {"Desert Eagle Mag"}, {"Winchester 1866"}, {"PDW"}, --{"Hunting Knife"}, {"Morphine"}, {"Hatchet"}, {"Poptarts"}, {"Soda Bottle"}, {"Empty Jerry Can"}, {"Full Jerry Can"}, {"Roadflare"}, {"Milk"}, {"PDW Mag"}, {"MP5A5 Mag"}, {"AK Mag"}, {"M4 Mag"}, {"Tear Gas"}, {"Grenade"}, {"Desert Eagle"}, {"Sawn-Off Shotgun"}, {"SPAZ-12 Combat Shotgun"}, {"MP5A5"}, {"Watch"}, {"Medic Kit"}, {"Heat Pack"}, {"Lee Enfield"}, --{"TEC-9"}, {"AK-47"}, --{"M136 Rocket Launcher"}, {"Blood Bag"}, {"GPS"}, {"Map"}, {"Toolbox"}, {"Wire Fence"}, {"Tire"}, {"Engine"}, {"M136 Rocket"}, {"CZ 550 Mag"}, {"Lee Enfield Mag"}, {"M4"}, {"CZ 550"}, --{"Heat-Seeking RPG"}, --{"C4"}, {"Infrared Goggles"}, {"Night Vision Goggles"}, {"Tent"}, {"Raw Meat"}, {"Cooked Meat"}, {"Camouflage Clothing"}, {"Ghillie Suit"}, {"Civilian Clothing"}, {"Bandit1 Clothing"}, {"Bandit2 Clothing"}, {"Military Clothing"}, {"Special Force Clothing"}, {"Survivor Clothing"}, {"Painkiller"}, {"Binoculars"}, {"Empty Water Bottle"}, Link to comment
EstrategiaGTA Posted July 21, 2016 Share Posted July 21, 2016 Are you sure you are logged in and that the login panel logs you in correctly? I found no logIn function there. I am with my mobile so I cannot check it much. I think you either are: *Not logged in. *Or you do not have any last position... Somehow. Link to comment
Kush Posted July 21, 2016 Author Share Posted July 21, 2016 Are you sure you are logged in and that the login panel logs you in correctly? I found no logIn function there. I am with my mobile so I cannot check it much.I think you either are: *Not logged in. *Or you do not have any last position... Somehow. I've got no clue, as far as i can when i press "Login" it dos spawn at last know location, but this only accure when new accounts is created Link to comment
EstrategiaGTA Posted July 22, 2016 Share Posted July 22, 2016 Where is the spawnPositions table? It doesn't exist in the code you gave, so that's why it won't work. Link to comment
Syntrax# Posted July 22, 2016 Share Posted July 22, 2016 Are you sure you are logged in and that the login panel logs you in correctly? I found no logIn function there. I am with my mobile so I cannot check it much.I think you either are: *Not logged in. *Or you do not have any last position... Somehow. I've got no clue, as far as i can when i press "Login" it dos spawn at last know location, but this only accure when new accounts is created How can the script get the Last known location when you registered for the first time.You should add a line to prevent the script from getting last known position when you register Link to comment
Kush Posted July 23, 2016 Author Share Posted July 23, 2016 Are you sure you are logged in and that the login panel logs you in correctly? I found no logIn function there. I am with my mobile so I cannot check it much.I think you either are: *Not logged in. *Or you do not have any last position... Somehow. I've got no clue, as far as i can when i press "Login" it dos spawn at last know location, but this only accure when new accounts is created How can the script get the Last known location when you registered for the first time.You should add a line to prevent the script from getting last known position when you register Oh sorry dident understand the the messages meaning, it dosent get the last know position when register, it gets the last know location when login in. I think i've fixed it aswell, as i do not receive any more errors now. Thanks for the assistance Link to comment
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