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[HELP] : Submarine Script


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:?: how dose this function will be usefull to me

it get the water level . how can if be usefull to me

see the sub marine is a ship

CurrentDepth = 0 
function MoveSubmarine() 
 local Waterlevel = getWaterLevel() 
 local x, y, z = getElementPosition(theobject) 
 local check = isElementInWater(theobject) 
 local vehiclecheck  = isPedInVehicle ( source ) 
if getKeyState( "arrow_u" ) == true and check == true and vehiclecheck  == true then 
CurrentDepth = CurrentDepth + 1 
setElementPosition(theobject, x, y, z - CurrentDepth) 
elseif getKeyState( "arrow_d" ) == true and check == true and vehiclecheck  == true  then 
CurrentDepth = CurrentDepth - 1 
setElementPosition(theobject, x, y, z - CurrentDepth) 

Will make a proper code later on, i'm currently scripting it on my phone.Will fix it once i'm home

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:?: how dose this function will be usefull to me

it get the water level . how can if be usefull to me

see the sub marine is a ship

CurrentDepth = 0 
function MoveSubmarine() 
 local Waterlevel = getWaterLevel() 
 local x, y, z = getElementPosition(theobject) 
 local check = isElementInWater(theobject) 
 local vehiclecheck  = isPedInVehicle ( source ) 
if getKeyState( "arrow_u" ) == true and check == true and vehiclecheck  == true then 
CurrentDepth = CurrentDepth + 1 
setElementPosition(theobject, x, y, z - CurrentDepth) 
elseif getKeyState( "arrow_d" ) == true and check == true and vehiclecheck  == true  then 
CurrentDepth = CurrentDepth - 1 
setElementPosition(theobject, x, y, z - CurrentDepth) 

Will make a proper code later on, i'm currently scripting it on my phone.Will fix it once i'm home

your code is wrong

there is something is undefind like source ?

what is this from where you get is i don't see any event

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i try to do this code but i shoud give the sub freeze and it dosen't drive will when i press w it go forword and left in the same time

addEventHandler( "onClientKey", root, 
local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) 
local x, y, z = getElementPosition(vehicle) 
local rx, ry, rz = getElementRotation(vehicle) 
if isElementInWater(vehicle) then 
if button == "arrow_d" then 
if press == true and getElementModel(vehicle) == 484 then 
setElementPosition(vehicle, x, y, z - 1) 
setElementFrozen(vehicle, true) 
elseif button == "w" then 
if z > -2 then return end 
setElementPosition(vehicle, x, y+1, z) 
elseif button == "s" then 
if z > -2 then return end 
setElementPosition(vehicle, x, y-1, z) 
elseif button == "a" then 
if z > -2 then return end 
setElementPosition(vehicle, x+1, y, z) 
setElementRotation(vehicle, rx, ry, rz+1) 
elseif button == "d" then 
if z > -2 then return end 
setElementPosition(vehicle, x-1, y, z) 
setElementRotation(vehicle, rx, ry, rz-1) 
elseif button == "arrow_u" then 
if press == true and getElementModel(vehicle) == 484 then 
setElementPosition(vehicle, x, y, z + 1) 
if z >= -2 then 
setElementFrozen(vehicle, false) 
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